NOTICE to all rightoids (white supremacists), /r/drama is a leftist sub, it's always been a leftist sub and it always will be, see our diverse mod team for reference. Your presence is only tolerated as you dance on command like the trained monkeys you are.

84  2019-07-05 by JumbledFun


The fact that OP isn't perma-banned from this subreddit for repeatedly telling people to kill themselves says a lot about the political leanings of this subreddit TBH.

Is it really a threat though when the chance for them to succeed is non existent?


Keep yourself safe, friendo

Yikes, let's unpack this

Hey Miracle Mineral Solution is a sacrament from the good Lord above, don't hate on religious beliefs

Miracle Mineral Solution

No idea what you're taking about.

Yo what the fuck you stupid nigger.

Every time I even hint at it (still ironically), I get banned.

Eat shit.

Well, maybe if you were directing it at Trump supporters instead of women and minorities you wouldn't be banned. It's not that hard.

Imagine being bussyblasted about subhumans being told to kill themselves.

I spend more time with women on any given Tuesday than any unloved, lonely shut-in Chapo poster has in his whole fucking life. I might make jokes about women on /r/drama, but IRL I'm one of the fucking girls and fine with it.

When any of them open up to me about their experiences with harassment or assault, it is never - NEVER. FUCKING. EVER. - about a MAGA bro or a frat boy. It is always at the hands of some sensitive feminist "woke" boy.

The "frat boy rapist" thing is a myth that dangerous dudes like this are happy to perpetuate, because it takes the heat off of them, i.e. the real threats to the goddamn wimminz.


  1. NOTICE to all rightoids (white supr... -,

I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers

It's a centrist subreddit.

That's just a meme, keep up

It's a good sub!

That was a meme

does ur gay run on title come with an adderall prescription or do u expect everyone here to have one already

How is my title gay? Words can't be gay, only two men loving each other is gay, and it's a beautiful thing. Are you implying that gay is an insult are thus using it as a pejorative?

it's gay because it's a whole paragraph u dumb nerd go read a book

I think you have some projection issues to work through, it's ok to be gay, just be true to yourself

but books are long and scary

It's gay because a faggot like you typed it

Those cant be mods, way too skinny

And cis

this is a server of the radical center, cracker

watch your language, nigger

you cant say the gamer word here, sorry. you can only say that in r/KotakuInAction

Imagine being hurt by a word.

im hurt that you're appropriating gamer vocabulary

Dance like trained monkeys

Gif of a black guy dancing

Nice work you retard

Of course a racist like yourself would jump to that conclusion. I'm shocked your post didn't include the hard r


What did you fargot? Your car keys?


I'm surprised you still believe that niggers are people.

Truly upholding those leftwing values 🀣 πŸ˜‚ 🀣

Let's get POZZED, yall!

What does your username mean? You positively love barebacking?

Sex+ baby

You have some issues, most Trump supporters are pedophiles though so your comment is not surprising

Well, I'm gay so

HIV+ bussy

Wanna have a standard pool party with like 100 to 120 guys?

Easy with the references here. TDS doesn’t mean what you think it does on this sub

Youll find me hangin from a rope in da bathroom

No dishes, nothing!!!

A literal libtard on our sub.




Why do people seethe at stupid meme posts nowadays. Just ignore if it's boring and upvote if it's funny it's not that hard people

Tell the magacels

Sounds like you're "seething" more about people using downvotes as intended.

If it's not funny then it's not for this sub.

Maybe, you know, just try to be more than unfunny faggot.

I bet you were that kid in class who would tell a joke then laugh at it without realizing that everyone is staring at you like a fucking retard.


Project harder

Wow he's so funny guys, come laugh

If you come into this sub and you are not prepared to get bussy blasted, you need to leave.

Another hour another thread SEETHING over rightoids

Who's seething more, the guy shitposting or the people downvoting and typing in the comments πŸ€” it's a mystery

The guy who shitposts but is clearly furious that rightoids are allowed to post here

I don't see where you're getting that indication. All I see is a funny gif and a funny shitpost. Meanwhile ppl are downvoting it like monkeys and proving that the migration problem is devastating the drama community

You know people might just downvote something because it's not funny. It doesn't mean they're totally owning all the rightoids.

I mean just the seething it generated alone is worth an upvote. Also it's fucking r/Drama every post is stupid. Just ignore the ones you don't like and upvote the ones you do, why do you have to downvote? Does it help you reach climax?

Sounds like some serious COPE

People think that to be a lolcows (If you downvote lolcows you're a faggot), all you have to do to become one is to disagree.

Nah dude, if you wanna be a lolcow, at least say something retarded enough for me to chuckle at.

But you're a radical centrist right? πŸ˜…πŸ˜†πŸ˜„πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜‚πŸ˜πŸ˜†πŸ˜…πŸ˜„πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜‚πŸ˜πŸ˜€

Going by your downvotes, it's truly a wonder πŸ€”

Whenever leftoids seethe with these shitposts, rightoids always manage to seethe at a level 10x higher πŸ˜‚


I don't think you know what seething means.

Especially when my face has been resting for past 5 mins while reading comments of this thread, and it rarely happens in this sub.

It's worth repeating so I will. My face has been resting for past 5 mins.

Smiling/laughing requires way less muscles than actually being upset at something, and you cannot even make anyone chuckle, you're just that unfunny.


I'm sorry your face has been resting chingchongcel. Shitposting is funny

You call that shitposting?

OPs shitpost. Sorry your English no good

Maybe I was unclear or something, let me try again...

You call that shitposting?

You wanna try resting your face in my lap?

Imagine writing all of that

I was gonna ping our one man rightoid death squad miltonfriedmanisbae1 to the thread but you can't even ping mods in here, like some admin wrote some code to specifically forbid it and then turned it on, what about the free market, what about liberty

You can't ping anyone here, at all, even if you try.

It is somehow hardcoded for this sub

The slaves must rise up to overthrow their masters

who the fuck are you

Leftist sub? Some deep roleplaying going on these last two months.

This is not a leftist sub. It’s β€œcentrist” leaning right lol

It's centrist, not "centrist", retard.

Seethe harder

What is there to seethe about?

The only thing you can invoke in someone else is feeling sorry.

You're completely buttmad all over this thread. You fragile little pussy

Where am I mad?

Key and Peele has a great skit on this aerobics championship.

I know this is a joke because the left doesn't tolerate any entertainment from before the 90s.

But this implies that this libtard isn't a libtard because he made a joke...

And he is, in fact. a libtard. This is very serious, even if retarded.



an unironic β€œdeal with it” gif?

shut the fuck up boomer

Hey, I like dancing.

you dance on command like the trained monkeys you are

Rightoid response. Looks like this hypothesis has just been upgraded to a theory 😎😎😎

Looks like you don't know what hypothesis nor theory means.

Haha did you get yourself deported you angry little nerd?

Allah is a commie😍

so what are your thoughts on chapo

Bunch of limp wristed commie retards

TBH they arent commie enough, we need to go more commie

Dammit how dare you disillusion me! I thought I had finally found the elusive dream sub of reddit, a place where quality vicious mockery flowed like a river, a fetid coagulated river, and hot steaming shit-post sandwiches were handed out with out limit to every fool and incel and tryhard and dumbass and lardass with their reeing face stuck to a keyboard with dried up honey mussy, without regard for color or creed or country.

And now I find out it was all a quivering fetid mound of lies? My latest set of Presidential Primary collectible bongs is here, and I don't even want to look at them.

Smug statist fuckers.