First person view of a lolcow insulting r/drama

22  2019-07-07 by Quietus42


This is not the time or place for another black-dick joke


  1. First person view of a lolcow insul... -,

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So did they discover this dudes camera in a pile of bear shit or what?

He got bit on the hand, but survived.

Then he blamed the bear.

Of course the retard is Russian.

That or Appalachian. No one else would be retarded enough to kick a fuckin bear

I suppose the only real difference between the two is the Appalachian is fueled on moonshine whereas the Russian vodka.

And the Appalachian is slightly more inbred.

There is no difference, just as there is no difference between them and poland, ukraine and all the other countries east from germany.

He’s Russian. What do you expect? They date bears 🐻.