Why society hates incels, a look into internet outrage and foid reactionism in the era of the black pill. Part 1.

14  2019-07-09 by yangpede

From time to time people come to me and ask me why it is society has turned a fringe group of losers into an all powerful, insidious boogyman tthat can be used to explain all that ails us. It can be hard to really have a grasp on this if one is not versed in both incel culture and normie culture, a daywalker of sorts, but in relation to incels and normies, the normies representing the daylight and the incels representing the night. (see: blade, starring Wesley Snipes.)

The answer while simple to someone such as myself, eludes many on /r/drama.

A) Foids understand that they control society via sex and male on male competition.

B) Foids are naturally programmed to resist any and all resistance this truth.

Now A) explains why so many gender traitors side with the foids and will attack their fellow men if they believe it gives them a shot at some gussy. The gussy is rarely awarded, of course, but as long as there's a chance normie men are more than willing to turn on incels.

This is likely related to the women are wonderful effect:


This research found that while both women and men have more favorable views of women, women's in-group biases were 4.5 times stronger than those of men. And only women (not men) showed cognitive balance among in-group bias, identity, and self-esteem, revealing that men lack a mechanism that bolsters automatic preference for their own gender.

The foids are well aware of this, and thus they can easily enlist the support of the normies and the chads against the incels.

And B) explains the violent reaction from foids from all walks of life towards incels even though incels have no power, no authority, and no way to really act on their views outside of the occasional mass shooting or van attack.

It's not so much the incels the foids are worried about, but the normies. They're worried that the normies will become as blackpilled as the incels and foids will lose some of their social privilege or value on the sexual market place. In this sense, the incels have comitted high treason against the normie order of things. This means they must be made an example of, they must be used to lend support to false narratives about the oppression of women or sexism in society. Much like how the slave owners of the antebellum period were terrified of blacks learning to read and thus breaking their chains, the foids are terrified of normies becoming aware of the black pill, breaking their chains, and thus removing social privilege from the foid. This is why we see such a strong reaction to a group of internet loners with no power in society. It's that they represent a threat to the current order of things, and foids like the current order of things.


I'm honestly convinced you have a severe learning disability. The poor reading comprehension, the inability to grasp points, the forming of strong opinions on subjects you have no understanding of.

It all adds up.

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"Internalized misogynist" and "prude" are the new slurs for women with standards and boundaries. Don't let newspeak fool you. ;)


  1. Why society hates incels, a look in... - archive.org, archive.today, removeddit.com

  2. /r/drama - archive.org, archive.today*

  3. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Women... - archive.org, archive.today

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From time to time people come to me and ask me why it is society has turned a fringe group of losers into an all powerful, insidious boogyman that can be used to explain all that ails us.

Look pizza, this is not complicated, all you had to say was that incels are the new jews.

You unironically should write a book.

Industrial Society and Its Future II

His Struggle surely

there was maybe a time when I would of said incels need to be understood and listened to. then I spent time there at it's peak. there's no complications to this. there's only one reason people hate them. they are complete assholes who don't want advice and are actually beyond it. they dwell in negativity and find like minded individuals there. incel is not a culture. it has nothing to do with foids being scared of some black pill as if these fucking losers know something they don't. it's a cesspool of hate. these people come out worse after being there.

the incel sub was a congregation of horrible people and that's all there is too it. no pills or woke information. just pure trash.

I'm not a "normie" either. I've delved deep into all these subs.

These are not mutually exclusive. Incels can be horrible people (at least the internet kind) and foids can still hate them for other reasons.

Your argument makes sense if we don't consider the hysteria targeted at men that have nothing to do with the online incel movement.

Men that are simply unattractive and not talkative at the workplace, for example.

I'm honestly convinced you have a severe learning disability. The poor reading comprehension, the inability to grasp points, the forming of strong opinions on subjects you have no understanding of.

It all adds up.

(Please remove the automod response for pizza. He comments too much and it makes threads unreadable.)

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Cucked bot.

yeh I agree there. it's extremely complex. I do feel like there's an undercurrent of man hate that we have to wake up to every fucking day and it makes me bitter.

the complexities overlaps. social and political. those annoying leftist fucks label anyone who they perceive on the right as an incel which automatically disqualifies that person from having a voice. the word incel is a powerful political tool

Do the incels realize a lot of people know this yet, pizza? I thought that was the ‘Normie Pill’, or something.

Did the betas from /r9k/ become the incels or are the two groups unrelated?

listened to the outro music and have tried to ponder

Some of them are deranged but I don't think we should necessarily ostracize them on the basis of their looks as that fuels their...violent tendancies. I think even if women did date these men they would likely redirect their anger towards these women, I'm not sure what the solution would be.

I do see men going into RP type ideology first and then finding the 'black pill'.

PS you should write a book about inceldom and call it ‘my struggle’