Look at this.

2  2019-07-06 by bebackinanhourorso

I absolutely hate women despite being a woman. Look at makeupaddiction, beautyguruchatter, scacirclejerk, etc. They’re just a bunch of poisonous cunts obsessed with identity politics and social justice, even the whites ones. And this is what the average young woman is like regardless of race. I absolutely hate young women.

I especially hate white women. They’re either revolting racists like the lady who pulled a gun on the blacks or they’re race-traitor self-hating vile cunts who produce the most virulent anti-white content on Twitter and Tumblr. They’re like reverse Uncle Tom’s. Aunt Jemimas.

I hate black women. Just go to blackladies. That’s enough reason to hate them. I hate Asian women. They’re literally the richest demographic in the US and came here voluntarily and all they can ever do is bitch and complain about how much they hate whites and how oppressed they are once they washed Swedish Chad’s cum off their face and take care of their half-white child.

I hate women. I think most of us are less capable of independent thinking and more susceptible to groupthink.

I make an exception for Eastern European Muslims because I consider them different culturally and religiously than other Europeans. They’re like honorary people of color in my view.


Too much to read

I found a new pasta, read it.

Sauce? Do you have a Sauce?

Yeah but its from a really fucked up person, Im probably just gonna delete this.

that chick is based

I refuse to believe this isn't a pizza alt