New racist sub that will be banned within the week

12  2019-07-06 by baibeewolf


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I’m always amazed how few people know about Gamergate. It’s not only the key to understanding so many violent harassment campaigns going on today, it’s lots of the same people angry about the same stuff using the same playbook.


  1. New racist sub that will be banned ... -,,

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120 bans AND still counting

They didn’t do nuthin.

Imagine using "racist" unironically.

>the one post that just says "kikes"

Unironically chuckled

There’s some interesting material there, not covered anywhere else.

Where else can you find out about Israeli rallyware app called that essentially sends “missions” to the app on your smartphone so you can shill all around the world.

Which explains how fast (((they))) respond to any even remotely negative shit. Everywhere but /r/drama of course...

That pinned post is disturbing though

Looks like they've been up for a bit but not banned (yet) I imagine AHS are trying to though

Since Clown World led to people protesting in public dressed as clowns, now with Piss Earth I'm anticipating imminent water sports and golden showers to own the degenerate libs

Portland already reeks of piss.

gone already