r/Drama caters to drama in all forms such as: Real life, videos, photos, gossip, rumors, news sites, Reddit, and Beyond™. There isn't drama we won't touch, and we want it all.
realize everyone's fucking retarded and stop taking it so seriously
go to meta subs to laugh about how retarded it is
realize meta subs are also fucking retarded
realize every single thing about this godforsaken website is a shitpile of drooling idiocy
abandon any pretense of caring about anything at all and become an aimless malevolent shitposter, gleefully stupid in a way that even you can't tell if it's ironic anymore
1 SnapshillBot 2019-07-07
You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.
I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers
1 MightiestPhallus 2019-07-07
This probably describes it best
1 9-11DiverExplosion 2019-07-07
pedophile pride worldwide
1 FoidBlaster 2019-07-07
It's a state of mind. You need to let go of this physical plane to understand.
1 uberloser2 2019-07-07
A place that unites both leftoids and rightoids in laughing at people on the internet
1 AlecOzzyHillPitas 2019-07-07
1 Platycel 2019-07-07
go on reddit
take it seriously
realize everyone's fucking retarded and stop taking it so seriously
go to meta subs to laugh about how retarded it is
realize meta subs are also fucking retarded
realize every single thing about this godforsaken website is a shitpile of drooling idiocy
abandon any pretense of caring about anything at all and become an aimless malevolent shitposter, gleefully stupid in a way that even you can't tell if it's ironic anymore
ascend to /r/drama
1 AlecOzzyHillPitas 2019-07-07
1 Epicbasedcentrist 2019-07-07
Dude bussy lmao