Oopsies! Default mod bans user for posting on WRD; WRDcels find mod’s ama and collectively seethe over banning practices 😳😳

3  2019-07-09 by AquaFlame95


Weeb? Skyrim and elder scrolls are American made video games based on European lore and history. I had too google the weeb word. I actually don’t like anime I just happened to like medieval fantasy genres which is pretty different than what you are suggesting and it was developed in the USA by a USA based studio. Learn what words mean and what about the subjects before you start talking shit you look like a 12 year old little boy btw get the fuck out of here you little cunt


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I’ve lived with my ex for over a year i’m already resigned to being the hermit crab equivalent of a man. I have nothing to lose cept this bitch i already hate which makes me incredibly dangerous 🦇


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Can I get a tl;dr

Guy posts to WRD. Mod doesn’t like post. Insta-ban. Guy creates second post about mod and users find his name, his ama and post some very naughty things 😤

Guy posts to WRD


Why would a mod have an ama in the first place?

Clean it up, jannie!