I've decided to quit the sub. Also I'm going full Randy.

7  2019-07-07 by e-guy

After introspection, this sub has probably not been great for my mental health, and I know I've become more and more obsessed with it as time has gone by, which is probably also unhealthy. As such, I've decided to honor the ways of the samurai and commit sudoku.

Also, I'm trans. Probably. Though this probably also isn't a shock, given my post history. Looking back on it, I'm not sure how I didn't know I was trans earlier, given that I was a gay femboy on HRT who spent half the time he was posting talking about how much he loved to suck dick while hating his own... 🤔

Also, since I'm going, may as well burn some bridges! We're doing this Kamikaze style!

1, Pizzashill is rarely wrong, he's just insufferable, and deep down even you rightoids know it.

2, the platypus and dinosaur gimmicks are stupid. TayTay is mildly better, but equally low effort.

3, most of the mod team is actually better than you give them credit for, and do a good job of keeping the sub both open and controlled. They are one of the more ideal mod teams on reddit imo. The tongue in cheek mocking of them that's been around forever has taken on a less and less ironic tinge in the last while I wonder why!

4, an addendum to 3, the exception is MasterLawlz. Once again, fuck you (nah I'm just joking. You're OK. Your posts are dumb, though, and you do almost nothing.)

5, snally, you seriouspost too much. I do like your deep dives tho.

6, headasplodes, you are an absolute fucking poser. You can say you're centrist as much as you like, but it's real obvious after awhile the pattern your "centrism" takes.

7, fix the damn CSS at this point, it's just annoying

8, trappysaruh isn't as great as you all think she is.

9, (she is still great tho)

10, the sub does lean more right than left and has for months. Don't pretend it doesn't.

11, that doesn't mean the leftists whineposts about this trend are any more tolerable (yes, I understand the irony)

12, dootwiththesickness, you're alright. I like you.

13, fuck centrism

Thank you for reading. I'm aware none of you care or will read all this, have nice lives.


You are seemingly intelligent enough to think of a witty Reddit name and even put a little clever flair next to it, yet this escapes you? Sweaty, go to an evening class or something....


  1. I've decided to quit the sub. Also ... - archive.org, archive.today, removeddit.com

  2. fuck centrism - archive.org, archive.today

I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers

See you tomorrow

who dis

/user/e-guy apparently


Aww 😢 I liked him


Lol why do I make you faggots so mad

Who are you?

Dude bussy lmao


Wuz it a name I would have recognized?

Didn’t see it before they deleted

Ah damn. Pretty uncontroversial takes anyway.

Yeah pretty mild and pretty much how we all feel anyways.


e guy


e guy

8, trappysaruh isn't as great as you all think she is.



I hope you still enjoy sucking cock you cock sucker nom om nom suck that cock Stay off the roads kid is what I'll say when I piss in your eyes

This is somehow more embarrassing than pizza posts when he left in the past, no one cares what you think, who are you, just stop posting here if you dont like it. Attention whore.

I'm not sure how I didn't know I was trans earlier, given that I was a gay femboy on HRT

You should write mystery stories.


the sub does lean more right than left and has for months. Don't pretend it doesn't.

Reality has a rightwing bias. 😎

And that's been proven with facts and logic

reality autistic internet spaces

I remember your post on how you've resisted going full randy because of the community, take care though


Fucking hell, was this Randy? If so his alt has got to be monitoring this thread, and the odds on his return have got to be amazing.

Literally who?

Another Sunday hangover flounce.

Did you just say that trappy isn't perfect?

You had me until you linked me a somehow more Jewish young Anthony wieners YouTube.

I only saw this now. If you read this, e-guy, I’d have responded if only we could still ping.