"I love future, always gets me into the mood for misogyny"

53  2019-07-09 by CruisinChetSteele


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It's the same teenager racism hate cult that MDE was all about. It's just another boring /pol/ offshoot for lonely edgelord losers.


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Damn u right snappy

Mayos who can't get laid drinking lean and listening to rap music.

Mayocide when?

the virgin inceltears glass of water vs the chad incel doublecup

chad incel


glad i dont understand this one

chugging cough syrup can make you trip.

poor people who can't afford real, adult drugs do it.

it can also make you super sick and kill your organs.

poor people who can't afford real, adult drugs do it.

certifiably NOT trill opinion here folks

not snorting coke off of hookers' starfish with rolled 100 dollar bills

poorcel detected

implying you can't do both

look at this puritan over here

put gold flakes in that shit and maybe i'll think about it. otherwise take your poorcel nonsense out of my country club.

put gold flakes in that shit

what sorority you pledging this fall, stephanie?

Don’t disrespect Pimp C man

Drama users are not holin it dine smh

That looks like a bottle of prescription codeine syrup which is an opioid which they could just drink out of the bottle and not make it into some bitch drink.

Nodding like some heroin junkie doesn't make you fun at parties. Some people like to get high in a group setting, and mellowing your high so that you can function makes sense if you're not a fucking aspie.

lol found the bitch drinker

lol I don't do opiates because I'm not a degenerate trash-person. But by all means please use the highest concentration of narcotics possible remove yourself from the population ASAP. It'll be better for the rest of us with you gone.

My friend, don't act all high and mighty while you post on /r/drama. You're a pig rolling in filth like the rest of us.

"B-but you're in /r/drama too..." is the last resort insult of the truly pathetic. The fact that we're both shitposting doesn't mean that I was trying literally gatekeep drug-use like a virgin teen at his first house party. How about you just lurk from now on okay sweaty?

Haha "gate-keeping drug use" you don't need to be mad that you throw candy into your drugs buddy, just enjoy them the way you want to and accept that you are a bitch.

You can whine about it at your next lean party.

Dick-waving about drug-use is like dick-waving about "who watches the most anime" or "who's the most hardcore gamer" where the person who wins is really the biggest loser.

Congrats on your shortened life-expectancy though I hope it works out for you. I know it'll work out for the rest of us!

Man, you're just recycling the same stuff. I thought zoomers were supposed to be good with the bants.

Complaining about using insults more than once while not bringing anything to the table yourself is peak cope.

Fuck off back to /r/opiates or wherever you junkies go.

Imagine never leaning for the first time at a black party while being the only white guy there and getting peer pressured into drinking that dirty Sprite with jolly ranchers in it.

Nodding like some heroin junkie doesn't make you fun at parties.

That's why you mix it with coke or meth you lightweight.

Real men inject krokodil into their dicks. I call it the "Insta MtF"

Nodding like some heroin junkie doesn't make you fun at parties.

They’re incels they don’t go to parties. Also you can take smaller doses without all the extra shit it isn’t hard.

Yes those famous r/braincel socials

Ain't no party like an incel party cuz the incel party never even began

They're not robo-tripping here dude. Chugging Triple-C is what teenagers and people on probation do out of desperation and boredom.

Lean (Prometh + Codeine) cough syrup is a legit opiate that basketball Americans and suburban mayos drink intentionally because swamp people in Houston (see GeauxHouston22) have only one cultural claim to fame and cling to it obsessively.

Like where do you get that tho? Is it perscribed or something? Cant be something you buy over the counter.

I think it was OTC until recently. They've also put age restrictions on anything with dextromethorphan. Mayos really ruin everything.

You buy it from a drug dealer like all your other adult drugs.

swamp people in Houston (see GeauxHouston22) have only one cultural claim to fame

I would love to hear where you're from so I can judge you mercilessly

it's hip

lmao ok grandpa

shut up boomer

I would love to hear where you're from so I can judge you mercilessly

Too bad I didn't put where I live in my username like some people.

you can say mexico, it's cool man I got a lot of mexican friends

I got a lot of mexican friends

I bet you think that's true lol.

it can also make you super sick and kill your organs.

Degenerate Drug Tip: Don't get the shit with acetaminophen in it.

Drama poster tho, so please do, chase it with some tylenol to be extra-safe

Robotripping is straight fucked and if you have to make dirty Sprite to robo you're doing it wrong. They're sippin sizzurp my guy.

finally a man of culture

What the fuck am I looking at?

Them ruining a perfectly good bottle of codeine syrup.

He's Sippin' on Some Syrup and too much of a virgin to drink it straight.

I envy you, when I came to US I wanted to try that shit but it was right after Bieber controversy so streets went dry because everybody was scared other syrups will be pulled from market aswell.

When I came over a year after my plug went fucking MIA.

I'm officially old now. What the fuck are these retards talking about?

Plug means drug hook up, Bieber controversy refers to Justin Bieber being such a bitch he was addicted to lean (codeine, sprite, and jolly ranchers). It was made famous by rappers and allowed Lil Wayne to delay his stint in prison because he had to get 9 root canals due to it.

What ever happened to having a beer, jerking off and calling it a night? Kids these days smdh

Did Wayne get 9 root canals because of all the Sprite he was drinking or so he could get a huge percocet script?

Eating organic gummy bears with the bros

Unironically enjoying mumble rap to own the females