Is it cool for literal basketball Americans to rep gangs?

36  2019-07-07 by Osterion


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Hahaha, you were so butthurt you reported all my posts to the moderators too.

You win this one, I'm not allowed to make fun of you anymore. Enjoy living your internet life every day, goodbye.


  1. Is it cool for literal basketball A... -,,

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I love when Reddit acts like the negros have no agency if their own. Even though they are worth million they have to be involved in a gang due to “socio-economic” factors.

I mean realistically speaking it's less of people choosing to join gangs as teenagers and children, and more like being born into a gang. Which is why people like Tekashi and Soulja boy who join gangs as an adult(pay for membership) to be macho are looked at as fucking retards doing the dumbest shit to be macho. And I really don't see how this is any different than you luz extinguidas repping the klan or white power as adults, because it's your heritage and/or you were raised that way so it's your opinion you're entitled to without criticism.

Lol cope

I'm not in a gang or from American slavery/Jim Crow/no father, but ok. The massive downvotes everytime I point out POC(People of Carfentanil) do the same shit they point the finger at Chicken-Americans for the real cope is. Inb4 pretending I meant that I care about karma points. Most of the rightoids here can't take the bantz without chimping out and downvoting, how pathetic.

Based and centristpilled

They do the same thing with foids.

The only person with a valid point on that thread besides myself was the dude who brought up public image, except he oversimplified it. I actually have had teachers, counselors, etc. who were gang-affiliated. Gangs get a pass cuz they earned it via hip-hop music. This is what I never understood about cultural appropriation. If someone appropriates your culture in any mainstream way, it basically means you have a free pass to use your culture as an excuse for shitty behavior. Just embrace it, dumbasses.

Mayos just mad cuz they have no cool gangs to join.

Lol imagine thinking the country church isnt a cool gang 😂😂😂