chapos may have reached peak-level cope

64  2019-07-07 by BriefSquirt


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  1. chapos may have reached peak-level ... -,

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They criticise us but Amber lives in their head rent free

Based foid.

Goddamn she's lucky she has milkers, that face renders men permanently infertile

She has milkers ? 😱

I mean, they're no Ben Shapiro's sister but they're alright. Probably would tbhfam

Well thank for telling me.

I'm here to help πŸ‘


volcel if you wouldn't

They also live in most drama users heads rent free

Whose heads do Drama occupy then?

Everyone's, from the_Donald to AOCels.

Can't get transcuties out of my head 😍

This isn't true, because chapos always have their parents pay rent for them.

Wherever they live it is rent free

more retarded Chapo bullshit


Imagine fundamentally disagreeing with the host of the podcast your subreddit is based around but not moving to a new/other subreddit.

It's like if a bunch of staunch pro-Israel activists set up camp in /r/MDE.

This is just good ol' purity games from the left. No surprise here, they always end up cannibalizing themselves. I say let all these idiots and pseuds keep on sniffing each others farts in a closed controlled environment much like the magatards.

O&A was a great sub and it was basically just shitting on anything and everything even remotely related to the radio show

CHAPOCELS BTFO!!!! πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ˜‚





This but unironically

This but ironically

This, except without a shred of sincerity

Political correctness in the form of respecting minorities and shit is good. Political correctness in the form of not being able to criticize Israel without being called an anti-semite is bad

edit: don't give reddit your money by buying me reddit silver you damn morons


I'm a dirtbag leftist y'all but I RESPECC wahmen and minorities cause that would be like SO yikes if I didn't.

Chapo trannys wish that they were as cool as Amber. Hence the seething.

Political correctness in the form of respecting minorities and shit is good. Political correctness in the form of not being able to criticize Israel without being called an anti-semite is bad

It's so hard to say if they are self-aware or trolling.

She didn't say white supremacy's isn't real for one. I get that it's meant to be exaggeration, but it goes beyond just exaggerating her point and into being misleading. And honestly having now read the full article she had some dog shit takes and died not come across well, but I still think your criticism was just weak and dishonest

The cope is thicc

People calling me a tranny is pretty shitty and I can’t really handle it. Them not doing so may not solve β€œthe” problem but it contributes to my wellbeing in the present day when nothing else being proposed really does. Which makes me better able to combat capitalism and such. We have all benefited from some aspect of PC culture. Unless we specifically section off the β€œgood parts” of PC and give them another name, but honestly I think some people on this sub are hating on the beneficial parts too. So I think your take is kind of disingenuous, because I think you realize respecting pronouns is part of most people’s idea of what PC culture is.

Wow stop trannysplaining

hahahahaha cry more tranny

they still pay amber like six figures a year

I'm not a fan of political correctness, but being purposefully politically incorrect is way worse. It's contrarianism for lazy teenagers, a completely empty way to rebel against the establishment.

I want to see chapos' idea of useful rebellion.

Leaks stolen from stupidpol. The Chapo mods are breaking the backs of all who defend big titty Amber

Make a post about that or I will

If you want. I figured just a stickied comment here is enough.