Calling all Moids
48 2019-07-06 by ArminianWeatherman
I will be forming a Thot patrol group, we will be organizing somewhere and sharing resources for slapping each other on the ass to ward off sinful premarital hetero sex.
I have a large collection of JObuds porn I am willing to share, responses to pretty much any pro-PIV argument you see on /r/drama.
Please sign up in the comments here if you're interested in being a member of the salvation its-not-gayboys. Do not let the three hole roaches take over this community uncontested. The Nofappers are our most valuable resource and if the Beckies run free then the Nofappers will be forced out.
1 SnapshillBot 2019-07-06
jesus fuck, you people. I've now unsubscribed, which is a shame, because a lot of greentexts are genuinely funny, but this alt-right underbelly is just unbearable.
Calling all Moids -,,
/r/drama -,*
I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers
1 ArminianWeatherman 2019-07-06
I'm trying to help young Christian college aged men with athletic bodies avoid damning themselves to an eternity of hellfire. I can help you resist the urge for premarital hetero sex.
The first step is to post a picture of your asshole in this thread, also whether you are cut or uncut. Then you may receive an invite to a private discord where we share pictures, videos, and I guess resist beckies or something.
1 heretobefriends 2019-07-06
Reminder that there is nothing more virile than practicing semen retention and walking with christ.
1 forward_dawn 2019-07-06
Sounds too straight for my tastes
1 ArminianWeatherman 2019-07-06
It is. The whole thing is totally straight.
1 forward_dawn 2019-07-06
1 BaldwinIVofJerusalem 2019-07-06
Removing thots is the first step towards removing all degenerates, so I'll join you on your holy crusade.
1 KanyeetWeebs 2019-07-06
Are we allowed to touch our pee pee's for urination purposes? Or are we going to be using diapers?
1 ArminianWeatherman 2019-07-06
You're allowed to touch your peepee as long as you send a video to your Bros so they know it's not to have sex with a foid before marriage.
1 tHeSiD 2019-07-06
I once tipped a twitch thot 100 bits, she didn't fuck me, I want my revenge
1 ArminianWeatherman 2019-07-06
Join me and it shall be yours.
1 tHeSiD 2019-07-06
Where shall I apply for this crusade?
1 shitpersonality 2019-07-06
subscribe to /r/foidwatch
1 PUBLIQclopAccountant 2019-07-06
Do mares count as foids?