Russia's state TV is obsessively bashing Trump's "low energy," "weak" parade with "rusty tanks." The hosts LOL at Trump's claim about "revolutionary war airports" & other historical flubs. "There's your city upon a hill, there's your world leader—and Martians have been defeated."

54  2019-07-07 by HodorTheDoorHolder_


You are seemingly intelligent enough to think of a witty Reddit name and even put a little clever flair next to it, yet this escapes you? Sweaty, go to an evening class or something....


  1. Russia's state TV is obsessively ba... -,

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Trump has unironically made this country a laughing stock.

Russian media has never been kind to US politics but it’s funny to see them still shitting on us when our president has his tongue up Putin’s ass. Also, Russian media is a mouthpiece for Putin.

Daddy didn't put out this week, so he gets shit-talked

Wait a second is Trump the chick who keeps going back to the abusive arsehole in the Trump/Putin dynamic.

Duh. He's so insecure.

unironically buying into Russia-gate



being a living, breathing moron


niggaz in /r/drama be like "lmao look at these pizzagate tards and other conspiratards oh wait russia-gate that shit is definitely real 100% fax"

Brings a tear my eyes when young zoomers wake up to laughing at usa. Bay of pigs, now that was a funny blunder!

Fidel got "btfo". Just kidding. We got. "Btfo".

Nigga, wtf u think George Bush was? 🤣

"He just seems like a guy you could have beer with"

Imagine how lame it would be if a President did a beer summit with a college professor.

Bush changed his accent at his wife's bidding wake up sheep

The rest of the world has dumped on the US since current year 1776. Just remind the Euros about Lend Lease and move on.

I mean, he's the natural conclusion of right-wing grifter politics. The party has been full of grifters for years, but I never thought one would manage to become the leader of the party.

Sane conservatives for years have been warning of the grifter issue and nobody wanted to listen and now the party basically runs as one giant grift.

I'm honestly convinced you have a severe learning disability. The poor reading comprehension, the inability to grasp points, the forming of strong opinions on subjects you have no understanding of.

It all adds up.

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Grandpa put bees in my ass oh god oh fuck they're stinging my colon please help

Put your grandpa on, son, him and I will be best buddies.

This is just Daddy's dom partner negging him, not that shocking really

negging wouldn't pegging be more appropriate?

pretty sure this is putin turning Daddy's ass beet red for cheating on him with a korean manlet

The funniest part is seeing twittercels trying to 5D chess this and coming up with 100 different takes for the same single piece of evidence.

Russia shits on US bc they want us to look weak Russia shits on US bc Trump isn't helping them anymore Russia shits on US bc Trump wants them to do it

And on and on and so forth.

Wonder which meme candidate they've picked from the Dems, not that Trump is an old tired meme.

Don't give up on Jeb just yet!

President Trump should look for another job. He puts in soo much effort, yet it's become crystal clear that his boss doesn't respect him.

Putin be like: bruh, you're FIRED. 🤣

A lion doesn’t concern himself with the opinion of sheep.

It must really hurt Trump's feelings to fellate Putin so publicly and then get shit on by Putin's lackeys.

Feefees hurt

you're a virgin aren't you?

Watch another show, sowrdshitter

Ah a fresh Donald 'fugee!

I bet you downvote lolcows you degenerate fuck.

LOL at having state funded news i mean




Krokoville surely knows how to tease

Sounds like a declaration of war.