And the people guarding these places have no morals. They will start mass murdering these people the second they are permitted to.

10  2019-07-08 by Kaiser-romulus


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And what's Spicer going to say, "Oh yeah, it's all legit!" First of all, he's not even one of the 10, and you can tell Trump wouldn't let him in on it. And second of all, if he did say that, it would just make tons of people bombard him with more questions about it, which he really knows nothing about. This is top level Military Intel at the highest level of Classified Clearance.


  1. And the people guarding these place... -,,

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Here is the Guatemalan holocaust update number two for today. Trump has began building a giant CHILD prison. R/politics copes. Maga tards try to push back. Everyone looks dumb. But r/politics is convinced that all Guatemalan children will be dead within a few years at the hands of drumpf.

It’s really impressive how such a large group of people can completely detach themselves from reality just because they wanted to be smug about politics

Right? Who could imagine these fine folks arbeit macht freing Daddy's kiddy camps?

Border patrol guys are meanies therefore

After the civil war when the UN troops finally liberate these camps and parade the US citizens through them to a person the reaction will be "We did not think it was really anywhere near this bad. We were told they were almost holiday camps for the children."

I wonder who’s fighting in this civil war

In one exchange, group members responded with indifference and wisecracks to the post of a news story about a 16-year-old Guatemalan migrant who died in May while in custody at a Border Patrol station in Weslaco, Texas. One member posted a GIF of Elmo with the quote, “Oh well.” Another responded with an image and the words “If he dies, he dies.”

These are totally normal people that would never let children come to harm 👌

That's how Anne Frank died: neglectful conditions in the camp that led to disease

Wait this can't be an actual quote. 😕

It is brother. No joke.

I didn't think r/politics posters could get anymore retarded. 😔

I remember when mass detention facilities were a right-wing conspiracy theory, with stories about Denver International Airport and other “secret” prisons and such. Now we literally have private detention facilities for splitting up families and they dont bat an eye. What happens when theres no more “illegals” to detain? On to the next demonized population.

I unironically believe that the world would be better without politics posters, and teachers.

Good fucking grief r/politics. I can't take any more. There is no way to even satirize this because you can't even do a caricature that comes close to these tortured bleeding hearts

A caricature would be exactly how they are acting.

I have more respect for the "I just think borders are bullshit" anarchokiddos than these hysterical WON'T SOMEONE THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!1!!1!!!" dummies. They don't ever offer a solution or even appear to have thought anything through.

Seriously, am I missing something? This concentration camp drama will not end. Like is there anything substantial outside of embellished stories from AOC or a boomer Facebook group being insensitive cunts? It doesn't seem nearly as bad as people on the left claim it to be, just some shitty living conditions (allegedly caused by lack of funding/resources)...

I will happily take any sources that are not hearsay for or against these being cc's.