Ben “No Likes For Kikes” Garrison CELEBRATES our country’s history, unlike the DEMONCRATS who want to DESTROY it.

158  2019-07-06 by Ghdust2


Hell hath no fury like a suburban soccer mom cucked, I guess.


  1. Ben “No Likes For Kikes” Garrison C... -,

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It takes a galaxy brain like his to include the Confederacy's dead toward slavery reparations lmao

I mean tbh it makes sense. A dead mayo is worth a thousand bucks

Bit much don't you think?

Not enough

Your implying a mayos life is worth >1000 bucks?

Their death is

Its an irony post getting boosted by maga-tard seething

The majority of slave owners would be dual citizens today. They also weren’t the folks dying in the war.

Are you trying to imply (((something)))?

There were 400,000 slave owners at the time of the civil war. About 5,000 of them were Jewish.

Clearly the mayos were good boys, and it was all (((their))) fault. Right?

Of course. We all know that mayos can't do anything wrong, and if they do, it's actually (((them))) doing it.

Every time mayos commit atrocities and partake in degeneracy it was actually because of (((them))).

yea lol, slave owners weren't jewish afaik

Over representative yes but the meme that they were all jews is bs. They are also over represented in like every big money industry so it’s stupid to bring up lol

media execs are 60% jews (i came to that point myself from wikipedia trying to debunk a fashish saying media was 90% jews lmao), but slave owners are like 5% vs 2% so it really isnt a good point to make

In other words the Jew meme is real but for some reason autistic fash try and over do it lol

Just the slave ship owners

One of the most hilarious comments I ever saw on stormfront was a guy linking the Jews to both the native genocide and all slavery by finding the last names of some military captains and then zooming in on the "berg" part and saying "well well well."

I'm honestly convinced you have a severe learning disability. The poor reading comprehension, the inability to grasp points, the forming of strong opinions on subjects you have no understanding of.

It all adds up.

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Why are you spending time on Stormfront?

I hang out on all of the various extremist websites and forums. I feel it gives me a lot of material.

I'm honestly convinced you have a severe learning disability. The poor reading comprehension, the inability to grasp points, the forming of strong opinions on subjects you have no understanding of.

It all adds up.

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Honestly asking, God forgive me, what are your current favorite left and right extremist sights?

I recently heard on a podcast that the American Civil War is actually really unique in that the losing side’s soldiers weren’t summarily executed. Until the Rwandan genocide, the fastest kills/unit time in recorded history were the executions following the Finnish Civil War. So really, the Confederates got a freebie, all the slaves could have just replaced all the whites in the southern states....and now I’m starting to see why maybe they gave them clemency.

Just how many chromosomes did you lose in that accident?

fuck you, I’m no sucker, I walked away with an extra



Reconstruction should have never ended

where's the lie tho

Gotta give the man some credit, this almost made me seethe.

Giving black people reparations for slavery would be like giving a gorilla an orange. They'd like it, but they'd still be locked in a cage all day


Lol you're right. Also, I'm not for reparations at all, but Garrison saying the civil war = reparations was so edgy it almost got me. But then I remembered it's just GarriBeary 🥰

y tho

Cuz I'm a dumbo libtard


I wonder what will happen when he goes to White House to meet Trump and the topic of Joos is brought up...

She’ll rise again! Dixie pride!!

Who's the man with gun ? What did he mean by this ?

Just guessing but I think he's a statue.

ben is saying the reparations for slavery were paid off already from the amount of confederate soldiers killed

That’s some sick fuck jerking off a musket.

Is that what that is? I honestly can't tell what most of this is without the labels

A little blatant, isn't it?

Based boomer garrison

Confederate worshippers are like fans of a losing sports team who try to act tough while holding back bitch tears while screaming "YOU DIDN'T WIN!"

Reparations are wildly problematic (aside from the race baiting), it would essentially be a massive disenfranchising black tax placed upon a wide color spectrum of American citizens who have no ties to slavery. It questions the fluidity of race, the kind of fluidity that spurred abolitionists into action thereby suddenly forcing nebulous race in America to become monolithic (which is what online racists do want and advocate for) and all sorts of other insanely unconstitutional nastiness. This along side other Pandora’s boxes landing firmly, once again on placing a dollar amount on human suffering. This baby is the product of the very doofy lookin’ poverty pimp Ta-Nehisi Coates Bernie Bro, writer of Black Panther comics and who is clearly part of the plantation Kanye warned us about.

I’m a liberal in my heart, so it’s painful to know how badly I need to oppose what they’ve become. The Left needs a reboot, and a new OS.

Approximately 1.2 – 2.4 million Africans died during their transport to the New World.


The issue is, as I mentioned, these so called "conservatives" have been shown to not have anything in common with the majority of the points you listed.

Family? Possibly, if you dont count freezing out those who dare to actually have enough backbone to think. Even then they only really care about a child until its born, at that point its up to them and them alone to survive in the harsh word that these people were born into with silver spoons in hand. Nation? Proud of it up until the rich man tells them not to be, which is usually the only time where there's anything worth seeing as "great". Look at the US nowadays for example. Its literally the laughing stock of the west. Its not our "face and greatest friend", its the punchline of a cruel joke. Honor? They dont know the meaning of the word. Traitors and liars the lot of them that would stab you in the back for a raise. Too cowardly to face you about it directly on top of that, preferring to lie it off and blame "those other people" Dignity? See first sentence in number 3. They've proven time and time again to be not only immature, but completely and utterly blind to this. Social cohesion? Limited to religious cults and backwater propaganda outlets. Anywhere else they'll just spew out hate and fear mongering until the place is more split than the Grand Canyon. Hierarchy? More like a hereditary oligarchy at this point, but I suppose they really do want a dictatorial monarchy. As for actually respecting authority... o boi, not much happening there. Physical and mental strength? Now Im not sure if you've noticed, but most conservative "strongholds" cant really be said to be the peak of human physique or intelligence. More like lumps of lard with opinions. Self-control? They physically CANT keep their fingers to themselves, and tend to go the shortest route for the highest personal gain, literally walking over bodies to get their way and "cut" as they see fit Building and preserving? Not sure if you've had a look at conservatives across the world lately, but they seem to be a lot more keen on tearing down what has been built to "hurt the other side" rather than keep the good stuff rolling. Perseverance? One of the few things that fit for them I guess. They sure dont know when or where to quit. Emotional stability? I'll see that just as soon as the Kentucky Fried Caligula gets off of Twitter to screech about fake news or people dont threathen police with violence if they try and make em do their jobs. Learning from the past? They want to stay in the past. With the rich white man on top, the woman in the kitchen being beaten, the minorities in the cotton fields and back of the bus, and the church above all "Distaste for ugliness/disease/disorder"? Yeah nah, leave eugenics in the pit it tried to crawl out of, throw the conservative "anti-vax" people in with it, set it on fire and shut the lid. Meanwhile causing disorder is pretty much the main goal of certain conservative groups nowadays, with anything from preaching hatred to severing peoples basic rights. Overall modern day conservatives are drifting closer and closer to facism and religious fanaticism, along with a long line of less desireable personality traits such as selfishness, dishonesty and plain old hatred.

still unemployed then?

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Orange man bad


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Shut up

A "thanks" would be nice

-Ben Garrison

What’s that stick thing the random guy is holding? I’m sorry but without the labels I have no clue what this comic means.