Lefties upset that no one likes their ineffectual party leader.

54  2019-07-07 by Standard12


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No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


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It's over for Magic Grandpa.

The 1500 people that they interviewed need to be shot out of a cannon over Dover because Jesus H Christ they are beyond redemption...

Ackshually guns are illegal in Albion

That's probably against the law to say in their stupid country.

Secondly, imagine living on an island the size of Idaho with 60 million people in it and no trees and not wanting to submerge yourself in the cold, uninhabitable ocean.

Imagine living in a supposedly first world country with no universal healthcare, little workers rights, an extremely divided community, constantly funding useless wars with trillions if dollars, having a massive gun problem, with massive corporations riding loopholes in the system and exploiting the populous, with kids not being safe in schools, with education being severely underfunded, and not to mention putting in massive debt if you aren't rich.

Imagine not being able to care for the poor, and instead having people elect a cheeto with no political experience that constantly lies and is always enveloped in scandals, who wants to build a super expensive wall to stop illegal immigrants, when most of them arrive by plane!

Imagine having the largest economy in the world, yet many of your citizens are not cared for. You can afford to spend billions and trillions on ridiculous shit, but supposedly can't afford the basic things that most other developed countries have. There is a reason america has lost it's reputation. People like you don't help to defer the stereotype of ignorant patriotic American.


Luv liverpool Luv me dog Luv labour Luv Corbyn Luv Europe Luv me chips

Ate ukip Ate racists Ate Man Utd Ate Johnson

Ate the Jews

Luv Israel

Ate Syria

Ate Palestine

Bet you cheeky cunts wished you had a Lord Protector to sort this mess out now.

dirty roundheads OUT OUT OUT