Tankie furry throws out a zoophile accusation against two other furries, before proceeding to fight with a "famous furry journalist" 🤢🤢🤮 in the comments

150  2019-07-05 by FurryPornApostate


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Fuck you I do what I want

jesus fuck, you people. I've now unsubscribed, which is a shame, because a lot of greentexts are genuinely funny, but this alt-right underbelly is just unbearable.


  1. Tankie furry throws out a zoophile ... - archive.org, archive.today, removeddit.com

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I wish I could go back in time and have a drink with Karl Marx. And tell him how there’s a McDonalds on every corner and many of his worshippers dress up as dogs and fuck each other.

Showing Marx his average follower would honest to god be so savage I don’t think I can even support it. You would have to ease him into it.


Marx was a NEET himself though.

Exactly, was about to point out he never worked a day in his life and mooched off his friends and family

Chance is high he would be yiffing along with his devotees

He still loved to bash his homies for degeneracy and shit if I remember correctly. Typical commie projection

Reminds me of this glorious image

What the fuck did I just read?

A lover's quarrel.

Can you explain it please?

I mean it is unintelligible garbage but it seems some shit went down about sex that may or may not have been consensual. Plus there is some nonsense about exes and at that point I figured this is some fursex version of days of our lives.

It's... actually almost fractally deep.

Zilchexo, the op in the link, is a furry with what seems to be a colorful history, has posted a juicy callout accusing simstart, a furry reddit mod of being a rapist, and another reddit user, of being a zoosadist (someone who gets off on raping and deliberately hurting animals). First chunk of the document is apologizing for various furry sins like being a horrible human being. Callout fails. patch_ofur, semi-wokey furry drama muckraker shows up and dunks on Zilchexo's callout. Slap fight ensues in comments.

But I thought only white women fucked dogs?

white gays do it too I guess

It's called the peanut butter trick

The reason the patch dude showed up is because the Z douche pinged him there wanting him to participate in the call out and then gets assmad when he refuses.


I have never been happier to have absolutely no fucking clue what I just read

TBH its kinda weak drama for the sticky but the comment drama here is good. Als I am glad marco is (?) back.


The fact that we don’t institutionalize these people is criminal.

I really wish the "why_we_need_Islam" acct would activate again

Be the change you want to see

Actually I think I'm the resident drama imma... That's sad.

You fuck bird woman in Muslim heaven. Mohammed was a furry.

There only way to institutionalize people on Reddit is to report them to the admins when they threaten self harm. They take that shit pretty seriously.

Institutionalizing is expensive. Bullets on the other hand...

furry journalism

We are beyond parody

And somehow the furry journalist was not the worst one involved

Uwu furry hugs to you too

You posted about 'furring with autism', but isnt every furry severly autistic anyway?

*fursuiting, *severely. One should be careful not to use bad spelling or grammar if trying to make insinuations about other people's social skills.

Furscience is a group of researchers who do studies at furry cons, and they find about a 14-15% rate. https://twitter.com/furscience/status/1028316403474944006

This seems a lot higher than in the general population, which is really fascinating and I'm glad they are there to give it professional study. It also makes me wonder about the 20% or so of furries who do fursuiting, is the rate even higher there because of the healthy benefits? I'd love to give this more attention. :)

I pray there is a god if only so you worthless piles of fat and grease, mistakenly referred to as humans, have to answer to him.

Someone make this a fucking Snappy right now

Everything you just said made me enjoy the visualization of the furricide that popped into my head. It was beautiful

While I appreciate the corrections in your comment, they are totally undermined by your link that discusses "sciencing."

They're really nice and smart people though and are probably more reliable for this than anyone else you could find. Academics trying to sound cool are still nerds :P

This seems a lot higher than in the general population

It’s because autists and furries are both disgusting and have low standards of personal appearance and hygiene. It’s really not complicated.

tbh the dogpatch lad is downright sane here. He's just like "fuck you and your gay-ass callout." Based tbh. I always enjoy watching these types of morons get roasted.

This is life in the Current year +4

not only is "furry journalism" a thing, apparently, a seperation exists betweeen "famous" and "nonfamous" furry journos.

So i'm totally happy being kid free and not forcing some unlucky unborn to have to expierence this post post post modern hellsacpe

I'm not a furry and even I've heard of dogpatch press.

...mostly because I follow furry drama because it's amazing, but still.


from the subs name I thought it was some kind of furry communism thing

You're right on both counts.

I would laugh about the pedophile/zoophile furries eating their own but knowing furries, they're all vore fetishists who thoroughly enjoyed this. Day of the molting fursuit cannot come soon enough.

BTW have you ever thought about the fact that if you lock up a zoophile furry with a rat fursona in prison, it's essentially like sending a sex addict into a brothel?

I still find it stupid that Zil’s making up lies about Sim raping made up people to try and cover up that they’re a pedophile

Explain. We are more than all ears.

Since you wanna defend someone who wants to fuck babies if I’m understanding your mockery correctly, okay.



https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/595305457338417163/595331186960760953/unknown.png Daisy was under 18

https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/595305457338417163/595349133297057814/unknown.png More from Daisy, still under 18 (Zil knew that even)

And word of mouth from some of their ex-friends of Zil’s desire to see the age of consent lowered

Since you wanna defend someone who wants to fuck babies if I’m understanding your mockery correctly, okay.

Oh no, you are absolutely misunderstanding. No mockery was intended just trying to get background on the subject because you seem involved somehow some way.

But holy shit do the authorities not have an eye on this guy? Because they really should.

Yeah I realized that and sorry for that small snap there, kinda riled up from some other stuff rn and they don’t because nobody thought about it or did their best to avoid having the stuff ever happen again until the anime incident and their attempts to harass Sim happened

the anime incident

Sigh you mentioned this twice so far... I'm a complete n00bie to this world so you may have to fill me in on it.

Sorry in advance, just mad curious

Sorry, basically some really toxic anime fans started going apeshit on twitter, furry twitter went after some that were actually nice, and then Zil went into a twitter thread of five of them and in the end got the server spied on and their twitter at that time (kodiak_zil, which I now realize is in reference to the zodiac killer more than the camera due to other things) banned and almost got IP banned too since that was their third suspended account

toxic anime fans started going apeshit on twitter

Not for nothing bit this is SOP forthat lot and if not expected that's kinda on you. It's their raîson d'etre... their north star.

By toxic I meant they intentionally harassed people and were into shota or whatever the term is and they all had some weird sleeper cell moment and the okay people had to deal with the angry furries because of that, which then led to Zil’s stupid move. sorry if I did choose some bad wording on that

This is a part of the internet I'll never understand... And I grew up on Usenet ffs

Uhh.... I have no fucking clue what you just said.

Smh why would you harass a good boybussy loving citizen?

which then lead to Zil's stupid move

What was the stupid move?

I was 17 when that second thing happened with Daisy. I was freshly 18 on the second one and yeah I probably should not have but Daisy shouldn't have had an AD.

As for the screenshots they've been taken out of context, I was talking about fiction with different species and stuff, I was just using inflammatory language to talk about it. Very select part of the conversation there.

Alt because I'm banned from here.

She didn’t have an AD, they’ve admitted and shown more pics to show you were making unwanted advances onto them with your vore rp, and get banned again loser

I don't know what I was talking about then. My apologies, I hadn't really properly adjusted to being 18 yet. And yes they told me the advances were unwanted (despite their positive response at the time) and I apologized and we never did anything like that again.

1: I was 13 in both of those screenshots 2: there was no positive response, I was asking you questions because it was late at night and I thought you were being so creepy that it was fucking hilarious. this was before I could properly process that you were, in fact, being a fucking freak

I already apologized. I don't have anything more to add. I'm sorry I can't do more.

The only thing you can do to fix it is to be a better person and make amends for the hurt you’ve caused. So many people tried to love you and you hurt all of them until they couldn’t bare it anymore. They tried so hard because they loved you but they just couldn’t deal with it. You’re going down a deep, dark hole again and you need to drag yourself out of it before it consumes you entirely. The only thing I want is for you to get better.

god, fuck off with these worthless platitudes. how many people who were so generous and forgiving with you gave you chance after chance after worthless fucking chance day in and day out to get better, to improve yourself, to do something more than fuck everyone over, only for you to fuck it all up by being a shithead or an asshole or dragging someone into something they didn't fucking want? "i can't do more" FUUUUCK OFF. do you know how many fucking people you've hurt with this bullshit, or how many people you've hurt period by being a narcissistic shit-for-brains who can never admit to any sort of wrongdoing? do you care? do you have any sort of fucking empathy for the people whose lives you make miserable and just want you to leave them the fuck alone? do you not get why everybody abandoned you, or why things are the way they are?

do you not realize that you--not anybody else, you--are the cause of so much pain and agony in the communities you frequent because you would rather burn everything to fucking ground and ruin everything for everyone than admit that for once, in your life, you are fucking incorrect? that you don't have all the answers? that you say stupid shit sometimes like "9 year olds can theoretically consent in the perfect circumstances"? that not everybody you dislike is a scapegoat for your own failures in life or responsible for your fuck ups, and that not everybody is out to fucking get you?

that, at the end of the day, you're just like the people you've tried so hard to escape from?

if you had any modicum of brains, you'd recognize what a categorical fucking joke it is to say "I'm sorry I can't do more.", grow the fuck up, and drop the petty grudges and stupid gripes about fictitious rape stories you have with everybody instead of escalating it from petty discord drama to idiotic reddit drama to shit involving meme furry journalists--but i'm sure you won't listen because you have a fucking library of excuses to ignore me or whatever nowadays. and that's fine, go right ahead. i've already spent way too much time trying to help you when it's obvious you don't give a shit.

but, deep down, just remember: i was right when i said "you act like everybody is too good for you and complain about how toxic everybody else is, but never reflect on why it is that everybody around you is "toxic"" and that you'd burn all your friends down.

You can type 10,000 characters and you decided that these were the one's that you wanted.

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bad bot

No bully >:(

I would respond to you if I thought it would be productive but past attempts have not borne any fruit. You're not wrong about some of that though.

what are you doing the mozzarella sticks are burning in the oven

give up already Zil, you've lost and your lies have already been called out. Everyone knows you've doctored up everything to fit your fibs and because of that we all know now of your horrible, toxic ways, now get off the internet forever and never come back.

My apologies, I hadn't really properly adjusted to being 18 yet.

Man that is... the most bizarre attempt to make excuses for being a sex predator. I don't think I've ever heard that one before. Bravo for the creativity.

Bro this is amazing. 10/10 receipts. Post this kinda stuff here any time.

Holy shit though those last screenshots what the fuck. Is he fucking trying to vore RP with an underage person who's trying to get him to stop?

I came out to my family that I'm into anal vore.

Let me elaborate.

I'm a male in my early 20's. If you were to ask me who I am, the 1st thing I would instantly say is "l am an anal vore fanatic". Its who I am. It’s my identity. Anal vore is my life, and it felt important enough for me to tell my friends and family. I decided the best way to tell them would be to have an anal vore "coming-out party", though didn't tell them that the party was going to be about anal vore ahead of time. I'm not stupid. I knew they would look it up in Google and see a bunch of stupid things and criticisms by trolls about it, so I decided that to make the best impression of anal vore I would have to present it to them myself.

I ordered pizzas and planned a lot of fun activities we could do that would explain to my friends and family what anal vore is.

It started when they came in through the door. I gave everyone a sealed envelope and told them not to open it until I said so. When everyone had arrived (grandparents, aunts and uncles, my parents, 3 of my cousins, and a couple non-family friends), I announced what the purpose of the party was and had them open the envelopes. I had commissioned a popular artist that I really like to draw sketches of each of my family members/friends anal voring me, and printed these pictures out and put them in the envelope (he agreed to do the sketches for $5/each BTW so it wasn't too expensive for me). Everyone kinda laughed and a couple of them were confused when explained (my grandpa got kind of mad at me though). I basically explained to them that I'm into anal vore and what it is. I don't think they took it very well though because they joked a lot about it (they kept asking if I was serious or if I was joking). A couple people (my parents and grandparents mostly) seemed upset though, unfortunately.

The next part of the party was I hooked up my laptop to my TV with an HDMI cable and I started showing them my favorite anal vore pictures that I had saved on my computer. This is where the party kind of took a turn for the worse. One of my uncles got really mad and started calling me names (l don't want to repeat them here) but my aunt defended me.

We argued for a bit and most of my family left at that point... I kept showing them the anal vore pictures I saved but they started leaving and only my cousins and close friends chose to remain and look at the pictures with me. What did I do wrong? Is this basically something that only younger people enjoy? Because I'm pretty sure my grandparents hated anal vore (l still love them though even if we can't see eye to eye on this subject that's extremely important to me).

Anyways the next part of the party that I had planned for so long and was expecting to be a bit hit was a kind of interactive anal-vore reading game. I had printed out one of my favorite anal vore stories and wanted to pass around the story and we would all read a part aloud, but that didn't really go as planned. One of my cousins said they thought it was "creepy"...? I tried to convince her that it'd be cool but no one wanted to do it. I had to read the story myself but when they started talking to each other about things NOT related to anal vore I kind of gave up

The party kind of fizzled out. We just watched TV for a bit, I kept talking about anal vore a bit (but not as much as I wanted) and after the party was over everyone (the people who were left at the end, anyway) finally left.

Did I do anything wrong? Should I try to do the party again, because I think they may have interpreted my interest wrong? It’s really important for me and I want them to know, but how can I communicate my love of anal vore to my family members who are specifically picky about such issues, such as my uncle who was intolerant of me? Any advice would be greatly appreciated

Posts like this is why I do Heroine.

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I've met more coherent downies

Not going to edit but you have to remember only a few "furrrrnatics" here understand the background and the rest of the class would love to get a deeper understanding of the current status of affairs.

Basically Zil went against the anime people, they found out nasty stuff, others dug deeper and we found nastiness over time. They have some weird obsessive hate with SimStart and his friends, Zil having even said that they ‘had dirt’ on Sim’s server a year ago, then Sim broke up with the person they were dating (Sim asked me to not call them by name) and said person teamed up with Zil to make a handful of lies and edited screenshots to try and ruin Sim’s life because a) sim’s ex wanted revenge for the breakup (which barely worked) and b) try to advert the attention to Zil’s nastiness to their alt account Eltnas as you make people forget that they were a pedophile, harassed a bunch of people, and even defended incest (which did not work out at all)

Let me guess kept the same typing style and let others know if his previous handle after not too long?

They ran Eltnas on here and discord before admitting in a Discord DM and then on the dossier that it was an alt account (which they did at the worst time since they tried to make the alt account into being a ‘credible’ victim by that point)

If I'm reading you right this dude tried to weasel back into the discord but also tried to ready on his last persona for quickness sake?

They made a server just for the accusations against Sim and made Eltnas into the writer of the dossier and later a rape victim, in a DM with someone I know Zil admitted that Eltnas was them and since that became public the Eltnas account also failed as the scapegoat for the writing of it all. On here they directly had it as an alt account and none of us put two and two together until the DM confession

I'm sure some had their... Suspicions tbh

So who was having carnal relations with canines?

Guy named autumn, but in reality it was zil that had taken screenshots out of context to try and lie to accuse the guy because he was a part in banning him from a server. (Probably unsurprising that he was banned..)

So Zil was actually hiding his dog humping ways or what.

Fuck I am confused.

Nah, i know zil’s a pedo but no idea if he likes dogs. He just accused a user he disliked of humping dogs by fabricating screenshots so he could look more credible, but look where that got him.

Don't get me wrong, all furrys are degenerate but at least you stand up to Libertarians amongst yourselves.

This story's total bullshit. I got the screenshots from a thread @rahliitou made on Twitter and SimStart himself later verified that all of those people have zoophilic tendencies of various sorts. I've made mistakes but I'm no pedo.

From people that know autumn, he literally goes out of his way to get people away from anything zoo related as he does not want any animals hurt. Those tweets were taken down for a reason, it was all out of context. The voring a mouse thing for example was a joke that everyone just rolled with because of how ridiculous it sounds.

How did your life end up here?

The voring a mouse thing for example was a joke

That's not what Sim said. Autumn probably also did things to the corpse of a bird he hunted, but whatever.

He's literally dating a zoophile, trying to get him away from that stuff or not, and participated in a zoophilia chat, whether it was to bust it or not. Whether he is or isn't a zoophile, he has befriended at least 7 and thinks looking at videos isn't morally wrong. It looks extremely suspicious at the least.

I'm repurposing the Dossier in the next few days, hopefully sooner rather than later. It's going to be less one-sided, less of a personal attack, and I may make it private entirely, I don't know yet. I'm still highly suspicious of these two individuals but I don't think they're necessarily dangerous beyond a shadow of a doubt any more.

IDK who told you the screenshots were fabricated but it's not even a lie, it's just bullshit like the sky is green.

Send it to Dogpatch Press, he'll probably be interested in it.

I've had this in mind but I've been hesitant. Atlanta Police basically shrugged me off on the zoo charges so I might.

Sometimes I'll read something so completely ridiculous and a random historical figure will pop into my head. "What the fuck would Martin Luther King Jr say if he read this?"

I think Hobbes would see this and whisper to himself "Nailed it"

tfw you were completely right about everything and that is terrible

He warned us of the mayos

P. sure he'd abandon his forgiving christian ways and call for fire and brimstone tbh

To everyone here, Zil posted on r/realfyrryhours (a sub I moderate) and we are talking between Zil and Sim right now. Zil has almost no proof against Sim, whereas Sim has provided us with sufficient proof that he is in fact NOT a rapist. Zil has even said himself that he has unreliable sources or he didn't research enough. Zil also thinks that 9 year olds can consent, so I would be very careful of this individual.

You are a fucking high schooler, furry, reddit Jannie.

You still have fucking time kid. Get some god damn counseling.

I'm ignoring this because I have no idea why I need counseling or why you care about what my bio says.

Theirs time still.


Bro stop dressing up like an animal. 😕

Why are people downvoting this glorious bringer of drama and receipts?

RUDE tbh

Thank you! People completely skip over what I have to say and just jump to that fact that I'm a "dog fucking furry." Very mature, people. Very mature. This is why I stay away from this sub.

Oh yeah we're genuinely awful people. But it's a faux paus to downvote or chase away bringers of fresh, fresh drama. 😤

We've got some new lads here who are NOT UP ON THE SUBREDDIT ETIQUETTE. Get it together, lads.

Rightoid drama, yes.

Tranny drama, sure why not.

Furfag drama, well that's too much degeneracy for me.

You have to go back.

I've been here for years ese

And you still have to go back to wherever you came from if you don't appreciate the pure glory of insane furry drama.


I guess I'm not cool enough to understand this.

dog fucking furry

Gross. I'm a proud horsefucking brony. That's the real way to be.

[That's the #1 distinction between furries and bronies: accuse them of fucking animals and watch the response]

Quit masturbating to animals faggot.

I came out to my family that I'm into anal vore.

Let me elaborate.

I'm a male in my early 20's. If you were to ask me who I am, the 1st thing I would instantly say is "l am an anal vore fanatic". Its who I am. It’s my identity. Anal vore is my life, and it felt important enough for me to tell my friends and family. I decided the best way to tell them would be to have an anal vore "coming-out party", though didn't tell them that the party was going to be about anal vore ahead of time. I'm not stupid. I knew they would look it up in Google and see a bunch of stupid things and criticisms by trolls about it, so I decided that to make the best impression of anal vore I would have to present it to them myself.

I ordered pizzas and planned a lot of fun activities we could do that would explain to my friends and family what anal vore is.

It started when they came in through the door. I gave everyone a sealed envelope and told them not to open it until I said so. When everyone had arrived (grandparents, aunts and uncles, my parents, 3 of my cousins, and a couple non-family friends), I announced what the purpose of the party was and had them open the envelopes. I had commissioned a popular artist that I really like to draw sketches of each of my family members/friends anal voring me, and printed these pictures out and put them in the envelope (he agreed to do the sketches for $5/each BTW so it wasn't too expensive for me). Everyone kinda laughed and a couple of them were confused when explained (my grandpa got kind of mad at me though). I basically explained to them that I'm into anal vore and what it is. I don't think they took it very well though because they joked a lot about it (they kept asking if I was serious or if I was joking). A couple people (my parents and grandparents mostly) seemed upset though, unfortunately.

The next part of the party was I hooked up my laptop to my TV with an HDMI cable and I started showing them my favorite anal vore pictures that I had saved on my computer. This is where the party kind of took a turn for the worse. One of my uncles got really mad and started calling me names (l don't want to repeat them here) but my aunt defended me.

We argued for a bit and most of my family left at that point... I kept showing them the anal vore pictures I saved but they started leaving and only my cousins and close friends chose to remain and look at the pictures with me. What did I do wrong? Is this basically something that only younger people enjoy? Because I'm pretty sure my grandparents hated anal vore (l still love them though even if we can't see eye to eye on this subject that's extremely important to me).

Anyways the next part of the party that I had planned for so long and was expecting to be a bit hit was a kind of interactive anal-vore reading game. I had printed out one of my favorite anal vore stories and wanted to pass around the story and we would all read a part aloud, but that didn't really go as planned. One of my cousins said they thought it was "creepy"...? I tried to convince her that it'd be cool but no one wanted to do it. I had to read the story myself but when they started talking to each other about things NOT related to anal vore I kind of gave up

The party kind of fizzled out. We just watched TV for a bit, I kept talking about anal vore a bit (but not as much as I wanted) and after the party was over everyone (the people who were left at the end, anyway) finally left.

Did I do anything wrong? Should I try to do the party again, because I think they may have interpreted my interest wrong? It’s really important for me and I want them to know, but how can I communicate my love of anal vore to my family members who are specifically picky about such issues, such as my uncle who was intolerant of me? Any advice would be greatly appreciated


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I agree.


Can a human being even contain that much retardation, and if so for how long?

It's called moving to Seattle because you think it will make your life better.

Nigga that sub has 800 people how do you find this shit?

Lmao this is easily one of the dumbest posts on this shithole of a subreddit. Y'all are idiots.

Now ban me daddy OwO

Why would we ban you? We're not chapocels who can't take the bants.

"Chapocels" ok buddy




Why is laughing at furries retarded?

There's literally no reason for it besides manufactured drama such as this. Why on earth do you even care about other people's business?

Are you mad because you want to fuck animals?


He asked if the reason for are seething (and you are) is because you yourself are a furry and/or dogfucker. You are acting the same as a rightoid when there's a post about Trump's latest retardation.

I'm so proud

Furries generate some of the best drama online, you are seriously missing out if you discount it.

This is absolutely untrue. It’s like chapo, you get a bunch of mentally ill life failures together and you create beautiful dramacoin

Chapo isn't the sub full of mentally ill life failures. You need to look at yourself and realize that you're so desperate for some kind of meaning that your harassing people online.

Have you ever looked at their surveys?

Yes, I have looked at their surveys. Have you?

10% trans, over 40% live at Home. Over 40% make less than 20k.

They are the gift that keeps on giving

Literally most of them are teens I don't see what your point is now why living at home, being poor, or being trans warrants being loathed but I mean if that's your train of thought I don't want to be ableist

I don’t loath chapos. They are some of the best lolcows this site has

"I think the Iraq war was a mistake"

"Haha fucking retard I love watching you s e e t h e"

The Iraq war was a mistake and 40% of chapos live at home

Everyone lives at home that's what a home is

This is next level chapo coping lol


My man. I need to get you some hog shots

Listen I think we have a really good foundation for a long lasting friendship here but I have to ask does it violate the rules of Reddit to stick a pencil up your dick

depends what sub. And I’m sorry but please use proper terminology.

Personally? Do what makes you happy. But stick to graphite.

Bruh that's kinda cringe dude not a good look bruh

Actually I know I've been screwing around and being a dick this whole time but thank you so much for this it's beautiful

This is drama there is no other point

Read the thread again. The involved people are now arguing. The thread has been upgraded to a A- come a C+.

I wasn't expecting all the furries to descend onto this thread

But it's fucking amazing, isn't it? Look at all this fucking drama, it's 10/10.

Are furries an untapped drama vein?

The fact that the people(animals?) involved in the drama came to the thread and started arguing really is the cherry on top.

It's genuinely beautiful. This is what every /r/drama thread should strive to be.

It almost feels like back when pinging was allowed


OwO get the fuck out of my /r/drama

I know I shouldn’t care what people do behind close doors, but man furrys have bother me since 2005. Yiff in hell.

Welcome to /r/BarkMarx, a community of furries who want to seize the means of prOwOduction

Mayocide fucking when

Welcome to /r/BarkMarx, a community of furries who want to seize the means of prOwOduction.

What is wrong with furries that they write things like that? You never see anal enthusiasts starting fucking political subs

Commie furries

Hans bring the zyklon

Who would've thought a furry would be a commie?

I am at a loss of words that sub exists

I hear that mixing ammonia and bleach can help with this problem.

Furries make the dramacoin stock go up for free 😍

Why in the fuck is this shit still stickied.