A US cop with the username Free-Palestine and a kitten walk into /r/aww.

36  2019-07-07 by McFluff_TheCrimeCat


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I totally realize most people are going to disagree with me here but I feel compelled to say that closing the sub for a joke wasn't a very kind thing to do. We have seen TONS of posts from vulnerable populations talking about how this sub is a source of support and humor in a dark time. Irony and dirtbagism aside, taking away that support without warning was not okay.

You can say I'm being silly, or humorless or reactionary. Whatever. I love the show and I love this community. But sometimes I come home after dealing with ableism and our nightmare reality all day, and this sub is one of many things that make me feel better. It wasn't a good feeling to find this sub closed for the sake of irony. Maybe that's laughable or pathetic. But for me, it's true.


  1. A US cop with the username Free-Pal... - archive.org, archive.today, removeddit.com

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US Cop

Free Palestine

Could she be a radical centrist?

Are American cops known for being pro Israel?

Well most American cops are conservative and supporting Israel is associated more with conservatives in the US, so I would say so.

Supporting Israel is the centrist position. Christian Zionism is the evangelical position. supporting Palestine is a far right and far left position. Not caring about either is a weird right and weird center (and maybe weird left?) position.

Supporting Israel is the centrist position.


Supporting Palestine is a Nazi right and far left position.

Also no.

Cope harder Nazbol

Figures you have no idea what you’re talking about. Israel’s not innocent and acquired there land through the purposeful murder of civilians whom despite denials they still target. The US middle republican right loves Israel but that’s the evangelical position related to end of times nonsense.

The neonazis generally like isreal just not Jews but they view it as a successful ethnostate that could be used for deporting Jews to and a model for a white ethnostate.

The actual left and more and more democrats while that’s still mixed are getting a little tired that isreal keeps stealing more land into what is now Palestine’s land instead of truly working towards a two state solution where the current borders are the borders for the foreseeable future. Which is the only reasonable stance at this point .

The actual left

This is a dog whistle for commie

Not particularly. There’s a wide range between socdems who actually fall slightly left and wannabe commies.

Yes and they're either jewish and support Israel or they're weird left and they don't support either side. As soon as you get to anti-Israel positions you're reliably in Nazi commie territory

Palestine’s land instead of truly working towards a two state solution where the current borders are the borders for the foreseeable future. Which is the only reasonable stance at this point

lol, I still the Isreal fucked up by not sending them all to a reservation AKA jordan like the Americans did, we can call it something snappy like the Jihad of tears.

The neonazis generally like isreal


yes in context of why they like it.

wall of text

you should have just left your first answer, which was based and epic

Maybe but the whole isreal/palestine thing is something I think people should know more about so we can force a two state solution on them with sanctions force since they both wanna be stupid.

isreal keeps stealing more land into what is now Palestine’s land


Jannies really need to genocide the serious posters

Nobody cares about ethics or de jure ownership. At the end of the day whoever owns a country is whoever has the most warm bodies holding guns occupying it.

Not caring about either pisses off lefties, righties, and centrists. I'd say that's the radcent position tbh. Imagine caring about the middle East 😂😂😂

Imagine caring about anything

(besides yourself) based.

What about people who just want to nuke the whole region and let the mutants have their turn?

The vast majority of American cops are just normal people who care about their fellow citizens and want to protect their environment.

Staticstically, most don't even care or know that much about the whole political debate.

no your wrong honeybun. acab

Your parents should have never given you video game consoles.

I'm sorry your parents failed you, maybe you could be a bigger person today if they had taught you better.

Show me where the minority touched you. Sorry we don't all want armed bootlicking thugs who will magdump the first black man who jwalks. Acab. Be better.

No worries!, just go back to your video games.....

I'll be sure to remind all the dead dogs that pigs are good people. Acab, chud.

Have you ever heard of Ashtanga yoga?

Nice job trying to change the subject from your defense of a fascist adjacent force for evil.


The user isn’t the one in the picture so I’d say no

Too bad """she's""" just a Chapo larping.

The face of centrism

Why do I find this small thing to be hilarious

Hahaha I can't stop laughing

Lmao good troll

That fluoride stare

What is with leftoids support for Palestine? The country that murders gay people.

Palestine only treats them that badly because of Israel. Israel still treats them worse

Its not hard to figure out, in any conflict the lefties choose the side with the most victimhood points.

>image is mirrored

was she driving while taking the picture? 🤔

Cops are based, making lefties seeth by simply doing their jobs.