King Libertarian gives his theory on what REALLY goes down at underage sex island parties.

68  2019-07-08 by LGBTWMSTEOOPAAFFWC


This sub is what happens when minimally educated unintelligent people join together to find common ground and project their own self loathing to the rest of the world. There has never been anything clever that I have ever seen from this sub. I will continue to look for humor but I am just starting to think that loss and anger plus unemployment equals humor


  1. King Libertarian gives his theory o... -,

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libertarians never fail in their relentless defence of the right to fuck kids

it's like clockwork

clockwork yellow.

is there any collab more EPIC than leaf & libertarian? the guy, kermit, I'm sure there are some others

British-American + libertarian = McAfee

McAfee is my spirit animal.

Unironic “spirit animal” posting.

McAfee having Joseph Joestar as his twitter profile pic is a perfect representation of him. British American who cannot be stopped goes around the world killing peeps and fucking bitches.

Pizzagate was real. Why did the reddit admins silence the truth?

reddit's servers are located on epstein's island

I knew it.

Is ( ( (rael) ) ) land according to Stephan apparently.

Everyone knows that spez is a child rapist

This is how you get /r/drama banned lol

And the rightoid defense has begun.

I'm honestly convinced you have a severe learning disability. The poor reading comprehension, the inability to grasp points, the forming of strong opinions on subjects you have no understanding of.

It all adds up.

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They hated him because he was right


It's ephebophile!

Daddy didn't do it, but if he did, it was a good thing

At least Daddy didn't harvest their adrenal glands and sacrifice them to Moloch like Clinton would have

Thou doth protest too much

Mollynoose is just getting things in order for when Epstein namedrops him. He is a lolilovertarian after all.

Is there data on the population shared by KotakuInAction and Libertarians?

Send a tip in to the FBI, these weeb pedosexuals must be stopped

Sounds like you're better off not testifying


this actually does happen tho. not that this was what happened here, but this is obviously a reasonable tactic if ur a politijew


No steph, just no. For all your claims of malevolent intent on behalf of our "elite" this is the most unlikely scenario.

Yeah whatever you think of this take it doesn’t seem like him defending anyone.

”Everyone who had sex with underage girls should go to the hell to prison, I don’t care how old they looked.”

It’s like one of his first responses.

Hi friendly tip to avoid his hypothetical situation.

Don't go to mysterious sex islands with a man known for soliciting under aged prostitutes.