Mayo foid unboxes black baby.

30  2019-07-06 by zhcyiDnein


Hahahahaha, you're in college and you still spend your time like this! This internet troll shit is for lonely 14 year olds, not adults.

The rest of your life is going to be lonely and boring if this is what you do with your time during what should be your most exciting years.

Before you know it, college will be over and you'll have no ability to make new friends because you don't have anything interesting to talk about or any way to meet new people. If you're not able to make friends now when it's literally the easiest it will ever be, there's no way you're going to swing it when you're even older.


  1. Mayo foid unboxes black baby. -,

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Aren’t mayos usually shoving their poc babies into shopping bags

I’m so glad this video popped up in my recommended feed, because it’s genuinely the weirdest, most bizarre thing I’ve ever watched. I mean, ASMR by itself is already creepy, but this takes it to a whole new level.

Also, a few excerpts from the comment section:

People who haven’t smelled a newborn baby always look at us “baby sniffers” weirdly


I have so many of those



Wait what

I am actually saving up for a new baby right now

Guys please don’t tell the libertarians about this shit.

I have a friend who is obsessed with ASMRz she’s a foid so I don’t even think it’s like the sexual type were the asmr chick is usually attractive. She convinced me to try and listen to it to help with insomnia.

It gave me the weirdest, most terrifying dreams. I would get sleep paralysis. Wake up sweating. Literally cry out waking up.

Shit is creepy but it does make me get all tingly and weird feeling.

I’m saving up for a new baby right now

Imagine you go over to a foids and see like a closet with 2 dozen of these

I'd walk away then call the cops on that foid.

Look at this fool. Carrying around a spring PoC baby in high summer.

Most of the women who collect reborn dolls are 35+ and have some serious mental health issues so unless you have a very weird type you're probably safe

I stumbled upon a BJD tread on 4chan's /toy/ board and it was the most fascinating thing seeing all these grown women that still play with dolls and reading through all their drama. Its probably the highest concentration of foids to be found on 4chan, which I also thought was neat.

it was the most fascinating thing seeing all these grown women that still play with dolls

There's actually a lot of craftsmanship and creativity involved with creating these dolls, but most of the people in the scene are absolutely nuts. It's like the female version of the model train fandom, it's cool to look at their creations but talking to nine out of ten of the people involved is a chore

Its probably the highest concentration of foids to be found on 4chan, which I also thought was neat.

/cgl/ and /co/ exist you know

Open the freezer and there's a half dozen more

Go to take a piss and the bathtub is full of doll legs and arms.

Pro tip for mayo women: just because you can doesn't mean you should.

Straight up poor man's version of Angelina Jolie. If repealing the 19th will prevent foids from uploading content online without a human's consent, we really need to do so.

What the fuck at the video, but also what the fuck at "the reborn community".

Why must everything have a community now?

Some of you might be old enough to remember Pogs and collecting Pogs. If you are, you'll probably also remember distinctly NOT being part of a Pog community, because collecting Pogs wasn't the defining feature of you as a person.

Fucking sad sack of shit modern people and their empty lives, desperately trying to be interesting.

kys dumb mayo whispery tattooed whore.

Hobbyists have been a thing since forever you dumbass

That's my point, and don't think that because you're r/drama famous I won't call you a stupid twat, because I will.

Hobbyists have been a thing forever, but it's only recently where everyone with a shared interest is described as a community.

Maybe it's always been that way in the Retarded States of America, but its new here and it's stupid.

Hobbyists have been a thing forever, but it's only recently where everyone with a shared interest is described as a community.

lmao that's not true at all. They were far more localized prior to the internet but meet-ups and conventions were a thing. It's not like the tendency to organize around a common interest suddenly appeared with the internet