Redditors call 5'2 manlet an asshole because he realised women don't like short men

82  2019-07-08 by UKIP_Future


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Fuck off

Are you a literal NPC? First you had trouble counting to two, now you're just copy and pasting your replies. Do you need some time to update before you can type anything new?


  1. Redditors call 5'2 manlet an asshol... -,,

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Are the commenters trying to blue pill themselves into believing that being a manlet doesn't cause problems?

The older I get the more I realize the average Redditor does not interact with many women. In fact the only types of women that can stand being around redditors for extended periods of time most likely aren't very judgemental people, otherwise they wouldn't want to associate with a neckbeard in the first place. This leads redditors to believe all women behave like their one or two female friends, leading them to so some very ludicrous conclusions about women. This is further compounded by the fact that many women might say something along the lines of "height doesn't matter, what matters is personality" to someone they don't know in am effort to not look shallow. Of course if they got to know them better they might find out their real opinions on the matter, unfortunately this an impossible task for the average Redditor, so they remain blissfully unaware of their pathetic manlet status.

Every short dude I know is with an attractive woman. That said, none of them are redditors, so there may be more truth to your point than seems at a glance.

The point is being a manlet is a negative. People are right in saying it's not the end of the world like how it's memed online(short kings can do alright), but it's definitely better to not be a manletoid.

5'2" is definitely suicide or HRT tier though.

Not even the faggiest sjws pretend it's a positive.

The recurring theme inside that thread is that it doesn't matter much, which is hilarious. Of course being a faggot sadsack like OP is gonna make it worse, but he's not wrong about the original point.

They are vastly underestimating how much of a negative it is, especially at 5'2. Let's look at it this way (note of these numbers are complete speculation) About 10% of the female population won't date anyone under 6'0, another 55% are fine if the guy is under 6'0 as long as he's taller then they are. Thats already only 35% of women left. Out of that 35% another 20% probably would prefer man that least over 5'4, although it may not be a deal breaker for these girls it a short guy will have a tougher time of it. No1 is saying short guys can't get laid, but it's definitely not as easy as it is for bigger guys

Yeah, people are saying that short guys can't get laid (or, more to the point, can't attract a relationship partner), and OP has basically adopted that as a self-defeating worldview.

And women have no idea what they want and that includes the "I won't date anyone under six feet" set, I thought everyone was well established on that point.

What I've seen in the real world my entire life, is that short dudes do have to work harder - especially in the casual sex arena, but can and do reliably end up with good women for the long haul.

Ya fair enough, when it comes to long term relationships people wind up being less picky for shallow traits, but for more casual stuff it's a hell of a disadvantage.

They are vastly underestimating how much of a negative it is, especially at 5'2 link

For each height, this table shows the percentage of Americans, aged 20-29, who are less than that height

5′2″ n/a


That's an oof and a yikes

Midget foids won't date a 5'2 manlet. Better start transitioning and score some lesbo guss. If they won't give it up, call them a bigot.

I put my height in my dating profile (6'2") and started cleaning up. I should have done that earlier. Being tall is like a cheat code for getting women.

They say it's neutral, read the OP lmao.

Every Manley I know is me. I don't hang out with manlets. Can't stand em.

> Every short dude I know is with an attractive woman shorter than them.

C'mon, don't lie by omission.

Tbh mostly identical heights 🤷‍♂️

Yes, with the inevitable high heels mismatch.

Holy shit, this is the exact same thing as the stereotype of SJW tumbler/twitter users with daddy issues are always harping about misogyny and end up dating a long line of shitty, abusive boyfriends anyway. Neckbearding/beta/cuckism is literally just male pattern daddy issues, where you've literally never had a normal, healthy, or meaningful relationship with a normal, healthy opposite-sex person.

Can confirm. Am male with daddy issues.

galactic iq bro

There's a whole lot of "as a woman, I've dated short guys in the past" in that thread, which is funny because the implication is that they didn't actually settle down with any of the manlets.

The responses are always so predictable. "My friend is 5'0" and he's taking home a different woman every weekend."

My favorite is 'I find short guys super attractive, it just so happens my boyfriend is 6'2"+': it's almost like they're intentionally trying to trigger short guys.

My rich friend with a great personality an 1% facial genetics gets laid why can't you

I once was sort of friends with a guy who was 4'5". He had a severly mutilated face from a hippo attack which also destroyed his penis. He a genetic disorder which caused him to smell like an indian street. He had crippling social anxiety. If you as much as looked at him, he would nearly always piss himself.

And you know what?

I would nearly 100% have dated him if it wasn't for his negativ attitude. I ended up dating his friend who happened to be 6'4'' who happened to be social and good-looking but that was not what drew me to him initially. It was his understanding of womens issues.. he turned out to be abusive but that's another story..

lol 5'2 isn't even a manlet. it's straight up midget-tier. never even begun, really

Honestly at that point it is probably easier to pick up chicks, as by that point you have crossed the line from short to so short that you would feel guilty for making fun of him. All he has to do is find a way to make his height work for him.

I mean, at that size he can always gymmax.

Gymmaxing at 5'2'' is mega cope, he'd still have absolutely no physical presence and would look like a midget wrestler

Based and Wolverine/Puck from Alpha Flight-Pilled

Alpha Flight

Canadian capeshit 🤢🤢🤢

make his height work for him.

Go twink and give standy BJ's?

Every short guy needs to learn cute game. Be mature and assertive when the situation calls for it, but don't deny your height's biggest advantage: female pedophiles.

Ayy lmao

Well, hello there

Well, he's also an asshole so...

At 5’2 you’ve got a new pet called Dave or Div for short.

Somebody should make a larp of this same thing but as a fat broad.

Waist size > 60

Fat broads and undesirable foids can get laid they just can't get anything outside a pump and dump

Reddit loves to act like height doesn’t matter, it does unfortunately just like many other things we can’t control. The beat you can do is make it up by working out, getting money be good looking and having a good personality. After that look for a 5’0 cutie and maybe in the end you’ll have a better life than 6’0 dudes.

The beat you can do

Well said.

It also hurts in almost everything outside of dating in stuff like getting a job.

You. Actual statistics back this up.

don't be poor

When it comes to approaching women; tall men have it easier. But just as many are still bitterly single in their 30s because they think making time for weekly D&D and daily gaymer time is more important than a career or future plans. Be comfy with single post NEETdom or get a real fucking job.

Imagine sacrificing your D&D sessions for some foid lmao. Only a dumb foid could type something as retarded as this

All “men” under 6’0” should be transitioned. Prove me wrong

Then there'd be no twinks. Which would be terrible.

Any self-respecting twink is halfway there anyways

Twink lovers don't want to look at a mutilated penis masquerading as gussy thankyouverymuch.

5'11". Just missed the cutoff

thank you for your service

I mean, obviously such a situation would mean 82% of burger men would need to transition. And in all honesty, to prevent honnery, it should be done pre-puberty too, so this would be based on projected height rather than current height. So we would need to restructure how humans pair up and enter relationships. Each Chad (the 18% or so of men over 6') would get a harem of about 4 or so girls, half of which would be a trussy and half of which would be a gussy.

G-d why must I live in this timeline and not that one

Ah so a Paraguay situation.

Also your math is a little off about 5 Gussy and 4 Trussy per male.

Im a math minor but Im drunk all the time.

Imagine being 5’11 and thinking you can fraud your life as a girl LMAO

I failed maleness in every way

Below 6'1" tbh. I don't want to share the locker room with a bunch of 5'12" manlets

Just a reminder that all people with a physical quality Im not attracted to all have terrible personalities, and I'm not shallow because of it.

I heard a woman say she likes shorter men because "they fuck harder". She was in the presence of four men, including me, and I was the shortest. So... That was kinda awkward...

She also dropped an N bomb with no self awareness of the black lady next to her. In some ways she was based, others messed up, and there was plenty of comedy material. Almost like she was a nuanced individual or something...

lol what is it about threads like that where the incels just come out in droves to prove to everyone why they're unfuckable incels?

>I’m a 5’8 woman and have no qualms about dating shorter men, but they’ve NEVER worked out because the men always had a bad attitude or something to say about my height. I date people for who they are are human beings and unfortunately a lot of people let how look are on the outside affect who they are inside.

like some other based redditer in that thread said, the memes basically write themselves

Eh I’m 5’8 and I could care less. I bothered to develop a personality and learn how to talk to women. I suppose I could’ve just imploded and blamed the world instead of accepting things I can’t change and bettering the things I can. Of course 5’2 might be a harder pill to swallow.

You don't just >get personality

It either forms naturally or it doesn't and you become a faggot who uses reddit unironically.

Most of the time in this sub people give solid advice.