Britbong ambassador resigns after being ANALLY DESTROYED by Bad Orange Man

48  2019-07-10 by loldongzer


It's the same teenager racism hate cult that MDE was all about. It's just another boring /pol/ offshoot for lonely edgelord losers.


  1. Britbong ambassador resigns after b... -,

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Lol it’s been like 2 days. “Welp trump said he won’t deal with me and he never goes back on his word. Guess I better pack it in boys!”

We won't be bullied by the USA!!!1!

Lol shut up and get in your national defense cuckshack

Well, he is the UK's diplomat to america. I'm sure he thought it would be in everyones interest if he resigned.

Trump would legit forget about this in a week

He struggles to maintain focus on anything that's not spelled out on F&F

I am 99% sure he is senile at this point why people have wanted to run geriatrics for president now is beyond me.

It's not worth it to Britain to wait a week, the ambassador is replaceable.

A diplomats job is to smooth out communication between nations, if the head of state of another nation comes to hate your guys obviously it severely impacts your ability to do your job.

I wonder if Trump actually thinks the next ambassador is going to have different opinions, or if these opinions are different than those of any other ambassador to America. I wonder if he understands also that the British ambassador isn't his employee and that we do not function under a tribute system.

Rotting orange screaning at people who hurts his feelings is not new tbh

you are orange man Donald Trump

Cope harder

Wait did Trump really say "pompous fool"?

I believe he also called him "very stupid" which I'm amazed wasn't in the article

"Very Stupid" fits trumps way of speaking way more than Pompous fool.

My favourite was his initial response which was something like "I have a lot of bad things to say about that man, but I wont.".


In leaked cables, Darroch had called Trump “inept” and “insecure.” In turn, Trump blasted Darroch in tweets this week, calling him “a pompous fool” and said his administration would not work with him.

The professionalism and integrity of the British civil service is the envy of the world.

"Except for me lol"

Show me the first person not to talk shit about people they work for and I'll care lol

He wasn't talking shit about the Queen here. It's more like talking shit about your customer, which could be acceptable if he worked at a fast food joint or something.

He does not work for Trump

Literally in private communications that are probably the same thoughts as every ambassador to the United States and in fact most of the employees directly working under Trump.

He should have thought better before he verbalized those thoughts. Diplomats, of all people, should know the power of words and a kept secret.

shoulda been the subplot of love actually

This is fucking hilarious to me. He lashes out at Trump, Trump says some mean shit back in his typical fifth-grade vocabulary, this pompous fool quits his fucking job as a result.

He didn't "lash out" at trump lol.

Did you read what he said about him? Called him all sorts of names and whatnot for no particular reason. I'd say he was butthurt about Trump like so many people are for some reason (I really don't get why, he's done barely anything even remotely noteworthy), lashed out, and then got BTFO.

It was private, private communications were leaked. These are the private rights of literally everyone, I seriously doubt the replacement is going to have any better opinions about Trump personally. And obviously if the relationship between an ambassador and the head of state of another country breaks down, you replace them.

So in other words, yes, he got BTFO by Trump. I'm not a Trumpster but I find this fucking hilarious, this highly-respected ambassador got BTFO by Trump of all people.

If it were an ambassador from an actual country, I'd probably be a little more annoyed.

Come to think of it, there's no actual countries outside America.