If you ever doubted that most of the posts on aita are bait or just plain fake, remember this thread

57  2019-07-08 by 9r1qm0005bst6u9a


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You probably don't get bussy because you're the type of guy who fucking nails his dick to a board


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I think Reddit would rather have him just get the baby aborted.

killing babies is empowering, shitlord

First of all, reddit is full of degenerates like you who would reeeeeee over abortion.


I think you found the single thread on AITA in which I actually agree with the commenters.

They're only agreeing with the dad because he's encouraging abortion though. AITA-posters πŸ‘ love πŸ‘ killing πŸ‘ babies.

Adoption is a thing. Why don't you pick yourself up a cuddly bunch of fetal alcohol syndrome from the foster home?

Why would I want to molest an FAS kid?

People will be less likely to believe him than a normie.



NTA: my teenage parents were immature and useless assholes. They left me with so much damage. I don't know if your approach is working though. I might try a different angle. I'd also tell him he's going to have to start paying rent and he'll have to get a job. Now you don't have to actually follow through on this, but he needs to understand that this is an issue for you as well. Maybe you don't want to live with a baby. So if he wants to bring someone else into the house he'll have to pay for those expenses. Whatever happens, good luck.

Why does every redditor have daddy/mommy issues

You just answered your own question.

Tell me where they touched you

In my heart

YTA A truly concerned father would invite his son’s pregnant GF to the house and punch her in the stomach until she miscarriages. Doing so would alleviate responsibility and be better for him, her, and the baby in the long run.

Pretty sure OP got their story from some shitty tv show

This is actually less fake sounding then a lot of the recent posts linked here. Still probably fake tho

Chad dad just wants to lay some powermoves on his son to show him hes not a man.

Also i am in 100% support of aborting the baby if hes white.

He is white.

Black son wouldn't have a father telling him about this yo begin with.

nig nogs destroyed

I placed the sack of flour in his arms and he continued to play basically one handed

at least he can multi task I guess?