Taco is taunted with “muh wall”, mama bear steps in, gets the absolute shit kicked out of her by a teen, leftoids immediately blame wypipo, not realizing the bully is basketball American.

182  2019-07-07 by PromiseCockring


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The people involved here probably don't even respect bussy all that much.


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Foids that think they can fight moids are hilarious.

I remember I got in a fight with this little faggot Donny when I was like 14. I had paid a local foid to lure him to the park with promises of weed and boobs. When he showed up, I came out from behind the playground set and said "hey Donny, what were you saying the other day."

He instantly takes off. I chase him down and kick the shit out of him and I consider the matter settled. Well what do you know, turns out Donny took his fucking shoes off and walked home and told his crack whore of a mom I had stolen them. So she pulls up and gets in my face and starts trying to threaten me.

I say something like "look bitch, nobody stole your kids shoes, I suggest you get out of my face before I kick the shit out of you too." This, of course, infuriated her, and her betacuck boyfriend got out of the van and walked towards me.

I say "he fucking took his shoes off and ran, nobody stole them" and her betacuck boyfriend then says "oh my god Don, you took your shoes off and ran?" then he grabs his foid and leaves.

The moral of the story is, that foid was willing to get her shit kicked in to defend her dumb ass son. Foids are insane.

I'm honestly convinced you have a severe learning disability. The poor reading comprehension, the inability to grasp points, the forming of strong opinions on subjects you have no understanding of.

It all adds up.

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To be fair had she been crane lifted above him and dropped she could’ve inflicted some massive damage

Is this yo lil Donnie posting 🤔


I feel like what really happened was Pizza got the shit kicked out of him by this kid's mom and that's why he hates foids.

He has made up numerous stories about how tough he is despite the fact we can see what a twinkish little pansy he is.

So, this is his origin story?

It all makes sense now

He also got bitten by a radioactive incel.

This is the most boring erotica I've ever read.

This is not good creative writing. Be better.

top comment:

>This wouldn’t of happened if trump wasn’t president

Damn trump for making black youth violent racists.

A half decade ago that would have been an unironic "thanks, Obama" out loose in the wild.

The best part of Burgerland is that we can always blame our president for every little mundane thing.

Dude {{currentPresident}} lmao

I got a speeding ticket in 1996. Thanks Bill Clinton for your police state!!

Found the boomer.

US Founders: We should separate federal and state powers because people will want to control their own neighborhoods more than they want distant bureaucrats to do so.

Americans: Does exactly the opposite

It's Obama's fault not seizing power and securing a third term, making this impressionable urban youth economically anxious.

They were always such a peaceful demographic

Damn trump for making black youth violent racists.

Why do you think this isn’t possible? Are only white youth able to be invigorated by anti-Hispanic rhetoric?

Yikes, are you trying to say black people can be racist? Please do better.

when its a demographic that voted something like 96% against him, yes lol.

'cause tacos are a much bigger part of the population than grape soda.

Honestly, bullying should be a jailable offence. If bullying leads to suicide in the teenage and adult life, then there should be more responsabiliy even on minors for the well-being of others.

LOL being this much of a pussy should be a jail-able offense

also I like how peak wokeness is sending Negro children to do hard time.

The people's militia will enforce equal opportunity imprisonment ☭☭☭

Bullying should be encouraged.

Early and often

its how tarded kids learn social norms

And know their place

Bullying should be an elective. There is an art to it. If you're bullying people to suicide then you're doing it poorly. Anti-bullying propaganda has led us to forget our proud tradition of bullying and kids are resorting to underground bullying options which are properly regulated.

There needs to be more shame these days.

Bullying and kinkshaming are due for a comeback, but not in a boring religious rightoid way.

Haha bullying is good, but honestly this is kinda depressing. Like imagine you're walking home from school and 3 kids come up and beat you up. Okay get good lul. But then they beat up your fucking mom with your 1 yr old sibling there too? That's psychopathic imo and I would be fine with unironic jail time. I actually gained some empathy for poorcels after reading this if that's what they have to go through.

also I like how peak wokeness is sending Negro children to do hard time.

Nice one tho 😂

Hey its her fault for trying to jump in and getting knocked out by a 13 year old I know my mother would have gone down swinging.

Getting jumped by a pack of wild Nigs isn't anything special in Public Schools I didn't even know any of the pack that randomly beat down my bitch ass.

Hey its her fault for trying to jump in and getting knocked out by a 13 year old I know my mother would have gone down swinging.

What're you trying to say here? Any mom would fight there unless their biology is fucked up. This mom did and got fucked up which I think is pretty disgusting by the kids. Like what was she even gonna, do just ignore her. Or beat the kid up when he's by himself not in front of his fucking mom.

Getting jumped by a pack of wild Nigs isn't anything special in Public Schools

Yeah the Public school I went to was in a rich area and was honestly rly racially segregated. Like curries kept to themselves, tacos did too, only mayos kinda intermingled with everyone.

I didn't even know any of the pack that randomly beat down my bitch ass but thats just life telling you to get your weight up.

Based. But I still feel like that kinda lesson should only happen once you hit high school. Like middle schoolers are just kids! Let them learn or whatever the fuck they do

i mean i dont think u can stop 13 year olds from bruising other 13 year olds. that just teaches people to rely on teacher for protection and then u get current totally dependent will-less retards. and jailing them doesn't stop the nigs from beating down the otehr nigs

jailing them doesn't stop the nigs from beating down the otehr nigs

Who said I wanted them to stop 🤔

Idk my middle school social groups didn't rly have these problems, but could just be bc Asians are massive pussies. There was a lot more social bullying (which is the best kind of bullying imo as it teaches kids to not be retards).

lol that was a middle school story, and so was the article. The more you grow the more you learn to solve shit without violence. Middle schoolers aren't innocent, but sending them off to do time is just going to give you a future gang banger,

3 kids come up and beat you up. Okay get good lul. But then they beat up your fucking mom with your 1 yr old sibling there too? That's psychopathic imo and I would be fine with unironic jail time

Sending niggers to jail for acting like niggers is racist.

Obama passed that brilliant law that schools can't suspend black kids more often than white kids.

So if the white kids at your school are too nice, the black kids can run hog wild with no repercussions.

Trump got rid of that idiotic law, the left is still whining about it.


Yikes sweaty. I'm just going to have to stop you there. This is the nanny state New Jersey's fault for not issuing concealed carry licenses. Full stop. This wouldn't have happened if children had the means to defend themselves.

You know damn good and well they only said that because they were 100% the kid was some white, redneck, trumptard stereotype. Just like everyone else in that thread.

Is this the same story from like a few weeks ago, or did it happen again?

also I like how peak wokeness is sending Negro children to do hard time.

It's the 1994 crime bill all over again!

You'd think a sub dedicated to a genocide-denying retard would be more open to violence.

Which genocide?

He's turkish but I don't think he publicly denied the genocide just his uncle cenk

Aren't chalupAmericans a bigger part of the population than Basketball-identified people?

Almost double and growing.

Will Josés and Marías brig back lynchings?

Is it over for basketballs? Latinos and blacks hate each other more than any other race in America.

How about Asians and other Asians

I forgot about the how much the Japanese and Chinese hate each other, and how much the Japanese hate the Koreans and how much the Vietnamese hate the Chinese. Damn Asians ruined Asia!

Overall, but blacks are more concentrated in certain regions.

I know one place where a lot of Mexicans are concentrated.

Hey now, dont trivialize the past by calling them camps. Theyre genocide centers.

Yeah, 2 of my towns KFC's just got turned into Taco Bell's and all i wanted was grilled cheese sandwich.

It's disgusting how they have scapegoated some poor, black kid for a white kid's crime. This is Jussie Smollett all over again.

Imagine being a part of the Hassan Piker subreddit community

the 30 year old boomer in me members when twitch was for video games, not titties and retarded lefties brainwashing kids

cosas negras

Jesus that subreddit is retarded

Guy there unironically suggested that it was still possible the black kid was a potential/potentially future KKK member

No outright mayo blaming in that thread, unless trump supporter = mayo

That girl just had the reality of why women dont fight on the front lines hit hard

13 year old boy vs 35 year old grown ass woman. The woman got her ass whooped hard

Sad state of foids.

Oh yeah, Hassan Piker, the anti-facist who defends DRPK. I'm sure his sub is great too.

Until tacos move in look at Los Angeles

They'll grow up to be fash/klan or just plain old violent racists, will end up murdering someone, and all the liberals will be crying about how it's an utter mystery that things ended up that way

The bully was black, so the Klan thing might be difficult

You right, fash it is. Although I have heard some wacky tales about black kkk members

When you've committed your entire live to whining about evil white people so hard that you have to double down on calling a black kid a future fascist klansman because you couldn't be bothered to actually read the article that you're commenting on before writing out your screed. Seriously, has ANYONE on the left every actually worried about black fascists?

Such dissonance. The hopeless bastard.

Black teens will be the greatest nazis of all time, inshallah. If Hitler had access to based black teens he would have never lost.

Bully beats woman unconscious.

Normal people: Jesus Christ.

MAGAcels: lol the bully was black libtards owned

Bully beats woman unconscious.

Are you implying this is a bad thing

Don't be stupid MAGAtards are celebrating cause everyone in that thread assumed it was a cumskin Drumpf supporter.


Says alout about Trumps America when even the blacks are racist. Am i right guys? Like & Share😤✊🏿

ummm blacks cant be racist sweaty, try again

we’re all immigrants

Imagine unironically believing this

Imagine telling the descendants of slaves they’re the same as border hopers


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DramaAuxilaryJannie #1

Has there been talk of a wall 20 years ago? I thought not

LMAO I remember the first administration I paid attention to too.

I’m a high school zoomed and from what I can tell you’re right. I’d say 70% of the people are left leaning, then some straight white males are huge trump supporters and look past all the bad he does. Which effectively makes them fascist leaning


I made the thread. Where did I claim white people did anything you insecure morons? Trump dehumanizes Mexican immigrants and opens them to violence. The race of the attacker is irrelevant.

Lol faggot

You implied it by purposely leaving out critical information - lying by omission.

You piece of shit.

"You implied it because my poisoned degenerate brain projected it!"