Disneyland brawl

64  2019-07-09 by FearOfBees


People with PCOS who are too fat to defend themselves or run away are fun to abuse. I like to take a spoon, heat it up until it's glowing hot, then place it on the skin while they're asleep. The reaction when they wake up after the 25th time of being burned by a redhot piece of metal is amazing. You can literally piecemeal their mental stability down to complete insanity, then leave them in their own homes helpless and alone. :DDDDDDDDDD


  1. Disneyland brawl - archive.org, archive.today

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You have to actually go to youtube

Cool. I’ll check it later.

It's worth it.

Legitimately the best thing I've seen today.

Why would I do that

When red shirt turned on tan shirt that was the better twist than any throneshit this year

I was impressed by the manlette white dude that choked him out.

Lifefuel for manlets?

Lifting and martial arts have always been the favorite cope of the manlette.


My chinklet friend goes to the gym two times a day. 😁

Slip HRT into his drink, she’ll thank you

Gymcels are peak manlet.

Why? That nigga weak af, the only people he could damage where fat, immobile women.

Seriously what was that? I have no idea why he did that.

I have no idea why he did that.

Got any guesses, friendo?

Black Foolishness?

Excuse me, its spelled N I G G E R.

at around 0:29 she accidentally hits the mother when she was going for the other woman, then black shirt girl (who i'm guessing is his sister?) tells him that she hit his mom, so it's partially her fault.


It's always the foids fault

Of course it's not until he beats the girl with the nice tits that the crowd reacts to subdue him.

It was hilarious how red shirt kept acting like he was going to pull of his shirt in public over and over again then he thought better of it.

I'm disappointed comments were disabled for that video.

I'm sure they would be something we would want to beam into space to give a good representation of our planet.

the golden record but it's public freakout

Good to know Disney security is useless.

Yeah, like you were going to step up against that 300lb ass of a tank.

I was planning on commiting crimes there actually

Carry on.


Woah, not that type of crime. We got enough of that shit with this Epstein drop.

what crimes

Molest Goofy

He asked what crimes

Just shoot him. It's gonna be on YouTube enraging people one way or another.

Best to enrage the rightoids. They just seethe. Enrage the leftoids and I'm going to have to see this shit all over the web for the next two years, and God forbid I have to drive through some antifa blm degeneracy. Just let them tucker each other out. With the size of those lads/laddies, they are going to gas pretty quick.

Enrage the leftoids and I'm going to have to see this shit all over the web for the next two years, and God forbid I have to drive through some antifa blm degeneracy.

That sounds like significantly more drama.

When you're right, you're right.

lmao if you couldn't take down a dude throwing pussy slaps like those dudes were you need to man up.

Who was talking about the dudes?

oh the blob.

yeah, fair.

Lol there pussy slaps would hamburger your face manlet


Tank? He got choked out by a manlet and could have not damage fat, immobile women by pulling their hair.


I want to see more of fat trans edgar winter.

You choked me out. You choked me out. Bitch ass nigga

Redshirt acting like a victim after beating on the 300 lb foid and the womanlet with dyed red hair.

womanlet with dyed red hair.

oh wow, they already have the new Ariel at Disney World?

That fucking bald stocky dude took red shirt down like he was a damn child

I like that “I don’t really want to fight” shuffle that white shirt did when red shirt was beating on the mammoth

No brave CCW holder to light up the entire cast of this video

Calicucks are the worst

lmao several bitches there so fat that they literally could not stand.

Mobility scooter is the most American thing.

Fucking lol

Bunch of USELESS white people

As opposed to the USEFUL black people

They at least let me reaffirm my biases.

Lol, happened in Toon Town.

More like coon town amirite?




that security guard who keeps adjusting his grundle is absolutely useless. also that blonde security guard has me confused. is that what gender fluid looks like?

I'm going to use this video to extrapolate characteristics of the black community at large

most distinctly american video I've ever seen

Why is this not on /r/publicfreakout?

it is. it was there yesterday at least

I don't even understand the warring factions here; pink shirt just starts swinging on everybody.

Not gonna lie...before I even looked at it my first thought "Bet it's a black family"

It looks like they’ve moved from Chucky Cheese to Disney World now

This just got reported on by Univision. It’s going worldwide!


Must have been an awkward car ride back to the ghetto.