HOT Catfight Alert 😻 The 2 sexiest women in Congress throw shade at each other creating massive Twitter drama

39  2019-07-07 by artemis_m_oswald


The joke is that this November your vote counts exactly as much as a senile retiree whose political sources are nestled between a thread of gay furry porn and a thread of kids wearing swimsuits.


  1. HOT Catfight Alert 😻 The 2 sexiest ... -,

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AOChuds and Pelostans duke it out:

If @SpeakerPelosi refuses to lead, then she needs to step down. Cowardly and feckless opposition gives rise to authoritarianism. #FirePelosi #WhereIsNancy

slay her kween Pelosi will devour her


Lol., yep,, that’s it. Keep the division alive & play right into Trumps hand

A voice of reason cries out

Democrats like Pelosi are exactly what led to Trump being elected so excuse me for having standards. We need to get Pelosi the hell out and we need more real people like AOC, Ro Khanna And Ilhan Omar in government.

I too remember when Pelosi and all other moderate Dems cast their ballots for Drumpf

Ah yes because AOC is preventing Trump from winning again.

Many of the world's brightest minds tell me that AOC is the reason Trump won.

Lol AOC wasn’t in Congress when Trump was running for the 2016 election.

That's why he won


Shes busy saving the world and still has time to post of drama?? 😍

She also watches hentai!

💞 the perfect woman does exist

AOC, Ro Khanna, And Ilhan Omar

Because the couple thousands of votes they might pick up on college campuses are worth more than the millions of blue-collar voters it would cost them in the rust belt.

I actually kind of want the Berniefags to get a legit shot at running the party for the sake of dramacoin, but also so that when it proves to be an unmitigated disaster we won't have to hear the tankie faggots whining anymore about how they're the answer to their party's problems.

imagine thinking that tankies would ever, ever learn

Blue collars BTFO. It never began for Larry the Cable Guy

Just couldn’t git ‘er done.

Berniefags are infinitely superior to AOCfags tbh.


this comment paid for by the totally not a berniefag commission

Same species.

Naw berniefags are way less idpol-obsessed.

but tankies think bernie is a succdem, which makes him a threat to the communist philosophy (tranquilizing the proletariat preventing the revolution)??????????

I don't respond to ghosts.

Say one more word and I'll banish you to the spirit world from whence you came.

What's wild about this is Pelosi is the most politically competent democrat left in office and has been running circles around Trump.

These unhinged progressives have no clue how the world works, not even a basic understanding of politics and have convinced themselves twitter is reality.

Half of me wants to see Bernie win the primary so I can watch Trump crush him and then laugh at progressives that ran around for the last 3 years claiming Bernie would have won.

I'm honestly convinced you have a severe learning disability. The poor reading comprehension, the inability to grasp points, the forming of strong opinions on subjects you have no understanding of.

It all adds up.

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Honestly it's the smart option at this point. The Dems pretty much have no chance regardless of who the candidate is (out if the current pool) so might as well teach the far left a lesson. Unless, of course, our wild card Yang wins

I can't believe I'm agreeing with you on something, but yeah, this was my thought the whole time. Pelosi is by far the most competent politician they have on their side right now and they're going full youre-with-us-or-against-us to try and undercut her. It's so amazingly retarded it's almost unbelievable.

The only three things that are certain are death, taxes, and left wing infighting

Foot mommy vs. lizard mommy (not Hillary).

I don’t know which one to support. I guess Feets. Her and the Fab Fresh(wo)men will drain the swamp.

And who says modern politics was a bore?

I don't see Mommy Tulsi involved, so your title is bullshit.

ikr? I mean Pelosi has that "I'm experimenting with gilf porn for a day" vibe going for her, but she's got nothing on Tulsi or my beautiful milk chocolate lady T'Kamala.


OK but just imagine if AOC and pelosi duked it out in a femdom bdsm dungeon.

Unfortunately the sad reality is that no one cares about AOC's hot takes on twitter, except twitter while pelosi probably prints out her hot takes and faxes them to that one retirement home that still supports her.

I’m sorry but what have either of these ladies done for the people at the border other than say “vote for us 2020 lmao.”

Commie Mami fake cried once.

Bipartisan bill, daddy himself said so

Suck it up buttercup, you are 4 out of 435 — your expiration date is November 3, 2020. Shift your thong, it's the only leverage you control.

Goddamn. Boomerina out with the roasts that would make AOC deport herself.


nobody born after 1940 says this tbh

Goddamn, I was the one who came up with your flair, aren't I?

Probably. I remember I stole it off someone else but I don't remember who.

Public sentiment is probably not important to them because of gerrymandering and how they pick their voters. Also, this brings to mind this quote, “First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then you win.”


first they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then you win.

Imagine thinking this is sound advice 🤣🤣🤣🤣

That public “whatever” is called public sentiment.

And wielding the power to shift it is how we actually achieve meaningful change in this country.

yeah but it's actually not tho. having enough votes is

Wasn't that emergency border funding that they're all REEEing at pelosi about so they could give the Guatemalan child sex trafficking victims in concentration tents toothpaste or whatever? Or am I thinking of something else?

Also I kinda want this shirt.

The 2 sexiest women
in congress