This hilariously awful banter in the boomer fapping fuel subreddit known as HottiesForTrump

50  2019-07-05 by EasySchmitty


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  1. This hilariously awful banter in th... -,,

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This dude though

No, failureboy ... learn to read :

0> We were censored for allegedly threatening police in Oregon. At least learn why your fascist overlords try to silence us.

1> Trump's casinos collapsed in the wake of the spread of legalized gambling in the late 1980s/early 1990s. He expanded that part of his business thinking he could compete. He couldn't. Big deal. It failed, he recovered. What facts are wrong?

2> I said that Ivanka is better than any of your 2020 candidates. Not you. You are worthless. I said your 2020 candidates which are worth a lot to us for comedy gold. It will be BEAUTIFUL watching the ones your TV tells you to support LOSE to Trump again.

2.5> If Biden wins the nomination, you will vote for him anyway. Why? Because you are progammed, fucker.

3> Kamala Harris' education is one a well motivated 10th grader could achieve. She was one of many. The only way she got a foothold in her career was fucking her way to the top. Willie Brown, her FUCKING MENTOR, even said as much!!! He benfited from her oral skills. BTW, I have an MSEE from a school far, far better than Boston University ... like I said, a well motivated 10th grader could earn Harris' degree in no time. I could earn her degree in 18 months if I wanted. My problem is I like being useful and not have to fleece the public to earn a living.

4> Bernie Sanders is a fucking communist. Watch the videos of him back when he honeymooned in the USSR. The man is a big 'C' communist. He uses "Democratic Socialism" to make it sound pretty. He's been on the WRONG side of history his entire life. He is incapable of holding a fucking real job.

5> I dislike all socialists. That is why I am "mad" at you. You vote for people that want more control over my life ... that makes you directly responsible for bullshit I have to pay for that benefits few to nobody.

Oh, for the record, you are going to be trained to like the Koch Brothers soon ... haven't you heard? They're funding a lot of the Democrats that want to keep our borders open. You better go and get yourself upgraded ... you're out of date, NPC.

Fuck off, and have a miserable life, loser!

F R O T H I N G boomer

I don't know what you said, because I've seen another human naked.

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Lmao, you can feel the anger coming from his words. šŸ˜ šŸ˜ šŸ˜ 

And you can tell the tism by the zero indexing

I honestly think boomers might not even classify as humans at this point. Their intelligence levels are reaching rock bottom.

I'm honestly convinced you have a severe learning disability. The poor reading comprehension, the inability to grasp points, the forming of strong opinions on subjects you have no understanding of.

It all adds up.

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If you're not a zoomer you're sub human.

One thing I've noticed over the last few years is Boomers have an so low that they (almost universally and exclusively) as an age group are completely swayed by cutesy linguistic tics. "Right now is a gift. That's why they call it a present" type of shit. They love spelling normal words out as acronyms to unveil the shadowy plot of the inventors of said word ("GOLF means Gentleman Only, Ladies Forbidden" and "KISS means Knights In Satan's Service").

I was hanging out with some of my hippie friends and there was a few Boomers there. One of them I swear to fucking Christ, in the middle of a political discussion, said something like the following:

"Think of money as a river. The river is a current, and it flows to the sea. Hence why we call it the 'currency'. Now what constrains the currency? What guides the river along its way and keeps it in check? That's right, THE BANKS."

I would love to hear a sincere argument that we shouldn't make these people beg in the streets for the Social Security that we slashed by 90%.

They also CANT help Themselves... from capitalizing RANDOM words... or Overusing menacing Ellipses...


We NEED an Age limit for the Internet, I'm getting sick of Coexisting with these retards

One thing I have FOUND out about the INTERNET......"your" never too old to find a group of people to CHAT with.......LOVE it...

I'm confused, what does BU have to do with Kamala Harris? Then again, why am I trying to decrypt a Boomer's train of thought

Probably mixing her with AOC.

Two different female candidates are too complex of a notion for the boomer mind.

Decrypting an enigma machine message from scratch is easier imo

Can anyone fact check the ā€œtrump lost more money than any human in historyā€ claim the other guy was making??

To bad she's either a troll. Or an anti-American racist.

ok lol

Remember the Time Trump didn't realize dropping a bomb on humans would kill humans.

I... donā€™t. Is that real? Is it even important?

Remember the Time Trump let is completely unqualified and honestly kind of dumb daughter meet with all the world leaders who are important.

Who is Jared Kushner and why is he the guy to push Israeli/Saudi relations to the closest theyā€™ve ever been?

Iā€™m convinced most daddy-haters have no idea why they even hate the guy.

Who is Jared Kushner and why is he the guy to push Israeli/Saudi relations to the closest theyā€™ve ever been?

Lmao, what did you mean by this?


There's two rather average black foids in top-all time, nice affirmative action šŸ‘€

Daily reminder that hottiesfortrump exist because attractive Trump supporters are so rare itā€™s possible to catalogue them all in one small subreddit.

the first one's pretty cute tbh, but the second is definitely affirmative action.

Fuck you Media MattersšŸ–•, Fuck you Carlos MazašŸ–•, Fuck You SpezšŸ–•, WE STAND FIRMLY WITH THE_DONALD!! Our shitlords are ready. Vive la Pepe! The 3rd meme war has begun!

Oh wow

That sub is a goldmine for drama. Soyboy lefties trying to negate somewhat attractive trump supporters by screeching about concentration camps and boomer old men(possibly their parents) throwing ā€˜pink haired goblinā€™ insults back at them. Peak retard

dumbass hole

I unironically love this.

lmao the boomers are just throwing ā€œincelā€ around now? What a time.

Imagine your political opinions becoming such a large part of your identity that you can't even crank your dick to a girl unless she's wearing a MAGA hat