Jannies of r/WatchRedditDie have a sperg out.

97  2019-07-09 by Ghdust2


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I’m not denying it doesn’t happen, but to assume all people who wear mascot costumes, or are furries, smoke crack and fuck all day in costume is a massive fallacy.


  1. Jannies of r/WatchRedditDie have a ... - archive.org, archive.today, removeddit.com

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The day of the jannycide can't come soon enough.

day of the mop is upon us...

Day of the last Hot Pocket in the box

WatchRedditDie may be the most ironic sub on the whole site. The levels of irony are reaching unprecedented heights.

The free-speech-hands-off moderation style they employ is causing the sub itself to die to the point where subs with names like watchredditperish, & watch watchredditdie die and about a half dozen others have been created to either ridicule them or are fork subs.

He has no job

He has no friends

There’s some Reddit threads he’s gotta cleanse

He can cook hot pockets when he needs to

At 300 pounds he’s a big guy for you

Receives no pay

He does it for free

Takes it very seriously anyway

Come on jannie, eat everything in the fridge.

now this is autism

Jannies not even once.

Lmao. Did it ever even begin for jannycels?

Nothing is more confusing than trying to understand this drama while your NMDA receptors are being antagonized. You tell me AnnoysTheGoys, upvote or downvote?


Dont tell me what to do. Downvoted. Or... well. I haven't decided yet.

Perfect thanks 👍

I can't wait for the quarantine spergout

some people take reddit very seriously

I told those tards the sub would implode fucking months ago. Nobody listened because its populated by mostly complete retards.

Shocking that a sub dedicated to crying about Reddit going to shit would be filled with complete retards

Eh. It wasn’t bad til r/frenworld got snubbed. Now its full of unironic closet Nazis. I say we give em there sub back (frenworld). Who the fuck wants to be forced to share a sub with them? Let them have their own space so we can all have ours.

I reject the two sub solution as profoundly anti-dramatic

I stopped posted when a detailed post about how reddit timegates your post in a subreddit you get downvoted in only gets like 30 points, but some retard posting about how he got banned from some shitsub gets 300+.


The timegating is the most bullshit and blatantly-obvious anti-dissent features out there.

Yep that pretty much forces anyone to jerk along for quite a while before daring to challenge the ech chamber while anyone not paying attention is to assume new joins fully agree with everything.

Imagine being always in a state of seething for free

And we are supposedly the racists?

How about I comment on some post about slavery

Keep crying you nigger bitch

99% of people here have never use the word nigga/nigger in an unironical or degrading way. Unlike you who use words such as mayo, cracker etc. in an effort to insult the individual.

Ur so mean to whitey 😡 and we just pretend to hate the blacks 😇

I don’t trust this 3 Dave guy....I’m siding with the ultimate warrior.

To clarify, it's the new jannies, not the old ones.

Notice how the sub is full of retards who are effectively trying to get the sub banned (despite claiming otherwise) now that CA is banned.

They're probably admin alts tbh. I can't imagine someone doing all this shit for free. If they do, they obviously have no lives and poor mental states and should not be in charge of anything.

it's just retarded enough to be true

The amount of 6 month old or less accounts all over that thread defending FSW is hilarious.