Andrew Yang "suggests" that some people are just born degenerate. Twittercels seethe

327  2019-07-07 by artemis_m_oswald


Are you a literal NPC? First you had trouble counting to two, now you're just copy and pasting your replies. Do you need some time to update before you can type anything new?


  1. Andrew Yang "suggests" that some pe... -,

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you’re bordering on essentialism, eugenics and nazi race science, andrew. rethink this.

Is my favorite take so far

I love how the left doesn’t even bother asking anymore.

rethink this

do better

try again

After all, they're right so people should just listen to them.

the problem with the left is the never explain why someone or something is wrong if I is clearly wrong or a bad idea, they'll just say "yikes" or "that's a bad take".

Be better sweaty. Try to have a better take. The left is perfect and has no problems.

Who hurt you

Someone less effective than the person who hurt you, pretty obviously.

Oof big yikes

I came across an unironic "mega yikes" in the wild yesterday

This. So much Poe’s law ad hominem straw man dog whistle Occam’s razor this. Which is what I came here to say.

This ain’t it

Yes and this is also true of every twittercel. You can't exactly make a logical point in 300 characters so it gives retards an excuse to just trot out buzzwords

Damnit stop down voting lolcows you ignorant fucks.

Because wokecels don't have any actual political convictions. They just know how to identify "bad politics", to point and shout at them.


Yes, the left constantly forgets to explain why being able to breathe or children being locked up in concentration cages are bad ideas.

children locked In cages

So you can’t molest them? Excuse me if I don’t support putting children in jail with adults who can’t prove they are even their parents. Why do you support child abuse and trafficking?

"why do you support human trafficking and child molestion"

Hollywood: exists

U really gotta debate eugenics?

Damnit stop down voting lolcows you ignorant fucks

Yikes. This aint chief. Be better


Its not my job to educate you

People who dress up their smugness in chilches should be fired out of a cannon over the cliffs of Dover

We’ve got Brexit on right now they’ll have to get in line behind all the Poles

stay in your lane

Genetics are the Achilles Heel of far-left identity politics.

Lol being called a Nazi has been watered down so much by these people.

I also understand they hate fascists but what’s really so bad about being one

but what’s really so bad about being one

Is it the skulls?

Peak aesthetics imo

Usually we would think of A E S T H E T I Cs with the skin on.

Traditionally fascists have been germoids or shitalian dogs, so there’s your problem right there

they hate fascists

I mean, they hate people who they deem to be on the "other team" who everyone on their side calls "fascist".

But I doubt many if any of them are super versed in Mussolini's theories.

Why wouldn't genetics influence political view?

Cuz culture causes everything.

Except Obesity. Obesity is 100% genetic.

based and fat pride pilled

And healthy and you're a literal white supremacist if you think otherwise

what on earth happened to this sub

All the good posters got banned

90% of them to be precise. If you want to improve it, all the approvedcels need to get banned.

Unapproved cope


Even if my penis was feminine, it would still be getting more bussy than you

Well yes, normal people tend to value quality over quantity.

Unfortunately, the ones with quantity get their selection of the quality bussies

This should be a snapshillbot comment.

Turns out banning 90% of your subreddit to carry out some shitty capeshit joke just ends up making you even more vulnerable to being invaded by shitty agenda posting entryists.

Oh no, making fun of fat people, no no no no no :(

I mean, we already know dipshits tend to vote for dipshits

See: U.S. campaigns since 1980

Genetics and brain chemistry only influence whatever thing your political ideology wants to be normal and nothing the other side wants, obviously.

So for liberals genetics only influences your sexual, physical, and other various degeneracies, which is why it's totally not my fault I'm a 400 lb furry.

Whereas for conservatives genetics only influences racial IQ tests and 10 real genetic sequences that DESTROY libruls with FACTS and LOGIC, a.k.a. I was born racist.

I'm sure there's a great radical centrists take here but I can't fish it out.

Maybe it's that IQ is tied only to race, but obesity is obviously a choice, so black obese people are the only ones to have overcome their genetics and are therefore the ubermensch of the human species.

Genetics influences everything to an extent so society is obligated to gently guide genetics to maximize whatever the society values most.

Ah, so euthanize all genetic essentialists. That sounds about right.


This is becoming too complicated.

Society function good by purging bad influences that oppose society core values. Bad influence can come in gene or idea.

So which gene or meme are we talking about here?

It was a neutral statement. It entirely depends on what your society's agreed ideals are.

Free will is an illusion. Being fat is a genetic problem but it isn't some weird thyroid bullshit, it's an inherent lack of willpower or self control.

Yeah but it certainly is society deciding these things. You can see how obesity has ballooned with time.

Amazing. You did it. My mind is blown.

You're a filthy degenerate with a warped mind and you should be very proud of yourself.

Praise Ben Shapiro Insallah

Linking political views to genetics is very dubious. So many different factors go into said views it's impossible to claim they're genetic.

For example, going to college greatly increases the odds you're liberal, no matter what background you come from.

The point is, whatever influence genetics has is nowhere near as powerful as other factors like:




Etc etc.

I'm honestly convinced you have a severe learning disability. The poor reading comprehension, the inability to grasp points, the forming of strong opinions on subjects you have no understanding of.

It all adds up.

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Uhhh socioeconomic factors, duh.

Research shows a link between conservatism and low IQ

And a more active amygdala. Conservatives are perpetually scared.

Then how do we explain people being driven to insanity by the evil orange man?

Empathy for others

Please stick around in this sub

Sadly, he's not new here.

Christ lol

Empathy is a moral spook.

How DARE you assume gender?

Peak CA humour strikes again 🤭

lol downvoting rightoids in the thread suddenly don't like linking politics and genetics anymore

how about skin color and IQ?

thats why geneticism is such a great field, it makes both sides seethe and deny realities

lol downvoting leftoids in the thread suddenly don't like linking politics and genetics anymore

The truth is just one more thing they're afraid of. Smdh

Conservatives are able to detect threats while liberals are not.

Based Stonetoss.

If this is the case we need to build bridges as much as possible.

If we build lots of bridges, we'll have lots of elevated things to throw degenerates off of. *taps forehead*


They hated him because he was based

Enter the centre


This is why we need eugenics.

RIP Eugene MD. A Twitter legend that got meetood before his time. Fuck you, Ryan Hill.

wait, he got metoo'd? damn, with a name like eugene I should have seen this coming from a mile away

first off, lmao @ "Ashley Rae Goldenberg" is a neo nazi yea ok toooooooooooootally

i dont trust the result because correlational studies bad science bad, more specifically heres five condounding factors:

1) (im assuming these are adoptive twin studies) even when a twin is adopted out, they're still gonna be in a nearby area, and that easily could just straight up explain that 1/3-1/2 political alignment difference.

2) they might not be adoptive twin studies in which case lol environment and parents

3) political alignment is often driven by circumstances. you could be genetically predisposed to being a worker vs being a weak ass faggot salesman vs being a lying jew vs being gay, and that might influence your political leanings. this is a lot more meaningful in a sense than his take in that the political alignment wasn't genetic, but it was correctly chosen based on innate ability, similarly to how having different views based on location or status is seen as not shocking

4) i mean this is kiinda obvious bullshit given how political leanings end up irl

5) EVEN if it's almost true, claiming that "genetics -> political leaning" completely ignores the actual cause of that which is MUCH MUCH MUCH more important, to an extent that the original claim is retarded. For instance, people who are stronger and achieve more might be right, faggots who watch marvel all day and whine to their teacher might be liberal, but that is MUCH MORE IMPORTANT than just a totally noninformative correlation. understanding the second requires actual understanding, the correlation doesnt help u understand it.

That degree finally paying off

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Genetics predispose people to different lifestyles, and different lifestyles usually lead to different political views. I'd say your point #5 is simply a roundabout way of pointing this out. If you've got the genetics of some scrawny loser, you're almost always going to be sent down the path of living life as a scrawny ugly loser - being a follower, being rejected, being outcast, probably going to college and consuming mainstream media and having mainstream political views because that's what you're told you're supposed to do. Scrawny ugly losers are usually going to be left-wing. If you've got the genetics of some inbred shitstain borderline-retard, you're going to go down the path of an inbred shitstain borderline-retard. You're going to be aggressive, stubborn, definitely not go to college, work a physical job. People like that are almost always right-wing.

Of course, most people are more nuanced than that, what I just typed out is more a case for extremists, and you can actually see it in practice just taking a look at pictures of extremists. Look at the average Chapo VS the average /pol/tard.

yes i would agree, however what yang is implying is that there are "conservative genes" and "liberal genes", however that isn't true in the sense that the "conservative gene" makes you believe conservative things - it's true in the sense if there is a sort of conservative innate leaning it's th second, yea

What Yang is implying is that trying to radically change people's politics is probably mostly futile (and all that stuff about well actually it is mediated by lifestyle and shit doesn't change that) so we must accept that we are different and seek compromises instead of trying to "win".

Which is why communists and fascists rely on killing the unbelievers who are in the way of letting it “work this time”

ok that's fair, except i dont really want a half-way compromise between 'me living on my own on my farm' and 'me being forcibly enslaved to woke industrial megacorporations'

The Amish seem to be doing just fine, if you want more you can organize a bunch of like-minded people and move to Guyana ;)

Man you are looking too hard into this; all he said was that people may be predisposed to certain politics genetically, and if that’s the case, it’s be better to try and reach consensus. Honestly how is this a hot take?

Besides, people in that tweeter feed seem to be perfectly fine with having a uni-party, and that’s pretty fucked up too.

Man you are looking too hard into this; all he said was that people may be predisposed to certain politics genetically, and if that’s the case, it’s be better to try and reach consensus.

it means the opposite? consensus would be harder in that case. that's just a feel good take that means nothing lol

You don't understand how twin studies work. You look at monozygotic twins and dizygotic twins. Both sets of twins share the same environment, but monozygotic twins share the same DNA while dizygotic twins share only half. When monozygotic twins are more similar than dizygotic twins, that represents half the effect of genetics.

Let me guess, you are a STEM major and think you know everything?

i mean im going on the actual study i looked up for political leanings, which used separated twins

i can't really provide more commentary on that sort without actually seeing the study

Which one? Hatemi 2009 used several cohorts and the methodology I described.

Genetics are a social construct you fucking idiot

Yang may be the most based man to ever be born. A vote for yang is a vote for drama.

Yang is our only hope for properly executed eugenics

To be fair to Yang it wouldn't be very expensive to build a bridge between the ends of the horseshoe, they're practically touching at this point.

tips touching

Das gay

Only if they cup the balls

even better

Yang should show up to the next debate in a SARS face mask.

Glad I was born a centrist

Yang/McAfee 2020

Stop teasing me with that blue ball fantasy

lmao @ the histrionics and all but this is actually an amazingly retarded thing to say.

yanggang 2020

Care to elaborate on why it's retarded?

Going into it in detail requires a lot more effort than I'm honestly willing to put into an are slash drama post.

Suffice to say the study he's referencing is pretty garbage. And this particular way of framing it is pure pseudoscience gobbledegook lingo. It's like how sociologists say crazy shit about genders while LARPing as real scientists, basically, but with a political twist.

Aw I was hoping you would sperg out :( good on you for not putting effort

Oh don't worry, I'm sure I'll go full spergotronic on some topic or other soon enough.

Can you explain why the study is shit?

Going into it in detail requires a lot more effort than I'm honestly willing to put into an are slash drama post.

is this just your personal opinion that the study is garbage or is it a view held by the academic community? (or do you just don't think sociology/psychology are trustworthy fields?)

cause ik Paul Bloom cited this result in his introductory psychology class at Yale in the past, just seems kinda implausible that such a basic result has been so thoroughly debunked

Why do leftists hate biology?

Same reason rightiods do biology is a based science 🙄

Evolution is proved scientific theory except when you are talking about our brain, which all of its function is clearly based on sociocultural and economic factors.

This is a really weird take thats probably not even true






lmao imagine unironically not being in the Yang Gang

lmao imagine imagineposting without paying the imagineposting toll of 10 yangbux

Only 10? That means I can imaginepost 100x a month when I get dat bag nigga. M A T H

Hey guys, when did r/drama take all the red pills?

Right after you started fent.

This shits dumb but twittercels are infinitely less cowardly than dramacels but especially when their actual name and face is attached to their trash takes

tru, there should unironically not be anonymity on the internet

I unironically agree with this.

This is one of the worst takes ever concocted.

Nah; insulated "communities" would be less able to circlejerk themselves in to radicalization that would otherwise get them told to go away if said outdoors.

Trash takes that are 100% safe and good. These people want their name attached because they get a dopamine rush from unpacking every yikes sweaty this ain’t it chief comment.

It’s based on some study about how we respond to fear or something like that. No matter if it’s genetic or not, societal influence can alter how we think. For example, strong emotional reactions to things we hate are genetically wired to our brains, but society teaches human beings to calm our emotional responses through discipline.

Seriousposting I think here, but if a few of his ideas weren't so batshit insane he'd unironically be one of the best candidates we've had in years. Even those few things are policies that would never be passed, so overall not the biggest deal.

Yanggang where you at

that is most of us are born somewhat wired to be liberal or conservative

Yeah it's called your testosterone/oestrogen levels.

I don’t want to internalize this, but I don’t mind being a degenerate at all. Bring on the anime tiddies!

So, he is a lobster, too?

There goes my support for the Yang Gang.

He’s quoting a scientific study you bricks