Thought police or Thot police? That is the question.

31  2019-07-09 by AI_WAIFU_REBORN


Are you black or something? Why do you think fathers don't exist?


  1. Thought police or Thot police? That... -,

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"Whats he gonna do with a phone? Ecks dee"

Someone shoot that guy

This was so long and boring and I had to go murder three black transwomen just to stay awake

I feel like this is becoming literal McCarthyism.

I read through a lot of these for some reason and in most of them the academic in question tweeted or retweeted something that someone (often not even someone attending the university the academic worked at) found offensive, resulting in the threat of disciplinary action.

The obvious takeaway is that Twitter (and probably the internet a a whole) was a mistake.

The obvious takeaway is that Twitter (and probably the internet a a whole) was a mistake.

The guy who invented internet said something about that


Criticizing trannies get your jobs and safety threatened. Research which might disagree with the narrative is being surpressed. Femcels mad that men are better women than they are and are threatening their useless academic position. Zero acknowledgement that their own doctrines and theories are directly responsible for the situation they now find themselves in.

These questions are of immense social significance

Untruer words have never been spoken

As a society, we've reached a put where retards are above criticism. This is not good, not good at all.

I'm honestly convinced you have a severe learning disability. The poor reading comprehension, the inability to grasp points, the forming of strong opinions on subjects you have no understanding of.

It all adds up.

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I'm disappointed in you if you didn't see this coming from five years ago at a minimum.

The absolute state of academia

It was kinda sad that they have to tread on eggshells to avoid being fired, happening in universities in the UK and US

52 minute read


Tl:dr TERFs tweet, one person complains, nothing happens to anyone, repeat ad nausuem.