/r/watchredditdie doesn't appreciate mayocide :(

82  2019-07-09 by throwaway_999912


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Absolutely SEETHING. It's over for mayo burgercels

You're not shit next to me. My genes are just light years superior to yours and I don't even need to look at you.


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he culture of this website is abhorrent. Let’s write emails to some of the advertisers on reddit, and tell them what is going on.

Out of all the threats to make, they pick the whitest one 🤔

Yes hello advertisers? Did you know that Reddit is racist against white people? Hello? Hello? Wtf they hung up. Fuckin Jews

Meanwhile when ahs calls

hello moishe? It’s Herschel. Ya, the goyim know!!!

Shut it down!

My best friend is Jewish and for his baby shower I got his kid a sack of coins(pennies)

Apparently this disqualified me from the running for “god father”

Probably for the best. I think the Jewish godfather has to circumcise the child with their teeth and suck the baby off or something

Fortunately as a Catholic I’m exempt. My brother married a member of the tribe and we had a long discussion on the topic

Duh they're jews, you need at least gold coins if you want a chance

Fuckin loled

The "Let me speak to your manager" mentality is genetic

Mayos be mayoin' 🤣🤣🤣

The funny part is that an adpocalypse would actually speed up the death of reddit.

Wow, they're fuming. They sound like they're really down on being white.

But puzzle me this, girls: if you're truly a white supremacist, why would you care when someone tries to be racist to you?

As Tywin Lannister himself said, a lion doesnt concern himself with the opinion of sheep.

If there were such thing as a "superior race", it would get no sympathy if it were under attack.

People would hate and envy it, yet also want to live in its homeland(s).

Men of other races would lust after its beautiful women, and seek to weaken and undermine its men.


Men of other races would lust after its beautiful women, and seek to weaken and undermine its men.

So Mexicans are the superior race

Ok I’m not going to lie, she was psycho but ms Rojas was easily the best I ever had

Maybe if their Castizo+.

Americans lusting after anything at all is not indicative of anything.

Or must I remind you whence came the Furry and the Brony?

People lust after the gussies that all inevitably turn into diabetic goblinas?

Until they get fat

There's a hierarchy of races, keep in mind. So it would be wise to notice that the most racially conscious whites look towards a certain other country with a dream of emigrating or at least visiting some day, consume almost exclusively culture and entertainment produced there, want to marry their women who are so much purer than white sluts, and promote stereotypes of their men as weak are unmasculine.

Does the buck stop there, I wonder?

Convincing stuff.

Happy my comment was able to give you the opportunity to drop this big bottle of redpills.

I’m all in on that radcen tylenol that’s red and blue.

This hangover is next level

Is there a more cucked race than mayos


Mayos are the only people who openly practice literal cuckoldry. How are Asians more cucked than that?

Because their women are bwc obsessed

But then mayos are even more cucked because their women are bbc-obsessed. Your race hierarchy is getting wonky.

I feel like white women just try the bbc and bail and refuse to admit it(no one cares that you went black, Deborah)

Asian women wife that shit up

Well, women. I think men's behavior is more informative here.

Ya I don’t get the yellow fever thing. I wouldn’t ever want to date a insect but idk it’s common for mayos

It's common for the people with anime avatars on twitter, but no worries, I'm not asking you to disavow them or anything. Just pointing out that they exist. What's your avatar on twitter btw, if you don't mind me asking?

I don’t have a Twitter 😢

I also tried watching attack on titan with a foid but I’m not reading fucking cartoon subtitles

There's a whole Chinese ethnicity based around cuckoldry ya fuck

Lol what are you talking about? There is a whole ethnicity of Chinese people who regularly let other men fuck their wives (and film or jerk off to it)? tbf being openly cheated on happens in every culture but going so far as to deliberately loan your wife out to men of other races to maximize the humiliation and sexual pleasure from it is my definition of being fucked, and I have yet to see this practiced by non-mayos.

Nigga they don't even have a concept of "their wives". They're the Mosuo; a lot of western media has memed them up as being matriarchal (they're not), but one thing they do have is polyamory.

Oh, plus the Aboriginal Aussies made wife-sharing a part of their culture. Unironically sparked a few massacres because they'd let the dirty white convicts fug their wives and then get shot when they tried to fug the convict's wives.

Honestly there is. I watch enough porn to know.

Because they let their government slaughter them every couple of decades? To be fair, it is probably because the changing of various Chinese dynasties ensured any that had an ounce of rebellion in them were killed long ago.

How does this make any sense lmao. If the government keeps slaughtering its people it's because they keep putting up a resistance and won't go down without a fight. Literally the opposite of being a docile, obedient cuck who do lets their partner walk all over them and openly disrespect them. Mayos are the ones who are literally loaning their wives out to big black bulls and sucking the creampies out of their pussies, but it's the other races that are cucked? 🤔

But they do go down without a fight which is why it keeps happening. Lmao, you really think Asians are bold and not the meekest of people? Anyway, why do you have to be so vulgar? The black bull stuff really turns me on as a mayo.

day of the cope more like day of the


I can’t hear you over the sound of my people being superior

What is this mayo masturbation

I’m about to randy everywhere

So asians?

so if whites are superior, that superiority excludes people who complain about "dems are real racists" and "white genocide"

Dems are only racist by accident(the hilarious racism of low expectations)

Also stop agendaposting you fucking nigger

white supremacist, why would you care when someone tries to be racist to you?

Just because the average is higher doesn't mean you are average

In General the more People make something Race their Identity the less they have going on for them in Real life.

What's with The weird Capitalization of Random words?


But Lions are going extinct and there are millions of sheep.

The sheep must be doing something right.

Watch 👏 another 👏series 👏

The fact that it has become acceptable to call white people “mayos,” “crackers,” and “honkies” is unacceptable.

He forgot cumskins, pinkoids and cuckasians.

Might as well tack on Racist if Basketballs can claim "thug" lol


x 24

I find it disturbing that so many Europeans exhibit this mentally ill abnormal hatred of themselves, and of their own kin, and of everything beautiful.

These burgeroids don't seem to understand that mayo-on-mayo violence has always been the biggest death toll for mayos in europe, or anywhere. There is no kin. It's part of mayo culture, deal with it.

Literally ten times worse in the country of freedom*

They think we are FRAGILE?!?! Well let's see how fragile they find my very angry email to our corporate overlords!

Lol, this bitch isn't even going to do a boycott. Just an email.

Huh. Slightly surprised to see actual naziposting there. I suppose all the proper nazi subs got banned and they had to go somewhere.

Unfortunately many of them have illegally migrated here as well 😔

Deport them back to The_Donald

r/frenworld commandeered r/watchredditdie when it was shut down. This is why Im really against these “sub wars”. Just let everyone have there own space (even the literal nazis) so we don’t have to share our spaces with them.

Their insults are so lame it's funny

and yet instead of laughing, here you are. crying.

mayocide can't come soon enough. fragile cumskins smdh my damn head.



"These niggers hurt my feelings, please help"


I just wanna even out the mayo posting here and say fuck knuckle dragging darkies, fuck dirty hook-nosed hebes, and fuck trannies.

holds up spork and farts

Mayonaise is fucking delicious. Is the joke that other races are literally incapable of conceiving of any form of insult due to the fact that we are in fact quite literally perfect, so they resort to calling us a spread you put on a sandwhich?

Get out mayo. 😴😴😴

Because cumskin isn't PG enough.

In this subreddit we hate all races gtfo

> Mayonnaise

> delicious

The absolute state of mayos

Shut up mayo go chug ranch on another sub

lmao SuicideAwarenessBot on standby

Hath not a Mayo eyes? Hath not a Mayo hands, organs, dimensions, senses, affections, passions; fed with the same food, hurt with the same weapons, subject to the same diseases, healed by the same means, warmed and cooled by the same winter and summer as a POC is?

Actually no. White people were bred to be food, and the "rapture" expected by Christians is really the return of the "raptors" who will dine on the now-ripe delicious white flesh. You can see it from the fact that the caucasoid breed in litters like animals, 6 or 7 at a time.



The history of the word honky is kind of interesting. Back in the day when white guys would go to a black brothel they'd be ashamed to go inside so they'd sit in their car and honk their horn till they got curb side service. The black prosti's knew they were white because of the honking so they started referring to them as honkies

the not so subtle antisemitism in that thread, wow

God white people are so lame

Imagine being racist against a certain group of people lmao.