Calling all leftoids.

8  2019-07-06 by yangpede

I will be forming a rightoid patrol group, we will be organizing somewhere and sharing resources for slapping down rightoid bullshit.

I have a large collection I am willing to share, responses to pretty much any rightoid argument you see on /r/drama.

Please sign up in the comments here if you're interested in being a member of the pizzaboys.


user reports:
1: sticky this or ur all facists

Done. User report stickied!

Damn, I thought that would work for sure.

I'm honestly convinced you have a severe learning disability. The poor reading comprehension, the inability to grasp points, the forming of strong opinions on subjects you have no understanding of.

It all adds up.

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You didn't even read it, did you? You just disregarded it because it doesn't fit your world view. You are pathetic, scum of the earth. People present you with scientifically backed evidence showing how the world really is and you disregard it because it is brought to your attention by a group of people you find inferior to you.


  1. Calling all leftoids. -,,

  2. /r/drama -,*

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imagine posting in obvious honeypot thread

I’m organizing a DnD game for all drama users left or right. LMK if this sounds better then listening to pizza show off his source collection.

What edition? Anything but 3.x and I'm out

I play 5e for ease. Teaching a bunch of people any 3rd edition is just painful.

Reeeee imagine wanting Normies in your game smh

My boy, this is a drama game. No way I’m investing more than 20 minutes into prep time or developing an intricate campaign for you shits.

I want full retardation, totally derailed story plots, people who have no idea what they’re doing. I’m leaning into the retardation not trying to sprinkle it with glitter.

sign me up coach

So taking a literal shit all over the playmat. Got it.

Fuc u

This sounds amazing

What's complicated about 3rd? 5th edition's spell component system makes no sense.

THAC0 or eat shit and die brainlet

Imagine being such a mathlet

Both sound interesting tbh.

Personally I prefer shadowrun, but that's definitely infinitely better than listening to pizza show off his facts and logic.

ok is there a discord

I'm minmaxing a bard so I can charisma check my way into ruining every intricate plans you've laid out.

I’m bout it

I'm down, this sounds the perfect kind of retarded.

I'm in

Send me an invite to the discord server

How does this work in terms of schedule? Do play sessions have to be scheduled or do people log in to see if it's their turn?

What makes you a leftoid?

He's a cucked white male


Doing their duty


Actually invite me I wanna join


Bill Clinton was the greatest US president of the century and FDR did revolutionary things to expand the size of the federal government.

I’m one of you pizza, now let me in.

Crying right now at such brave image of noble Americans




Pizza I will follow you into the depths of he'll in battle.

... Until I get bored or some shit

I want to join.

Private Sedai006 reporting for duty. o7

I'm not a tranner but if that's what it takes...

Private Sedai006 reporting for duty. o7

I'm not a tranner but if that's what it takes...

You don't win arguments, you gish gallop the shit out of people and then smugpost about how they won't take an hour to respond to everything you've thrown at them. Your little patrol group will amount to nothing more than swapping wiki links and cum. Enjoy it.

Guess how I know you don't know what "gish gallop" means.

Hint: someone slapping you down using academic sources is not a "gish gallop."

Don't use terms you don't know the meaning of because you heard someone smarter than yourself use them.

I'm honestly convinced you have a severe learning disability. The poor reading comprehension, the inability to grasp points, the forming of strong opinions on subjects you have no understanding of.

It all adds up.

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Pizzashill copy-pasting long excerpts from Paxton and then acting like they say something they don't is gish-gallop.

Funny, because the last guy that kept claiming I was saying something the quotes didn't say got rused and embarrassed.

Say, what have I ever copy pasted from Paxton that didn't line up with what I was saying?

I'm honestly convinced you have a severe learning disability. The poor reading comprehension, the inability to grasp points, the forming of strong opinions on subjects you have no understanding of.

It all adds up.

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Pizzashill younknow very well who I am, I wasn't on a diff account last time we had this exchange.

It is you!

I didn't remember you, mainly because that ruse was so fucking hilarious I burnt myself out laughing about it.

I'm honestly convinced you have a severe learning disability. The poor reading comprehension, the inability to grasp points, the forming of strong opinions on subjects you have no understanding of.

It all adds up.

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that ruse

you're still seething, months later, that you lost an argument and made yourself look like a retard in the process.

Ok, because you're so adorable let me put you on the spot.

My argument: Fascism is more so a set of emotional traits/mood.

The Paxton quote:

Even scholars who specialize in the quest for fascism’s intellectual and cultural origins, such as George Mosse, declare that the establishment of a “mood” is more important than “the search for some individual precursors.”In that sense too, fascism is more plausibly linked to a set of “mobilizing passions” that shape fascist action than to a consistent and fully articulated philosophy. At bottom is a passionate nationalism. Allied to it is a conspiratorial and Manichean view of history as a battle between the good and evil camps, between the pure and the corrupt, in which one’s own community or nation has been the victim. In this Darwinian narrative, the chosen people have been weakened by political parties, social classes, unassimilable minorities, spoiled rentiers, and rationalist thinkers who lack the necessary sense of community.

Now, my good paki, explain to me in detail how this quote does not say what I am saying.

I'm honestly convinced you have a severe learning disability. The poor reading comprehension, the inability to grasp points, the forming of strong opinions on subjects you have no understanding of.

It all adds up.

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Maybe you should just accept your loss like a man.. there's more to come

declare that the establishment of a “mood” is more important than “the search for some individual precursors.”In that sense too, fascism is more plausibly linked to a set of “mobilizing passions” that shape fascist action than to a consistent and fully articulated philosophy.

He is saying that the origin and foundation, and guiding light of the fascist movement lies in "mood" and "mobilising passions", not your reductive "Fascism is more so a set of emotional traits/mood.

I don't expect someone as genuinely mentally impaired as you to understand the distinction, though.

He is saying that the origin and foundation, and guiding light of the fascist movement lies in "mood" and "mobilising passions", not your reductive "Fascism is more so a set of emotional traits/mood.

He's talking about the foundation and an active fascist movement. you have no idea what you are talking about. Either you're illiterate, or you're simply attempting to spin out of the fact you just got bent over for the 2nd time. And to hammer the final nail in the coffin, to fully prove my point that he's talking about fascism being a fluid doctrine, a set of emotional traits:

In a way utterly unlike the classical “isms,” the rightness of fascism does not depend on the truth of any of the propositions advanced in its name. Fascism is “true” insofar as it helps fulfill the destiny of a chosen race or people or blood, locked with other peoples in a Darwinian struggle, and not in the light of some abstract and universal reason. The first fascists were entirely frank about this.

We [Fascists] don’t think ideology is a problem that is resolved in such a way that truth is seated on a throne. But, in that case, does fighting for an ideology mean fighting for mere appearances? No doubt, unless one considers it according to its unique and efficacious psychological-historical value. The truth of an ideology lies in its capacity to set in motion our capacity for ideals and action. Its truth is absolute insofar as, living within us, it suffices to exhaust those capacities.

Followed by:

Fascism rested not upon the truth of its doctrine but upon the leader’s mystical union with the historic destiny of his people, a notion related to romanticist ideas of national historic flowering and of individual artistic or spiritual genius, though fascism otherwise denied romanticism’s exaltation of unfettered personal creativity. The fascist leader wanted to bring his people into a higher realm of politics that they would experience sensually: the warmth of belonging to a race now fully aware of its identity, historic destiny, and power; the excitement of participating in a vast collective enterprise; the gratification of submerging oneself in a wave of shared feelings, and of sacrificing one’s petty concerns for the group’s good; and the thrill of domination. Fascism’s deliberate replacement of reasoned debate with immediate sensual experience transformed politics, as the exiled German cultural critic Walter Benjamin was the first to point out, into aesthetics. And the ultimate fascist aesthetic experience, Benjamin warned in 1936, was war.

And one more for the road:

Fascist leaders made no secret of having no program. Mussolini exulted in that absence. “The Fasci di Combattimento,” Mussolini wrote in the “Postulates of the Fascist Program” of May 1920, “. . . do not feel tied to any particular doctrinal form.” A few months before he became prime minister of Italy, he replied truculently to a critic who demanded to know what his program was: “The democrats of  Il Mondo  want to know our program? It is to break the bones of the democrats of  Il Mondo. And the sooner the better.” “The fist,” asserted a Fascist militant in 1920, “is the synthesis of our theory.”75 Mussolini liked to declare that he himself was the definition of Fascism. The will and leadership of a  Duce  was what a modern people needed, not a doctrine. Only in 1932, after he had been in power for ten years, and when he wanted to “normalize” his regime, did Mussolini expound Fascist doctrine, in an article (partly ghostwritten by the philosopher Giovanni Gentile) for the new  Enciclopedia italiana.

Take a seat.

I'm honestly convinced you have a severe learning disability. The poor reading comprehension, the inability to grasp points, the forming of strong opinions on subjects you have no understanding of.

It all adds up.

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Wow, you must be a JP fan

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Are you truly incapable of conscious thought?

The paragraphs you have quoted are arguing that fascism, in its doctrine, ideology, and rhetoric, is founded upon emotional traits, not that fascism in all its individual parts and as a sum totality can be described purely as a set of emotional traits.

Your inability to grasp this is truly astonishing. At this point I am convinced you never grew out of the smug philosophising teenager phase; you mindlessly read texts such as Paxton's work without at all comprehending what he is arguing, because your motivation in doing so is because it lets you feel smug, not a desire to learn.

This is actually wild. I've never seen selective illiteracy of this caliber.

Fascism, what he is saying is fascism is a fluid doctrine. There is no other way to read these. Which is why he quotes this:

We [Fascists] don’t think ideology is a problem that is resolved in such a way that truth is seated on a throne. But, in that case, does fighting for an ideology mean fighting for mere appearances? No doubt, unless one considers it according to its unique and efficacious psychological-historical value. The truth of an ideology lies in its capacity to set in motion our capacity for ideals and action. Its truth is absolute insofar as, living within us, it suffices to exhaust those capacities.

I'm going to, for the crowd, present the absolute, irrefutable proof that he is saying fascism is a fluid doctrine now.

Ready for this?

The major question here is whether fascisms are more disparate than the other “isms.”

This book takes the position that they are, because they reject any universal value other than the success of chosen peoples in a Darwinian struggle for primacy. The community comes before humankind in fascist values, and respecting individual rights or due process gave way to serving the destiny of the  Volk  or  razza.  Therefore each individual national fascist movement gives full expression to its own cultural particularism. Fascism, unlike the other “isms,” is not for export: each movement jealously guards its own recipe for national revival, and fascist leaders seem to feel little or no kinship with their foreign cousins. It has proved impossible to make any fascist “international” work.

Walk away, stop embarrassing yourself.

I'm honestly convinced you have a severe learning disability. The poor reading comprehension, the inability to grasp points, the forming of strong opinions on subjects you have no understanding of.

It all adds up.

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Your pulitzer's in the mail

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Fascism, what he is saying is fascism is a fluid doctrine.

Yes, that is the case. That is not the same thing as saying fascism is in its entirety can be modelled as a set of emotional traits.

The only thing fascists tend to have in common is the underlying emotional traits that sparked the fascist movement in the first place, the national mood.

That is not what he argues in the linked paragraph, though. What he is arguing is that fascism is polymorphic/fluid in nature, with major aspects changing to suite cultural conditions.

This is not the same thing as saying the only constant aspect is the foundational emotional traits; the surrounding structures Paxton describes associated with this polymorphism cannot be modelled as emotional traits.

This debate is boring; you have constructed this elaborate fantasy of what Paxton is arguing that you know attempt to divine from his quotes, digging through the entrails of his work until you manage to twist it into a matching form.

Yes, that is the case. That is not the same thing as saying fascism is in its entirety can be modelled as a set of emotional traits.

That's exactly what the book is saying, that a national mood and set of emotional traits are the better way to identify fascism.

Holy shit dude:

The “mobilizing passions” of fascism are hard to treat historically, for many of them are as old as Cain. It seems incontestable, however, that the fevers of increased nationalism before World War I and the passions aroused by that war sharpened them. Fascism was an affair of the gut more than of the brain, and a study of the roots of fascism that treats only the thinkers and the writers misses the most powerful impulses of all.

That is not what he argues in the linked paragraph

I'm done with this. You have an extreme reading comprehension issue you need to go work on.

This is not the same thing as saying the only constant aspect is the foundational emotional traits; the surrounding structures Paxton describes associated with this polymorphism cannot be modelled as emotional traits.

Again: Yes, the book is identifying fascism as a set of emotional traits, a national mood, rather than some solid doctrine, which is exactly the argument I made and you tried to deny. That is why he says:

In that sense too, fascism is more plausibly linked to a set of “mobilizing passions” that shape fascist action than to a consistent and fully articulated philosophy.

I'm done with this shit. You literally have the reading comprehension of a 5 year old. That, or you're deploying extreme motivated reasoning to avoid admitting you lost, again. You can kick, you can scream, you can cry. You were wrong, you were proven wrong, and only witth the most tortured reading humanly possible can you claim that anything I said does not line up with the quoted work, period.

I'm honestly convinced you have a severe learning disability. The poor reading comprehension, the inability to grasp points, the forming of strong opinions on subjects you have no understanding of.

It all adds up.

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This is one of the worst post I have EVER seen. Delete it.

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That's exactly what the book is saying, that a national mood and set of emotional traits are the better way to identify fascism.

He argues that the origin of a fascist movement is a reactionary emotional response; this is not the same thing as arguing that fascism is describable sole!y as the expression of such emotional traits.

Fascism was an affair of the gut more than of the brain, and a study of the roots of fascism that treats only the thinkers and the writers misses the most powerful impulses of all.

Yes, he identified the root, the guiding impulse, of fascism as grounded in emotional traits. This is not the same as saying fascism is solely describable as the expression of these traits.

Again: Yes, the book is identifying fascism as a set of emotional traits, a national mood, rather than some solid doctrine, which is exactly the argument I made and you tried to deny.

Paxton does not identify fascism as describable solely as emotional traits; he argues rather that its origins and guiding impulse lies in emotional traits as opposed to coherent doctrine.

In that sense too, fascism is more plausibly linked to a set of “mobilizing passions” that shape fascist action than to a consistent and fully articulated philosophy.

Linked to, yes, not describable solely in terms of.

He argues that the origin of a fascist movement is a reactionary emotional response

We're done. No, and by now it's become increasingly obvious to me you literally do not have the cognitive ability or the reading skills required to even discuss this because you are outright misreading things to protect your delusions.

I'm honestly convinced you have a severe learning disability. The poor reading comprehension, the inability to grasp points, the forming of strong opinions on subjects you have no understanding of.

It all adds up.

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Lol cope.

No, it's called I just can't handle your illiteracy anymore.

The point of the book is to find a working definition of fascism and a way to identify fascism, which due to its fluidity is hard to pin down. The entire point of the book was to define it along "national mood/emotional traits" rather than hard doctrine because fascists don't really have any form of hard doctrine.

This is why you have no idea what you're talking about and have clearly never read the book.

For example:

I believe that the ideas that underlie fascist actions are best deduced from those actions, for some of them remain unstated and implicit in fascist public language. Many of them belong more to the realm of visceral feelings than to the realm of reasoned propositions. In chapter  I called them “mobilizing passions”:

This is him literally explaining what he believes fascism is. This is how I knew your reading of what I quoted was wrong and mine was correct. Because he literally says that in the book, he explains what he believes fascism is and then cites those passions. Not the origin, not the pre-movement, but fascism.

For example:

Fascism according to this definition, as well as behavior in keeping with these feelings, is still visible today. Fascism exists at the level of Stage One within all democratic countries—not excluding the United States.

This is him literally saying that according to this definition of fascism, which is his own. Meaning again, he is defining fascism more so as a set of emotional traits and a national mood.

I'm honestly convinced you have a severe learning disability. The poor reading comprehension, the inability to grasp points, the forming of strong opinions on subjects you have no understanding of.

It all adds up.

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If only you could put that energy into your relationships

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Settle down ok?

Some things never change.

The bird flies, the frog croaks, pizzashill stays mad

I haven't been downvoting him, and even if others do pizzashill isn't going to leave drama because he's at 0 and not 1. That treatment is for tempting new lolcows to post.

This is exactly what we need right now. You bring not only a quick wit but also a deep knowledge of a whole host of subjects. Every thread has at least one rightoid these days and we need to take them down a peg, it's enough already.

All I ever see is you getting shit on in the comments. Trying to picture a community of people like you makes the mayocide start to make sense to me.

Shut the fuck up!

I'm a card carrying mayo but if it means the lefty mayos want to be bred out of existence then I'm happy.

The mayocide would target the left exclusively.

You're a dumb faggot.

Trying your hand at flattery?

If that's how you like it I guess..


You don't have the balls to join.

THE ALLEGED “Holocaust” of “6 million Jews” at the hands of Adolf Hitler and National Socialist Germany during WWII is the biggest lie ever foisted upon humanity. The very idea that the Germans organized and executed a complex conspiracy involving “homicidal gas chambers” and other barbaric, sadistic forms of mass murder designed to exterminate European Jewry during WWII is laughable on its face when you stop and objectively think about it.

National Socialist Germany and her allies were fighting a multi-front war against some of the most powerful nations in the world at the time, including the United States, the British Empire, and the Soviet Union. The idea that they would divert their precious and extremely scarce resources and manpower towards implementing a systematic campaign of mass murder specifically designed to annihilate European Jewry is absurd.

There was no German conspiracy to systematically genocide and destroy European Jewry during WWII. There were no “homicidal gas chambers” utilized to murder Jews and other “undesirables”. The system of concentration camps throughout much of Europe developed and administered by the Germans and their allies during WWII was simply a network of labor, transit, industrial and detention facilities — not “death camps”. Jews, political prisoners and Communist subversives (many of whom were in fact Jewish), homosexuals and many others were detained and either put to work or imprisoned in German-administered concentration camps and industrial facilities throughout Europe.

These forced laborers and prisoners were well-cared for, at least until the end of the war when Germany’s supply lines broke down and chaos ensued as a result of the Soviet and Anglo-American invasion of German territory. They were well-fed, well-provided for, and given medical treatment and entertainment. They were allowed to attend concerts, organize plays, make music and play sports. If the Germans were hell bent on murdering these people, why would they provide medical care for them and allow them to entertain themselves?

The entire WWII narrative, especially the fake “Holocaust” story, is basically the exact opposite from what we’ve been told and taught.

The Jewish Bolshevik terrorists who overthrew the Russian monarchy during WWI and their allies — the USA and the UK, primarily — committed the real atrocities and genocides against the German people and their sympathizers during and after WWII. The British and Americans engaged in a systematic fire-bombing campaign specifically targeting German industrial and urban areas for destruction. Major cities all throughout Germany were fire-bombed on a regular basis, resulting in the horrific death for millions of innocent German civilians — men, women and children.

The Allies sunk German civilian ships escaping the rampaging Soviet Red Army towards the end of the war, ending the lives of countless innocent civilians including, ironically enough, many Eastern European Jews fleeing from the advancing Red Army. The barbaric, out-of-control Red Army was encouraged to rape, pillage, torture and murder Germans as they advanced into German territory, and they did. Hundreds of thousands of German POWs and civilians were starved and murdered after the war, often suffering gruesome deaths from exposure, thirst and torture at the hands of the victorious and ruthless Allies. The National Socialist political, cultural and educational establishment was systematically dismantled and destroyed, with many top officials and leaders murdered, tortured, robbed, imprisoned and otherwise mistreated.

Jewish propagandists have entirely reversed the reality of the situation using their control of the media, and have blamed the Germans for starting the war and committing all the alleged atrocities, when in reality the Germans and their allies were the most disciplined, honorable and righteous forces fighting in that fratricidal Jewish-instigated war. The German people and their allies were the ones who experienced a genuine holocaust — a real genocide — during WWII, not the Jewish population of Europe.

The simple fact of the matter is that the “Holocaust” narrative — 6 million Jews persecuted, abused, and systematically exterminated by “those evil Nazis” during WWII — endlessly promoted and perpetuated by the Jewish-owned mass media, Hollywood and “entertainment” complex, and educational and political establishment is 100% bogus in virtually all respects. The Germans simply wanted the Jews out of Germany, clearly and correctly recognizing them as an alien, hostile and treacherous force working to subvert, pollute and destroy the German nation and Western civilization.

Jews were encouraged to leave Germany, and many did. Others were imprisoned or detained in the various labor and concentration camps established and administered by National Socialist Germany, and were well provided for. They were certainly not killed using “homicidal gas chambers” and other sadistic forms of murder in a systematic campaign to eliminate European Jewry. …

The fake Jewish “Holocaust” narrative is really just an extension of an on-going anti-German propaganda campaign going back to WWI. During WWI, Western (often Jewish) propagandists targeted Germany and her armed forces with ridiculous “atrocity propaganda”, alleging in their newspapers and other media outlets that the Germans were engaging in barbaric, ruthless behavior, including raping and murdering innocent civilians.

The fabricated idea that “millions of Jews” in Europe were being exterminated by the Germans and other “fascists” was regularly promoted by Jewish propagandists and their allies in the West beginning in 1915 during WWI. This slanderous, entirely false accusation had been and continues to be endlessly promoted to the often gullible and susceptible Western public, resulting in extremely negative anti-German sentiment, not to mention the widespread belief that the Germans did in fact commit these outrageous (although quite ridiculous) atrocities.

During and immediately following WWII, deceitful propagandists continued to level this “atrocity propaganda” against the Germans in order to demonize them and prepare the Western world for the institutionalization of the myth of “6 million Jews murdered by the Nazis”. Western and Soviet propagandists, including psychological warfare specialists in the United States Army and individuals connected to Hollywood, were involved in manufacturing “evidence” — including fake, altered or otherwise misrepresented photographs and videos, “human lampshades”, “shrunken heads” and other absurd props — which was used to “demonstrate” to the world that the Germans did in fact commit outrageous atrocities during the war, particularly at the various concentration camps and industrial facilities under their administration.

Following Germany’s defeat in WWII, the Allied countries organized a series of military tribunals often referred to simply as the Nuremberg Trials. The trials consisted of the International Military Tribunal and the Nuremberg Military Tribunal. The Nuremberg Trials were a total sham — “show trials” if there ever were any.

The trials were essentially organized to not only demonize, vilify and falsely blame the Germans for initiating the war and committing all of the “atrocities” and “war crimes”, but also to whitewash and cover up the very real crimes committed by the Allies in addition to officially institutionalizing the fake Jewish “Holocaust” narrative.

Fabricated evidence and false testimony was introduced by the Allies, and many of the German defendants were physically and psychologically tortured or otherwise coerced into making false confessions during the trials.

Virtually all of the iconic imagery associated with the alleged Jewish “Holocaust” turns out to be either entirely fabricated, altered or extremely misrepresented and taken out of context.

The imagery associated with the “Holocaust” — photographs of piles of dead bodies, emaciated prisoners, Jews being “rounded up”, train cars filled with dead people, etc. — has been used to psychologically traumatize the masses, rendering them vulnerable to manipulation and facilitating the fake narrative of “6 million Jews murdered by the Nazis” to be literally implanted in their minds.

Also, some of the iconic imagery associated with the Jewish “Holocaust” turns out to be photographs of dead German civilians murdered in Allied fire-bombing campaigns, and POW camps, which were presented to the masses as “proof” of German atrocities. Again, the shameless, deceitful behavior of the Western Allies and their Soviet Communist partners knows no bounds.

The iconic “Holocaust” imagery shown repeatedly to mass audiences is never put into context. The images are simply shown, and we are expected to believe that the “Holocaust” was a real event.

Since WWII, an entire industry relating to the fake “Holocaust” has arisen in the West. Disgusted by the outrageously brazen corruption emanating from the deceitful, exploitative leaders and representatives of “Holocaust survivors”, Jewish academic Norman Finkelstein wrote a book discussing and exposing what he calls The Holocaust Industry. Organized Jewish interests and their lobbies have successfully created an extremely lucrative financial and sympathy racket based on their false, entirely fabricated narrative of “6 million Jews murdered by the Nazis” during WWII.

“At the end of the twentieth century, the ‘Holocaust’ is being bought and sold,” wrote Tim Cole, a Professor of History specializing in the “Holocaust” at Bristol University, in his book Selling the Holocaust: From Auschwitz to Schindler, How History is Bought, Packaged and Sold. “In short, ‘Shoah [Hebrew word for Holocaust] business’ is big business.”

The “Holocaust” is indeed an industry at this point — a commodity endlessly pushed and promoted by academia, politicians, government officials, international political organizations such as the UN, media moguls, Hollywood producers, organized Jewish groups, the Jewish state of “Israel” and others connected to the “Holocaust” racket.

Hollywood and the “entertainment” complex in the West — which is virtually entirely owned and dominated by Jews with deep ties to the Jewish state of “Israel” and the “Holocaust” industry — have produced countless propaganda films masquerading as objective depictions of experiences of European Jews during WWII. These films and documentaries have served to perpetuate, reinforce and even expand upon the false, entirely fabricated narrative of “6 million Jews systematically genocided by the Nazis” which has been manufactured and sold to the public during and after WWII.

There are countless “Holocaust” museums and memorials all across the globe, many of which receive official state funding and endorsement, including the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, DC. Not a day goes by without a mention of the fake “Holocaust” story in the mass media, entertainment complex, or political establishment. This false narrative is constantly being reinforced and perpetuated to the public on a daily basis, often in the most crass, deceptive, and emotionally exploitative ways imaginable.

The fake “Holocaust” narrative has advanced a number of important geopolitical, cultural and economic agendas primarily benefitting international Jewry and the illegitimate Jewish state of “Israel”, including

Elevating the alleged “suffering and persecution” of the Jewish people during WWII specifically, and all throughout history generally, over all others;

Covering up the crimes committed by Jewish terrorists, Communists and propagandists prior to, during and after WWII by projecting those crimes (and even fabricating new ones) on to the German armed forces and their allies;

Creating an extremely lucrative financial and sympathy racket, netting the Jewish state of “Israel” and the organized international Jewish community billions of dollars annually;

Serving as a basis for the creation of the Jewish state of “Israel”, while excusing and justifying the genocidal, illegal policies she has pursued since her founding;

And demonizing the one man — Adolf Hitler — and his political movement who stood up for their country and race against the Talmudic forces of internationalism and globalism seeking the subjugation and ultimate destruction of the White race and all genuine nationalities, ethnicities and cultures.

If only you could put that energy into your relationships

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Mommy is soooo proud of you, sweaty. Let's put this sperg out up on the fridge with all your other failures.

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Did I miss something? What the hell is going on around here the last couple days?

So what exactly is this?

My Man! Sign me up homeboy 💪👍

SEETHING rightiods downvoting our pizza 😤

“Source collection” is this what you’re calling google searches now 🤔.

Where do you stand on centrists ps