r/chapo mods are banning everyone who defends amber frost (one of the hosts of the podcast)

263  2019-07-07 by thebloodisfoul


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Imagine having any strong opinions one way or another on this mongofoid

She's making chapotards seethe 24/7, I fucking love her.

l e f t u n i t y i s a m y t h

I don't think I've ever heard of anyone who thought the left was ever united. It's not really a new problem, either.

Well during the spanish civil war the leftists were more busy with executing other leftists that weren't radical enough. Meanwhile the nationalists raided their towns and the germans bombed them.

Mao and Stalin sure united the left.

*united what's left of it, for all of 10 years.

There was that period around the 1930s-1950s, after Trotsky was defeated and before the Sino-Soviet split. For a while there, all the communists in the world were pretty much under Moscow's control because that was their only source of funding.

She's tearing down the chapoids piece by piece like her ancestors tore down Jin Dynasty.

Why do they hate her?

IIRC she said online communities are pathetic and no substitute for irl social interaction, and everyone posting on chapo needed to go outside and get a life

Lmao that's amazing. What a bunch of insecure idiots

I took it as her saying messageboard and Twitter leftism was toxic, awful crap. She was absolutely siding with /r/drama against her own fan subreddit.


WTF? Being told to get a life sucks when you don't have one sucks but reacting to that by suppressing the very idea in authoritarian fashion is straight up disturbing. No way in hell would I trust these guys with the revolution when they can't even handle the suggestion that they clean their room.

How can one woman be so based?

Shame she looks like a goblin though

I'd still fuck her, she has ginormous tits.

I have an opinion about her lips. ❤️😍💦

My favorite thing about the Amber love is that people think her lips are real. Amanda Lepore has more convincing injections.

My dick can't tell the difference, so who cares?

What did she even do?

Who are you? Comrade Question?

Don't ask questions like that here. She's bad, chapos are also bad, cummies are bad, that's all you need to know.

She's causing mass spergouts. She's a beautiful dramatic queen. 😍

Title should have been Anarchists elect leaders that purge them with fascism

Commies love their purges.

What did she do

She had an interview with some superchuds.

She had opinions while being a bleeder. That's enough to be a natural enemy of any chapist.

Chapo Trap House listeners really hate cis-women.

Chapo Trap House listeners really hate cis-women.

When you're talking about the 98 percent of female humans you can just call them women.

I've met three transpeople in my life, all very nice and non-confrontational. They were nice and I was nice. It was so simple. What's so bizarre about this current round of trans activists is the NIHILISM. These internet activists, who for some reason, seem to outnumber the actual amount of trans people on the planet, HATE EVERYONE. Pure, uncut rage. I've never seen anything like it.

That is anarchism, not nihilism, nihilism is people talking about clown world.

It's not anarchism to talk about "Cisscum going up against the wall," it's violent extremism. Not that that would ever actually happen, but it is fucked up seeing grown adults talking like that.

They want the breakdown of society, via violent extremism. That is anarchism.

A lot of those people I see have given up the cis scum rhetoric and devolved into catty Twitter insults behind people's back. They've gone even sadder

Regular politics is saying "world is going to shit", accelerationism is saying that and completing this sentence with "👏And👏that's👏a👏good👏thing, nihilism is not giving a fuck one way or the other.

Nihilism is for fags.

I have a theory that speedrunning is to blame somehow

Everyone obsessed with fluoride and chemtrails but no one paid attention to Video Games

if only it were true

Gamers ruin everythint

Jack Thompson was right

Reddit ones suck tho, vast majority of them are tankies (sweet irony) and they fucking ruined r/dogelore

Destroy the internet imho

98%? More like 99.9%

implying that they actually listen to the show instead of wokeposting all day like a fag

So by trap house they don't mean crack house, they mean trussy

She had opinions while being a bleeder. That's enough to be a natural enemy of any chapist.

Stop trying to make it sound like Chapos have any reasonable, agreeable, intelligent opinions about anything.

this is the most retarded take, mostly because the reality (that chapos are paper thin cowards that cannot handle the slightest deviation in political perspective) is way funnier than ur smooth brained incel interpretation (they're all incels tho)

So you are back from the dead?

You could both be right. They stop caring about being "progressive" and resemble braincels the second a woman steps out of line.

This new trappy who comes out swinging against chapsticks is fucken based.

Saruh always swung at the chapos. 🙄

She was getting a little nice there for a second. Now she's back to posting nudes and calling people retards 💦💦

Unequivocally based and Trappypilled

Nigga if you don't spread them booty cheeks for me right now


She fucking hates woketards and constantly mocks chapotards which she considers a cancerous growth on the show's colon. Chapocels of course talk about her every chance they get because not only she opposes the woke cult but also is part of the show which makes them extra butthurt.

If you think we annoy these weirdos you haven't seen how furious they get every time her name is mentioned.

She needs to do an AMA on T_D.

Better yet, we should mod her and have her do an AMA here with a link to it in their sub

That could make them seethe even more than the white family picture.

Hence why it needs to happen

It would be glorious, Trumptards would be triggered because she's a socialist and chapotards would be triggered because she dared to communicate with the "sexist, racist, genocidal nazis".

That sounds awesome. I'm a fan.

She basically called the entire subreddit useless virtue-signalling morons.

Is she wrong tho

She is not. That's why they're so mad.

I don’t get it tho. Whenever she criticizes the subreddit I saw a bunch of people say “lol she’s right” and get pretty upvoted. Did public opinion change?

Chapos went from fun-allowed to no-fun-allowed VERY quickly. It's been a while since they had a sense of humor about themselves, but they did used to have one.

Why does every left-wing sub turn into humorless idpol cancer? At least the morons on the right can take jokes occasionally.

I think it's because the current left literally is humorless idpol cancer.

The major right wings subs can't take jokes either. All overtly political subs turn into humorless purity-test pits through a combination of power tripping mods and retarded users.

stupidpol is hanging on best we can. not easy man.

They hated her because she spoke the truth

What happened.



chaposub sucks, Louis did nothing wrong. Also real workers are problenatic, and that's a good thing

Thank you.

You're welcome. Full disclosure, I didn't read it either. I'm still right though.

Based and redditpilled.

Read it dude, it's actually really good. If the left was anywhere near as reasonable as these two, the right would be in big trouble.

"Fuck idpol, class war now"

They actually said Trump Derangement Syndrome lmao

Unironically based.

Right? I am shocked reading it how fucking reasonable these two are. The right would be fucked if the left actually acted like this.

The left would never allow such reasonable views to show through their violently retarded cannibalism. They'd rather continue to each other alive instead of actually being any sort of reasonable and stable group of people. That's why Trump is going to win the 2020 election and it's fucking sad.

I hate the motherfucker but sweet Jesus does he have the easiest out with this election. All he has to do is feed the lefties to each other and fuel their violent screeching. They'll just continue to crucify each other until election day and they'll be surprised with another failure that'll be entirely on them. Christ, this country's politics makes me want to drink

Sounds like you’re ready to jump on....the train.

Nah, I'm just waiting for the aliens to come abduct me so I can offer them lifetime probing in exchange for a lift off this miserable rock

Honestly dude, what bothers you so much?

Not really sure what you're talking about. Maybe you should take a break from the sub if you can't handle my shit tier fuckery

I assumed given how they looked and their association with chapo that they'd be annoying as shit, but godamn are those two based as fuck.

"Trump Derangement Syndrome"

"It's okay to want a boyfriend!"

"You should be able to hate and hatred should be protected, as long as it doesn’t spill over into physical violence."

Seriously, it's actually a good article.

Fuck me I actually agree a lot with that despite being conservative leaning. We just need more people that think for themselves. Even if I don’t 100% agree with them

...will they be eaten last or allowed to survive once the plasma fold is destroyed and our rightful rulers return?

Everyone will be consumed without question or care

I'm still hoping that the foids go first.

Nice try at brigading, faggot!

I really appreciate how OP pretends to be a simple drama connoisseur and not a tryhard, agendaposting fag. Great bit, like a mosquito on a fat black lady.

Also, this is a lie As much as you wish it to be so, it is not and it will never be true, just like the term President Sanders.

stfu you stupid bitch


Also, learn to switch it up, you uncreative crétin

You know they are mad when even "seething" is downvoted.

Seeth harder, sweaty. 😘💅

He’s right that we’ll take this better than SRD, who sucks the same idpol drivel as the cth sub and probably hates Amber just as much.

This is a special case, but the leftish pseudo revolutionaries and cultural complainers in the sub OP jannies for have much bigger overlap with your typical, smelly sardine than with dramanauts. Also stupidpolers occupy mostly the same ideological and cultural space as chapists. They are just really focused on basing the chapusts for the 20% they disagree with, mostly because they're tired about being called out for their mayoism and simultanously feel embarrassed by the lowlifes in the sub.

You could try taking this shit a little less seriously.

Oh no, dude. I'm invested now. It's like Denver Clan, just 40% whiter and everybody is a retard.

I already knew you were retarded. You didnt have to emphasize it.


You can't say that. That's our word!

Who fucking cares lmao

Imagine being this much of an extremely online rightoid. Sad.

I banned you for calling me an SRDine.

Manlets are so sensitive

Lol you are joke and should be locked up in Trumps camps

Lol you are joke

No, I'm MachoMaamSandyRavage

and should be locked up in Trumps camps

Wow, what a vile person do you have to be to even think something like that? Triggered, retarded leftie I guess. Putting me in Trump's camps, thereby sentencing me to potentially have to live as an immigrant in the USA, disgusting.

No, I think trump should open up his camps to any and all idiots. Yourself included

What? That doesn't even make sense.

thank you for continuing to prove me right when i said the other day that rightoids cry the most about agendaposting but agendapost all the fucking time

Oh gosh darn me. And to think I almost got away with it. But you got me, you magnificent sonofabitch.

Always remember kids, a true Centrist knows there are some very retarded people on ##bothsides.

lol cry more

>the left is eating their own


It is nice of the soy boy co-hosts to stand up for their one female member against the insane online fanbase they cultivated.

O wait they didn't and probably won't because they are afraid of getting cancelled by online trans activists

Seriously, are there any bigger pussies on the planet than Matt, Felix, Will and Virgil? They just let Amber get the shit kicked out of her all day, every day, without saying a fucking word.

Imagine caring about any of this.

Eh, I used to be in the podcasting business. I got out and am better off for it.

LOL your username. Did you hear that recent episode where the Struggletards were screaming about how Louis CK is bad because he's from an affluent family?

Dude, I had to pretend to be a different person and post under this alt because Jack, Leslie, and the other SS listeners were making my life pure hell. Stealing jokes and ideas, always chewing me out, telling me my writing was "problematic." I literally had to insult them from an alt to get it through their heads that they were driving me crazy.

It's just so funny because Jack voted for Trump and is now Comrade Cancel Louis. Hilarious.

I know even less about the SS hosts than the Chapos but they can be fun if you accept that they are completely uninformed about basically everything. My favorite episode was when they talked about Black Panther, girl they had on was literally screaming manic because they didn't like the movie, then played the mansplaining card out of nowhere. It ruled.

yeah i got asked not to be on that episode because i'm white lmao.

Part of me wishes I had gotten into podcasting, I love drama and can run my stupid fat mouth about whatever you need me to. Then I realize I'd have probably drank myself to death years ago after getting cancelled on Twitter.

You can do it without Twitter, it's just harder to gain a following. But it is possible, although much harder than it looks, to talk about absolutely nothing for 50 minutes straight.

The Twitter thing is what stops me. Anytime a podcast host starts narrating Twitter events, regardless of the subject, I zone out. Who could POSSIBLY care.

Agreed: Twitter is hands down the worst website on the planet.

Twitter and it's consequences have been disastrous for the human race

It just turned up the volume on what was already there.

Be the change you want to be. Get that podcast going and pick up that drinking habit today.

What is SS?

Struggle Session, a shitty podcast.

make a post

no way i have to get ready for work tomorrow and i also have diarrhea.

Poopy pants

You're JDB, I'm guessing?

All them words won't bring your pa back.

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jfc the serious posting is out of control

it's difficult to imagine someone who gives less of a fuck about internet weirdos being mad at her than amber. her whole career is basically built upon saying things that make these freaks mad, laughing at them when they flip out, and then going to do more of the coke she buys with her patreon bux

For $250,000 a month, I wouldn’t speak up for you, either

All that sweet, sweet, mentally ill cash.

$250k a month, tho

Right? For 250k a month, I would be ready to go back to my day job after a year, and live the rest of my life virtually worry free.

gib mongol mommy milkers 🤤

If Amber had a penis this wouldn't even be happening

She should come out as nonbinary.

Former chapo, turns out the dramafags were right all along.

no, stupidpol was right all along

Yeah I like that sub it feels like chapo from like 2 years ago.

It's literally what chapo was two years ago.


stupidpol has more tankies than anarkiddies tbh

no, u

I havent listed to chapo in 2 years. is the show itself now super serious or is it still silly?

Episodes vary in quality, as they always did. I listen much less now than I did before but that's probably mostly because their shtick is no longer fresh to me.

Inebriated Past episodes are still insanely good.

Welcome to enlightened centrism


gz on the escape

dramafags were right all along

yikes honey let's unpack this

Oh shut they will finally ban me!! Brb

this is the jump the shark moment for r/cth tbh. sub's been trash for over a year but before now it maintained a vague semblance of not being completely overrun by wokies. banning people for daring not to join in scolding one of the people the sub is literally about for doing wrongthink makes it obvious it's hopeless tho lol. oh well, was fun to shitpost in for like 3 months

Yeah, they've somehow outdone Cosbygate. It's glorious

imo it jumped the shark back around jan this year when larrikin99 started banning stupidpol posters it sucked ass before that but you could at least hop into one of the comment threads and just lay into depressed trans cuties. an all you can bully paradise. that all got ruined when they started banning for being mean

Defending foids should be a bannble transgression.

just swap amber with adam from cumtown. they're both on the wrong podcast

When I see stuff like this I think to myself, yes communism will definitely work next time


Literally who?

Left_ and_slightly_different_lefty.jpeg

look man i just want some drama to scroll through