Commies seethe at suburbs existing.

5  2019-07-09 by AngryDeity


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This, but unironically.


  1. Commies seethe at suburbs existing. -,,

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Commies seethe at the fact that they were born. Their seething can't surprise me anymore.

Guess they would prefer to live in a dingy apartment block where you get electricity for four hours daily and your only source of natural light is a small barred window.

What's wrong with toilet paper being rationed to people who queue up from 4am for the one and only shipment per town ?

Worked fine for poland and other slavs in the 80s.

Weird that no one is posting classical communist architecture

we should organise, on this sub, a cagematch between a KIAcel "stranger things is feminist anti-male propaganda" Gamer vs Tankie "this show is racist against communism" Chapocel.

Hopefully they are both african american so can unleash full potential of the magic power word.

Let's be real, they're all just mad that their useless philosophy degree from some T4 directional school didn't lead to a job that pays well enough to afford one of those cookie-cutters. "I would never live in one of those!" screams the man who will never have the opportunity.

Aren't those the same types that are always talking about how beautiful brutalism is?