“Remember folks. Nazis got us to the moon. Not niggers.”

49  2019-07-10 by Ghdust2


Drama posting as a whole rots your brain, the sub is easily one of the most transphobic subreddits filled with Enlightened centrists and alt-light trolls, the mod team is a bunch of weirdo nominally left succdems who post on Stupidpol about how they're the bastion of left thought.

One of them made a post about how they used to be a SJW but alienated all their friends and family and now decries idpol, when in reality they're probably just insufferable to be around


  1. “Remember folks. Nazis got us to th... - archive.org, archive.today

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Based centrism says they're not wrong about that part

Where's the lie

Literally not wrong. Black people gave us gun shot wounds for accidentally stepping on shoes

Nazis gave us old glory on the moon

Black people make sports enjoyable to watch....before black people every sport was as slow and as boring as baseball

Hahahahhahahahah imagine not watching hockey

Lol Imagine watching hockey

Found the nigger

The only people who watch hockey are leafs(lol) and millennials who weren't athletic enough to play sports in their youth

I still play though lol

Hey, I'm a gen-xer who wasn't athletic enough to play sports and watches hockey, thankyouverymuch.

Based hockey is the only sport with players whose sole job is to beat the shit out of the opponent's players.

That the moon landing is real

the fake moon landing set was on the moon because the moon actually has a vibrant metropolitan community of aliens and they said we could use one of their movie studios to film the fake landing

Posting the truth like that is going to get the sub banned.

i mean yeah I know, thats why i said wheres the lie

Just reinforcing your statement so lurkers dont think youre memeing

implying the Moon is real


Shut up loser

implying anything outside of room is not a simulation


Based and solipsistic-pilled.

what kind of subreddit is this

the best.

voat is basically /pol/ with markdown syntax

Voat is where the people who are too redpilled even for reddit go

Facts dont care about your feelings sweaty

Are you a flat earther as well? Genuinely curious

There is definately someing off about what were told about Earth and space.

They're not wrong

Actual cigarettes did.

America's T-Zones aren't being properly stimulated.

but kathrine johnson

Looks like somebody hasn't watched Hidden Figures.

These inbreds probably got triggered by Hidden Figures

Hidden figures should of won comedy of the year

Hidden figures was unironically super inaccurate. It vastly over emphasized the work the women did. That's not to say those women weren't impressive though. Their most important contribution was to show that basketball American women could contribute if given the opportunity.

I mean I hate foids and negros, dude bussy lmao

Good god that cesspool is just full of galaxy brains. Where's the nazi eugenicists when you really need them.

There were actually a fair few niggers doing trajectory calculations and such for NASA at the time.

Wonder how many of those smooth brains on voat are smarter than t


ok you named two smart ones

Post your contributions to mathematics bitch.

Sure two black people are smarter than me, cool

Doesn't change average IQ distributions or the famed 13/50 stat. If they're so smart why they keep shooting each other?

So just to reiterate, you've achieved nothing in your life and have contributed nothing notable to society, but you feel better about yourself because another race performs poorly on a statistical level on an arbitrary 'intelligence' test and does more crime? This isn't a defense of blacks this is just a reminder that your own pathetic mediocrity isn't mitigated by people achieving things and sharing your skin color.

First off I'm not white but my race does better anyways so that's moot.

Now, just to reiterate, you've achieved nothing in your life and have contributed nothing notable to society, but you feel better about yourself because you can point at 2 smart members of a race that finishes at the bottom of every intelligence test measured. Can you point to a country run by black people that actually is a nice place to live? Nigeria might be your best bet and I wouldn't want to live there.

Bit of a reflection on yourself that you even conceded you aren't defending them which makes me wonder why you are still talking.

Can you point to a country run by black people that actually is a nice place to live?

The US from 2009 to 2017?

Yeah cause having a half black dude as president sure qualifies as having the country run by black people. I'll take that as a no then.

I mean the Middle East used to be the intellectual center of the world but history has rendered it into the shit hole we know and hate today. History and circumstance have not been kind to the African continent.

And just to point out that this whole stupid tiff started because some white supremacists on voat were unaware that there were in fact black people working in NASA. I don't know why you are so obsessed with making some lazy alt-right copypasted talking point.

Don't know why the idea of smart black people activates your almonds so much. But if you're that determined to hate a race that much nothing I say here is going to change your mind at all.

That's true, I know what the sad reality is.

they are only smart because of dem white genes.

Implying the moon landing wasn't faked

So many flat earthers