The ham shank with arms who ate 4 feet of a 6-foot party sub is 460 lbs and has had two heart attacks at 28. Lot's of slapfighting all over the first /r/nolockedthreads thread I've ever seen with actual comments on it.

86  2019-07-09 by dramasexual


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Does this really count in AITA? Who the fuck gives a shit about that cesspit

People with PCOS who are too fat to defend themselves or run away are fun to abuse. I like to take a spoon, heat it up until it's glowing hot, then place it on the skin while they're asleep. The reaction when they wake up after the 25th time of being burned by a redhot piece of metal is amazing. You can literally piecemeal their mental stability down to complete insanity, then leave them in their own homes helpless and alone. :DDDDDDDDDD


  1. The ham shank with arms who ate 4 f... -,,

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This is the future we have created.

Imagine not changing your diet after having 2 heart attacks.

Only when it reaches three is it a pattern

ya he's not a serial heart-killer yet

Tbh, at his point it's over, not point in getting better, it'll take several miserable years of his very limited time left. Just party on and die mid thirties.

Based and boogiepilled

Holy fuck that has got to be the saddest episode of that show ever to be produced. Wtf is wrong with the dad

That entire show is depression-fodder tbh. Just a parade of clearly mentally ill people and their enablers (or, even worse, kids).

My chick used to watch that show and it would frustrate me to no end that all of these people were headcases, filing their depression holes with food. And not once, not fucking once, does anyone recommend they get help for their mental problems first before tackling their weight loss.

Occasionally they show Dr. Nowzaradan referring someone to therapy, but it’s only done for the really hopeless ones who’ve repeatedly failed to lose the necessary 40 lbs to be approved for surgery. Maybe he gives more referrals than they let us see, but you have to remember that this show’s purpose is to generate ratings, not to accurately depict treatment for morbid obesity.

Your last sentence is exactly why it's so frustrating

Yeah that show drives me fucking nuts for exactly that reason. Every single person on it needs eating disorder therapy and instead of doing that they just have Dr Now badger them about being fat. Or keep them in the hospital with a completely controlled diet for a month and then just send them the fuck home with no actual support and then act fucking shocked when they gain the weight back.

They do show some of the people going to therapy on Dr. Now's orders. I assume he probably sends them all but the show just doesn't follow them there because how effective is therapy gonna be if there is a whole camera crew present while they try to work through their depression and eating addiction?

This episode literally is part of why I’ve never installed Fortnite.

lmao you haven't watched many episodes of that show then, some neet eating mcdonalds and playing vidya is probably the least sad story on that show.

Yeah this guy looks relatively clean too. There's some episodes where the people are too fat to even shower.

I’ve never watched this particular show, but on My 600-lb Life some of those people are living in straight up squalor.

I’m shocked both he and the house look as clean as they do. This current season I watched a 600 pound woman roll off the dirty mattress she lives on in the middle of her living room to pee into a plastic tray on the floor.

I gotta say bathing in a giant metal pig trough is hygienic by comparison.

Oh I thought it was My 600 lb Life. Some of those people live in the most disgusting conditions and must smell rank.

he's putting salt on a fried mcdonald's sandwich. wow.

That's so fucking sad, what the hell.

Being a gamer, not even once.


I don’t deny this I’m 28, diabetic, two heart attacks, rhr of about 85 and 460lbs and on every mood drug I can swallow. But with all that; I’m not a shitty, ego driven, lying Reddit moderator.

Snappy pls

I actually agree with him here

Didn't think I'd go into that thread agreeing with him but here we are.


lmao biccboi DABBED on those jannies 😂👌

Snappy! Snappy! Snappy!

BASED Java the Hutt

Incomprensibly based

I fucking hate fat people.

to this day fph is the only subreddit im actually mad got banned, /r/drama will probably be the second.

It unofficially lives on as /r/HoldMyFries

Imagine eating 4 feet of sandwich

I can down 5 subway footlongs in an afternoon easily; this is probably about equivalent to that

We need fatpeoplehate more than ever

What I thought would be a total non issue has ballooned into a huge problem

True on so many levels.

This dude has made me go walk up and down the stairwell at work out of disgust.

Im a brilliant man with lots of well thought-out, practical, ideas. Im insuring the financial security of this company for years to come. Oh yes, and my personal hygiene is above reproach.


How has he not just simply posted to /r/fatpeoplestories yet?

how have i never heard of this sub