Chapocel tankie goes to /r/europe to do what Chapocels do best: Lick the boots of soviet imperialism.

84  2019-07-06 by Ultrashitposter


I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


  1. Chapocel tankie goes to /r/europe t... -,

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Why do internet communists simultaneously deny the soviet union was communist because they clearly know it was bad, and then also twist themselves into circles defending the actions of the soviet union?

On one hand, the denial that the soviet union was communist reveals they understand the soviet union was bad, not a utopia, and doesn't necessarily line up with their vision of communism.

On the other hand, the constant attempts to defend the massacres, the genocides, the totalitarianism reveals that, at least, on some level, they view the soviet union as on their side, an example of communism.

It's a bit like the internet rightoids that will try to claim nazis were left-wing, and then at the same time, when nazism comes up, instantly start trying to downplay the horrors of nazism by invoking "but the communists were worse!!"

In both cases we can see that the leftoid identifies with the soviet union while denying they were communist, and the rightoid at least somewhat identifies with fascism while denying they were right-wing.

Very interesting.

I'm honestly convinced you have a severe learning disability. The poor reading comprehension, the inability to grasp points, the forming of strong opinions on subjects you have no understanding of.

It all adds up.

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It's the political equivalent of Nintendo vs Sony console wars, as stupid as it may sound. It's entirely superficial. It gets even worse when they defend modern China, which is just full-blown capitalist, but still waves their favorite flags so they are a-ok.

Yes, the China example is good, Russia as well.

Russia for example, is very blatantly right-wing, socially conservative, authoritarian. You'd be hard-pressed to claim they were left-wing. But communists will still defend Russia.

I also, for example, heard a rightoid family member recently claim Russia was communist/socialist. Which was very interesting to me, because that same family member is a far-right extremist and has been defending Russia and praising them for 2 years now.

The reason he was claiming they were communist/socialist, is because, the Russian domestic violence law had become a topic of discussion somehow. Rather than just disagree with the law, he decided to give up his Russia fetish and claim they were communists because that allowed him to attack the left, at least in that moment.

Later that day, he was back to praising Russia as a bastion of conservative values on FB.

I'm honestly convinced you have a severe learning disability. The poor reading comprehension, the inability to grasp points, the forming of strong opinions on subjects you have no understanding of.

It all adds up.

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Commies love Russia yet they blame everything that happens in the US that they don't like on them.

god damn your agenda posting is obnoxious

It gets even worse when they defend modern China, which is just full-blown capitalist, but still waves their favorite flags so they are a-ok.

China, the country that contains the sweatshops that commies like to use as an example of the “failures of capitalism”. Yet they also defend it in when they’re bulldozing protesters.

Lmao, w—what about the rightoiddddsss!??????

Why do internet communists simultaneously deny the soviet union was communist because they clearly know it was bad, and then also twist themselves into circles defending the actions of the soviet union?

Semantics. People who adhere to an ideology are usually orthodox to it, so they take things very literally in a way most people wouldn't. They make distinctions without differences. The Soviet Union exploited non-Russian members to enrich the Russians: food was taken out of Ukraine, resources from Poland, ect, but this doesn't count as "imperialism" because it was done by the ML state on behalf of the workers. Even though it looks, sounds, and feels exactly like imperialism.

commies are retarded, how interesting

GOOD point

The way I had it explained to me is that the USSR is used as a talking point to attack socialism/communism therefore it is dialetically a good idea to defend it. Also the USSR was opposed to the USA and was therefore good.

The Soviets weren't communist, also they dindu nuffin.

Did you see how Budapest was dressed? Clearly asking for it...

Someone should ask him what happened to Kresy and the Poles who lived there.

You don't need to say "Chapocel Tankie." It's redundant.

/r/europe is based