What do you all think about the commie/anarchist idea of accelerationism?

28  2019-07-05 by AngryDeity

They really think if society collapses they'll finally get their 'utopia'. Some of them actually think humanity will die in 100 years.


Lol who cares

lol at the retard who thinks the U.S. needs to import food

I think that any form of agenda posting should be a bannable offense.

When society collapses, im getting a raping/murdering crew of burly white racist guys to violently sodomize all reddit trannys.

"Leave your soyboy bussy and walk away. Just walk away and I'll give you sage passage."

Net positive for dramacoin. In favor.

I think its bullshit because historically, revolutions tend to happen after the would-be revolutionaries in question are granted some sort of concession, or see an improvement to their quality of life. The idea of a population that revolts after being pushed to the brink is narratively compelling but ultimately false. Societal collapse would probably end in an even more brutal consolidation of power.

Right wingers have accelerationists too, they seem to think pretty much the same process will happen but with day of the rope instead of workers paradise.

I'm gonna disagree, accelerationism is probably the way for a socialist revolution to happen imo. I've been reading Steven Kotkins Stalin trilogy and he basically asserts Stalin figured out that a socialist revolution requires a catalyst, and for Russia it was WWI. he thought WWII would cause a global socialist revolution, he just hoped it would be limited to capitalist-on-capitalist infighting.

He was obviously wrong about a global revolution, but I'd agree that if any sort of major revolution were it happen it could only happen under tremendously bad circumstances. Here's to hoping it doesn't happen.

I mean bussy lmao

The problem with that is believing society is a progression to socialism. Do you really think that when shit hits the fan and people can't feed their families that they'll care about the exact solution to their problems will be? You have an equal chance of a fascist revolution.

You can't control chaos and that's why accelerationism is a braindead idea.

Accerationists legitimately trigger me. It is the refuge of brain addled extremists who require one final coping mechanism once they accept that they have no chance of making everyone else go along with their ludicrous ideas for how they imagine society must function.

It is a legitimately dangerous worldview, a mind virus that thrives on madness and suffering. The Christchurch shooter was the perfect embodiment of what happens when you follow this nihilistic philosophy to its final conclusion.

Fuck accelerationists. I hope bad things happen to them, and that they suffer alone - in Minecraft

Sounds like seriousposting to me. I am extremely pro accelerationism attempts from all sides of the political spectrum because it produces great drama. Vanilla communism and white nationalism just produces chapos and boomers, but accelerationism produces exciting terrorism.

Well, if you’re a sociopath more power to you or whatever.

Drama can be extremely enjoyable and entertaining when it’s just a bunch of weirdos making other weirdos seeth. But because I still have a substantial portion of normal brain function remaining, I actually don’t find people dying super funny.

clearly aware of the function of the subreddit

still posting serious political takes in it


Dude I dunno, I’m keeping the bar - real real low - mass murder isn’t funny - and that seems to be irritating you more than is reasonable.

Vlad the Impaler laughs at your naivety.

Yes, you fucking smoothbrain, I'm obviously irritated by you thinking people dying isn't funny, and not you making empty political statements that everyone agrees with in a slowly dying subreddit intended for drama. Nobody thinks people dying is funny. Nobody thinks accelerationism is good besides teenagers and certain flavours of chapos. These are such obvious and clear takes that stating them is as good as jacking yourself off in public and waiting for your fellow inbreds to join you.

God damn, dude. First of all, spontaneous seriousposting has been an integral part of this sub since I started lurking four years ago. Second of all, "slowly dying"? This place has hardly changed in years.

Culture has remained sameish, but our rights have slowly been taken from us by the oppressive higher jannies. No pinging and no brigading. I figure we're on the fast track to quarantine and banning.

No pinging was literally an ad-hoc implementation by the admins. Brigading has always been the same as before. If we were going to be quarantined, it would have happened by now.


Culture has remained sameish, but our rights have slowly been taken from us by the oppressive higher jannies. No pinging and no brigading. I figure we're on the fast track to quarantine and banning.

You’re the bravest poster on r/drama


The only thing anarcho/commies can accelerate at is the unemployment love

posadism is based and thermonuclearwarpilled

I've also seen a lot of accelerationism on 8pol with Tarrant being the obvious example.

If all the queers and near queers in the Ewish run states want to cut off their peckers or stick em up buttholes and die off then I say get started! Nothin worth going to them for anyways!!

It works in theory. When someone is aware of their ideology it disappears. So instead of fighting against an ideology, take it to it's logical extreme. Meme on it by doing it ad absurdum to undermine it.

It's retarded, chaos is the part that's important, accelerationism is for the tards that cant let it happen organically, like teddy