Drama in a bagel shop when manlet incel loses it.

232  2019-07-10 by McFluff_TheCrimeCat


I need people to stop banning my lolis. That's all I need! Just let me be with my drawings. Let me enjoy cute happy anime lolis that are so full of love and affection. That let me forget about this horrible world and the shitty people in it. Is that so hard to ask for? Why are people so fucking hell bent on banning lolis? What do they or society gain? I don't like scary slasher movies about people murdering people(illegal BTW). But I don't call for them to be banned nor insult those that enjoy them. One of the few things in life that makes me happy. Little glimmers of joy in my shit life and they fucking ban it because they want to make an extra buck fron ad investors.

Maybe there's a reason why people want these pure, perfect maidens? Could it be that the real world is filled with darwinistic people? Filled with murder, drugs, deasise, genocide, virtue signalling, inequality, false politicians, false ronance, bullies, ect. Where everyone is out to push eachother down to get on top? Yea, no wonder people are so eager to want something better.

Is it really difficult for people to mind their own business? If you don't harm anyone, why ban it?

You know. What about GTA that glorifies crime and actually hurts people in the real world with predatory microtransactions? What about rape fantasies? What about guro? What about furry porn? What if she's canonlly legal age? What about girls that look mature but are underage(Ikkitousen, HSoTD)? What about all that incest porn on pornhub? That's illegal IRL but no one is harping to ban that. What about r/trees? A sub dedicated to glorifying marijuana but one problem...weed has been and still is illegal and classified as a class1 drug in the US. Or the sub that literally shows real kids being killed. Or all those propaganda and ad shilling? But no one bans that!




  1. Drama in a bagel shop when manlet i... - archive.org, archive.today

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Where's this kids father???

He gets escorted out by someone who could be his son in part 2.

This is a great thread, many thanks

Damn he got the last laugh taking his bagel back. Foids fucking owned.

That's your takeaway here?

Lol these are the "people" calling you a lanklet online

A what?

A cope term for anyone taller than them

Manlets got mad about being called manlets so they started calling anyone with a normal adult hight lanklet

The real questions, the saddest answers.

Hehehehe it’s funny to mock short men teehehehe but don’t you dare talk about womens weight


This is fuckin hilarious

Imagine looking up and your eyes being the level of some dudes fucking elbow and trying to fight him lmao

And then it looks he challenged an even bigger dude and he fucking whomped him

Shorties be like “lemme take your ass outside and show you how we do it in the lollipop guild”

I didn’t realize everyone in drama was in the top 10% of height

You didn't realize everyone on drama is a prime übermensch?

Chads as far as the eye can see.

Which tbh is not very far if you're anything like the dude in the video

all drama manlets are put on mandatory HRT

What is manlet tier?

Inb4 if you have to ask, you’re a manlet


Ah yes, the height which doesn’t exist and no man claims to have

u sound mad, what's wrong lil guy

my drivers license and anyone who asks get 6'

The doctor's office knows i'm 5'11 1/2" and he better not snitch.

Biggest question is if that’s your height in the morning or end of day. I’m 6’0.5” in the morning but 5’11.75” at the end of the day due to spinal compression


If you're under 6'2 why even pretend you matter?

Dude is fucking 4'11". I'm a foid and I have arms like noodles and I could still probably push him around a bit if I wanted.

That's the problem with many guys they are a bunch of insecure bitches who pick on someone smaller to make themselves feel better. I hate seeing that shit I would like for some of those bullies to try it with me 6'1 and 225 lbs of muscle they would land on their head pretty quick.

The Heightnostate can't come soon enough.

What are manlets gonna do to stop it? Bite at normal humans' ankles?

The Heightnostate will be ruled by known radical centrist, James Comey.

He ran up on em like he thought he was a woman

Actual true story:

Manlet in my high school class was getting very triggered by a chad. Got very worked up, and in his toughest voice asked:

“Do we need to take a step outside to deal with this?”

Chad sized him up quickly and replied:

“A step for me. Probably a few steps for you.”

The Manlet sat his ass back down. It was over. It never even began.

That's why you always shoot first, talk tough later.

My dad told me a story where in high school one class a dude came up to him and said his homies were waiting outside to jump him after class, so my dad just knocked him out right there and went to the principals office. He could totally be lying but I’ve seen pics of that dude in high school and he was fuckin yoked.

It is pretty funny when the little guy can back it up though. I remember this scene from college where a normal sized dude was giving this one manlet shit because tiny dude was on the wrestling team, and that was supposed to be funny for some reason.

Well it became downright hilarious a few minutes later after the midget took him down and started to literally rub his crotch on his face. Poor bastard couldn’t do shit about it (not enough presence of mind to bite?), and ended up walking away from the party in tears.

Rereading this shit it sounds unbelievable. But no, his name was not Albert Einstein. And when I got into MMA a bit later I learned that college wrestlers are fucking dangerous people.

Oh you dont wanna fuck with competitive wrestlers

I once met a manlet who was in special forces, and his mates described him as a "battle gnome". Apparently he'd regularly pick fights with guys 3 times his size (e.g. slightly above average guys) and beat the shit out of them.

That munchkin hit the ground pretty quick.


lmao follow me on insta while you’re at it

Thots gonna thot

That munchkin hit the ground pretty quick.

Not very far to go.



It’s all making sense.

That is fucking priceless. Should have went straight to the 'stop hitting yourself' bit next.

Expected him to give him a wedgie next

That dude knows how to hockey fight.



It’s all making sense.

She’s rather thotful.

count your lucky stars that you aren't this guy

what are you gonna do? attack me?

gets attacked

i died

i would've preferred the dude just lifted him up under the arms and carried him out the door like a screaming toddler tbh.

been way funnier.

Hopefully the post or the daily news does a piece on it, should have a pretty funny headline

The Post already did lol

their online team has a weak headline game, such a waste

Dude you want to step outside?" he screams at a significantly taller man folding his arms.


that little dude is gonna kill someone p f soon

short-tempered bachelor


I just wish he shot someone first

OMFG I fucking love this video 😂😂😂

This guy: Throws a temper tantrum over a perceived smirk

Also this guy: Napoleon syndrome doesn't exist!

TBQH manlets should be dead.

Me reading your epic comment: hehehehe

Under 6'5"

No reason to be alive



i got your inches right here pal, all 3 of em

He should sue the tall guy for all he's worth.

I was already angry today for fucks sake.

lmao how long before you start screeching at people in a store?

let me know because i wanna see your temper tantrum.

He’s already in the incels thread talking about it so not long.

there's like three threads about this lmao


or maybe try not picking fights with everyone around you because of massive inferiority complex? rofl

The big guy "threw the first punch". Amazing how everyone is blaming the shorter guy. Verbal rambling does not give you the right to touch someone.

Saying "shut the fuck up" is not grounds for being physically assaulted, ever.

but going "You want summa this?" and chesting up to someone absolutely is.

talk shit, get hit.

Verbal rambling does not give you the right to put your hands on someone.

threatening to fight other people certainly does lmao.

again, talk shit, get hit

again, talk shit, get hit

Last I checked, that's not what the law says. Hopefully the shorter guy goes ahead and presses charges on the lanky piece of shit.

shorter guy goes ahead and presses charges

you can't start a fight and then press charges you fucking idiot 😂😂😂

Like I said, rambling at people doesn't count as starting a fight.

😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 he literally asked the dude to attack him you donut.

That still doesn't count. Try and keep up.

I reject your reality and substitute my own.

I don't know what to tell you. Shouting "C'MON THEN, HIT ME" at someone doesn't actually give them the legal right to do so.

lmao no one said it did, but shouting "C'MON THEN HIT ME" and then getting hit makes it so no one is going to take this braindead manlet's case

That's a good strategy tbh. Claim insanity and that the lankly piece of shit hurt you. Seriously though, the guy who attacked him should work for the rest of his life to hand his money over to the short guy.

The guy was offering to fight people you fucking moron, this shit wouldn't hold up in court. He threatens to fight one guy, even puts his chest on him. You're just projecting your manlet insecurities.


I rest my case. Hopefully this short guy goes down the same road.

some guy on twitter made up a totally 100% real story that definitely happened

non-incels OWNED with FACTS and LOGIC

peak manlet seething 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

We can add law to the long list of things you literally have zero clue about braaaaw.

A legal scholar, writing in 2003 over 60 years after the Chaplinsky decision, has noted that lower courts "have reached maddeningly inconsistent results" on what is and is not protected by the First Amendment in the area of fighting words.

Did you read your own link? It's not the slam dunk you think it is.

You really are that obtuse. In most other developed countries, verbally abusing someone is a felony. You know, countries that would never accept, well, you.

In America, it's a felony when you physically touch a person. Otherwise half the inner cities and liberal cities throughout America would get their a-- kicked legally, considering running your mouth (bravado + hot air) is almost a right.

In most other developed countries, verbally abusing someone is a felony.

In America, it's a felony when you physically touch a person.

😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 i'm fucking dying

It's not nice to talk about your brain like that.

Yes that is indeed correct chump. We're not stupid enough to have amendments that allow someone to verbally 'harass' people in public. Certainly not law enforcement.

Like anything today, not sure why that is so hard for your brain to grasp... oh wait.

how many more posts before you get so angry you challenge me to come fight you again?

Not sure what you're talking about.

Sounds like you fighting with that many people on reddit, that you have lost track.

lmao oh shit you deleted the post like a lil bitch, nice save.

Ironic, coming from the "animal" cheering this guy having a breakdown in public, then being attacked by someone bigger than him.

You're not one of those types who would beat up smaller and younger kids?

guys i think i found the dude in the video right here.

I'll say it again for ya, attacking someone smaller than you, makes you a pussy.

Otherwise, by 'your logic', this guy would have been a bad ass, if he too attacked one of the females he was raging against. Since you know, size doesn't matter.

You better inform boxing and wrestling and weightlifting of this damazo logic too.

rofl when did i ever say blue shirt was a badass?

what are you even rambling about? do you have some kind of medication you missed?


Incel manlets don't have human rights since they are subhumans

100% agreed. BTW I also hate women and minorities. I actually vote anti-abortion just to spite women.

Damm dude maybe if you went outside more often you would have grown to a normal hight

Don’t hate on me bro.

He actually very well could sue. I ain't saying it's what's right, but he could. As funny as it may sound you actually don't just automatically receive a license to hit people even if they ask you to.

Very interesting. Looks like the manlet cucked himself out of a lawsuit!

Look up "fighting words" in most states that kinda preempts first strikes.

Huh. Well that's true. I guess you are allowed to hit people if they ask you to, seems like the detail is in how they ask you. Looks like this manlet's worse count, tho, so he's SOL there.

t. Assblasted manlet

Lol. He can’t press charges since that’s not how that works. He’s free to call the cops and say he was battered and they may come arrest him and the other guy. Any NY DA is going to laugh and not do anything about it though once they see the video.

Found the mayor of the lollipop guild

That interesting rationale because in the news sub, you were bitching that over some belligerent loser getting his head slammed while resisting arrest.

I like your reasoning though. But guaranteed, like I'd bet your ass money, that you would be the first to run crying to mommy and the ALCU and social media, if the shoe was on the other foot.

lol oh look guys it's the guy who literally challenged me to come fight him IRL because i called him a retard for thinking a cop who bashed some dude into the concrete for no reason is just peachy

Nah man. I just love your hilarious humor and awesome posting style.

This one is a classic example of your logic. Cop manhandles a person resisting arrest = bad. Yet low and behold, a 'tough guy' attacks someone smaller than them, yet the victim is the loser.

Attacking someone smaller, with some cheap tackle, is no sign of being tough or strong. Quite the opposite actually.

lmao you are such a seething faggot.

lmao you are such a seething faggot.

Rest my case.

I have you tagged as a /r/drama user

a Scarlet letter if there ever was one

Fuck my face pls daddy

Out of all the hills to die on.

Why did you choose something as small and insignificant as defending manlets?

Call me old fashion but beating up someone smaller than you or laughing at the expense of someone who is having a mental breakdown, is poor taste.

call me older fashioned but why do you think defending someone = not laughing at retards?

Also, no one gives a shit about your fashion sense, retard.

I think your mommy is calling, your microwave dinner is getting cold.

You don't really get banter do you?

Nothing cheap about a tackle. Was the dude facing away or something?

Nah. I did watch the video again and the poor guy was asking for it for sure. But I would not have assaulted someone like that.

I would have just mouthed off back and told him to leave. It’s private property and he has no right to act like that there.

The guy shouldn't have resisted arrest then.

he was pinned to the ground by like 4 cops in handcuffs.

kinda hard to resist arrest when you're already arrested.

kinda hard to resist arrest when you're already arrested.

This isn't the Olympics, you don't get extra points for difficulty or style

Kids, Kids, as far as everyone else is concerned, you're both losers.

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talk shit, get hit.

by some other random asshole who suckertackles you

no wonder you get the shit kicked out of you so fucking always

you shut your whore mouth Amazo became basically a god in Justice League Unlimited.

so i hear. from you. like 45 assbeatings ago in the "nobody takes us seriously let's just do whatever" children's cartoon, right before lex luthor talks him out of his 'inescapable' plans.

have fun with affirmative action hawk and green money leibowitz.

feeling personally attacked rn

I guess your mom's boyfriend's clifford books are finally paying dividends

next year you might even be able to move up to a bendis title

kite i thought we were friends why must you hurt me 😢😢😢



u right nobody deserves that bendis crack, soz


ty i was feelin real sad 😢

I saw that episode. He comes back in a later one too, I think it was to fight Doctor Fate or something. Maybe it was to play chess with Aquaman.

I think it was to fight Doctor Fate or something.


it’s not a suckertackle (I guess we’re making up new words, now) when you are literally pointing at the guy whilst yelling about wanting to “take it outside” which we all understand as an invitation to a physical confrontation.

He was talking mad shit in the middle of a temper tantrum and somebody called his bluff. It’s 2019, we shouldn’t be taking chances that he didn’t have a weapon if he’s becoming that belligerent over some perceived slight.

suckertackle (I guess we’re making up new words, now)

yeah english is fun like that.

yeah getting a running start and being mid-air, two feet off the ground when your armbar connects with the throat of the guy who is for the first time finally not looking directly at you, doesn't seem sporting or "calling the 'bluff'" that was "let's take it outside".

I dunno where you're from but outside and inside are different places in most civilized places that have tables and air conditioning and bagels.

It doesn’t have to actually be taken outside if he’s making threatening statements. Snuff his ass out on the spot.

He was looking and pointing directly at him as he was being tackled.

Got anymore brain busters for me.

It doesn’t have to actually be taken outside

its almost like "have to" isn't part of what qualifies a suckerpunch/tackle/whatever other word they haven't got 'round to teaching you yet

He was looking and pointing directly at him as he was being tackled.

Except, coincidentally, for the very brief moment that he decided to attack him. Crack your noggin on that one

when you threaten another man, averting your gaze for a split second isn’t some sort of “home base” where the rules stop applying.

FOH with this nonsense.

"when you threaten another man"

You mean when someone verbally acknowledges your own threats.

He was belligerent and threatening others. That Good Samaritan ended it before it escalated further and only restrained the belligerent man. He could’ve easily punched him in the face while on the ground but he didn’t because he only wanted to diffuse an already escalated situation.

He was screaming at strangers.

He could’ve easily punched him in the face while on the ground but he didn’t because he only wanted to diffuse an already escalated situation.

I'm glad you finally recognize the victim's value and perspective. Pronouns are tricky.

the only victims in this video are the poor staff that had to be subjected to the high pitched tirade of the half-ling.


Calvin gets “suckertackled” this guy got exactly what he asked for, nothing less nothing more.

i definitely believe thats the foremost calvin in your mind

All other Calvin’s are inferior.


Calvin Coolidge was okay, I guess

you would say that.

hoover 2020

i can't believe people ate this bait.

teach me.

its too easy to fall into the trap of overthinking it.

just imagine....you were replying to the people in the 'letters to the editor' column of a bendis book. thats the level you're shooting for -- the average carol/kamala fan.

Love these comments that help show who the true masters are

It’s 2019, we shouldn’t be taking chances that he didn’t have a weapon if he’s becoming that belligerent over some perceived slight.

So you think cops should just shoot to kill at the first sign of a teen disrespecting them?

wow, that’s the laziest strawman. try again.

No he's using your shitty logic. lol

It’s a strawman argument, look it up junior.

So you think cops should just shoot to kill at the first sign of a teen disrespecting them?

Isn't that already the official procedure?


It's Long Island, New Jersey. "Shut the fuck up" is a polite request.

I'd usually agree, but the man was making threats, and got physically on another guy prior to getting his munchkin ass put in place.


I rest my case. Hopefully this short guy goes down the same road.

You rest your case by posting a guy's speculative opinion? You aren't just a manlet, you're a brainlet too.

You're all brainlets.

The guy’s a psycho who randomly screams at strangers. You do not want to identify with him lol

he deserved it because he is short

2A baby. Castle rules. Stand your ground!

Imagine if it was a 5'6" overweight woman shouting, and some guy just crash tackled her. Would we still be laughing?


Louder, even.

Louder, even.

Don't ever argue with an abnormally short dude in black communities. in the hood, short dudes are the most likely to shoot you in an argument. the feeling of being short and appearing weak in the eyes of others makes them compensate by being the most willing to commit violent acts. many of the top killers in black communities are really short guys.

Incels should always be bullied to suicide

When they act like this it’s hard to object.

Ban all braincesfugees except the ones that have amassed 8K in karma over there, lmao. Lolcows we can both bully and feel morally superior to. Priceless.

That may well be the cope-iest thread to end all cope threads

assaulting him was still not the right thing to do

yes it was.

No it wasn't. We don't live in a zoo. We're not animals that fight anyone over anything. He was venting and it was all distasteful to do that in public like that. And even if you didn't like what he said he still shouldn't be beaten up.

There is a criminal justice system. If the system is flawed then we fix it. We don't go around beating people.

And btw in that justice system the short guy could have shot the guy who assaulted him and it would be in self defense. So he wouldn't be in the wrong.

People need to think and not act on impulse. Specially over pathetic things like this. Everyone was fueling his anger instead of deescalation.

People need to think and not act on impulse.

lmao the irony here.

you think that screeching manlet thought about his actions and wasn't acting on his own impulses? you dumb bastard.

short guy didn't assault anyone. I know that. What he did was complaining and shouting at the top of his lungs.

as others have pointed out, the fighting words doctrine is a thing that has been around since the 40s

you cannot tell multiple people that you are willing to fight them and then get mad when they actually fight you. educate yourself, retard.

Still that wasn't the only reason I said that shouldn't have happened. For many reasons it would've been better to de-escalate rather than to feed his anger. And btw no one is a tough guy for jumping people half their size.

Still that wasn't the only reason I said that shouldn't have happened.

yes we know the real reason is because you are also a turbo manlet and you losers all flock together.

it's crazy how incels like to brag about how they'd hit a woman who talked shit to them but when someone beats one of you poozers up it's "BUT WHY WOULD YOU HURT SOMEONE HALF YOUR SIZE?"

take a shower, incel.

because it re-affirms what he believes and because this whole thing could have been de-escalated

lmao no amount of deescalation is going to curb this turbo manlet's rage.

just look at you. no matter how people try to speak to you rationally you still just double down about how it's everyone else's fault that this dude literally chesting up to people and telling them "LET'S STEP OUTSIDE" got sandbagged.

incels are a lost cause.

shouting isn't the same as beating people

the reason you can't get laid is clearly because you're absolutely retarded and apparently illiterate, blind and deaf.

you got it

You must really really hate drama

Fighting words don't fly in most places anymore. Please don't think that's actually a valid legal defense.

lol yeah use case law from the 40's to prove that this man was asking to be assaulted.


This man can be a piece of shit and ALSO not deserve being assaulted

He was a low value man. There should be no consequence.

especially for all of our entertainment

Beating up incels is the proper way to remind them of their place in society

makes sense

Just remember to take the next day off theory

Oh, screw off. If this was a woman getting into a man's space like that and yelling for him to hit her, you all would be jerking yourselves raw if she got knocked into the middle of next week. This guy's dick ticket was denied, look at it that way.

Nice try but your example falls short. All but the most hardcore incels wouldn't side with a guy who hits a girl for just getting in his face, she would have to physically attack him first before they whipped their dicks out. Based on all of the pussypassdenial-type videos I've seen anyway. Face it foid, men police other men better than women do women when it comes to stuff like this. It's one of the things men excel at: finding excuses to flex and be exercise power and control 😂

Nigga, please. I've spent enough hours on public freakout that I'm banned from there. The standard that needs to be met before dudes relish an uppity foid getting what's coming to her is fucking ridiculously low as hell. This dude got in another dudes space, chest bumping him and provoking a fight. If a foid got taken down in that situation, you're telling me public freakout wouldn't be full of 'hell yeahs'? I don't believe you.

Also, if this was some middle-aged Karen flipping the fuck out, no one would be going all Sigmund Freud/Margaret Meade trying to find and empathize with the life circumstances that led her to that point.

Face it foid, men police other men better than women do women when it comes to stuff like this.

Yeah, one of the (many) great things about being a foid is I don't have to babysit my friends to keep them from going on T fueled rages.

It's one of the things men excel at: finding excuses to flex and be exercise power and control

I wish I had more than one upvote to give my good sir.

Beating manlets is always the right thing to do

Technically true, but it was still hilarious.

That's not how the world works. People don't like him, he becomes bitter, the more he fights the more they will fight back. Nobody will help sue. He also became threatening. It's sad, but he needs to accept he's not going to have women in his life. It's hard, but we do that, we accept it.

He initiated with the belly bump with the first guy.

He forfeited his ability to claim the victim when he assaulted and battered a man with his beer belly.


I rest my case. Hopefully this short guy goes down the same road.

Manlet dete....... Oh shit, it's in your username kek

Seeth harder manlet.

Ooh you must be a south pole elf

Lmao manlet spotted

Lmao manlet spotted

You spotted that the guy who's username is literally Manletangelo is a manlet? Wow, you must be smart!

You know being short and having sass is a good combination. Keep it up, maybe a woman will laugh at your jokes and not at everything else about you one of these days!

Especially these days

Hey we had one bagel incident today incel, stop the the short talk.

Lmao manlet spotted

incel intercepted

Found the manlet

Get this dude on Cumtown

RanDom and Bagel Tantrum guy should start their own podcast.

Even though the black pill is partially real it doesn’t make incels any less pathetic.

that video ends way too soon

Bagel shop



Even worse, kosher Bagel shop.

Every bagel shop is kosher, my friend

oh yes, I'm positive that every bagel shop in the world is pork and shellfish free

It would be like opening a vegan steakhouse

i'm gonna bet on there being a place where people like bagels but don't have a lot joos

Not really, it would be like looking for pizzarias ( dominos doesn't count) without any Italians around.

It doesn't mean that every bagel shop is run by Jews, or every pizzeria is run by Italians, but people open pizza shops where pizza is popular, and bagel shops where bagels are popular

This guy is obviously Eyetalian, you cretin.


I actually feel really bad for him while at the same time finding the situation hilarious

why feel bad for him?

he was literally asking for it lol

eh just imagine how far you'd have to be pushed to lose it on someone in a bagelshop. not even someone saying something, just biting their lip and maybe smirking at you

that guy's life must be profoundly dissatisfying

imagine how far you'd have to be pushed

there is zero possibility that this dude's hardships aren't his own damn fault.

don't give sympathy to incels and manlets who act like this. you're just encouraging them to continue acting like trantrum-throwing children.

I sympathize for you tho don’t be so callous

quiet, manlet. adults are talking.

throwing out insults based on objective facts when you have no clue if it’s true

You make it hard but I mean it when I say I sympathize for you

  • 5'10 2x never even gonna make never makingit


How are you gonna fuck up that stale of a meme?

Your temper is short, too.

Lol what? You’re really bad at this.

I disagree

Ignorance is bliss.

Unlikely, you seem more angry than blissful

I’m not even sure what I’m supposed to be angry at here. Be better.

there is zero possibility that this dude's hardships aren't his own damn fault.

Classic Just World fallacy

Can’t imagine he’s having an easy life when he’s that short, I’m not surprised he flipped

Nonsense. His behaviour was unacceptable but it's not his fault he gets treated like shit either

this lack of empathy is the reason so many mass shootings happen.

Right this is how I feel when I look at the list of 40 plus women Leo has dated not one over the age of 25. It really makes me mad.

Bitch did you think you'd date Leonardo DiCaprio?

Jesus fucking christ.

Look we all have our inadequacies some are more prominent than others but that never should stop us from shooting for the moon when it comes to our realistic expectations about what life will provide us.

We'll just have to settle for all the other hot millionaires tee hee


yeah but women over 25 can easily get with other people

nobody wants a guy who is fun-sized or storable in the overhead compartment, though.

Imagine not thinking foids are doing gods work by not allowing manlets to procreate and spread their obviously inferior genes into the grand diaspora

Manlets are most likely to terminate their genetic lines. The issue is foidlets attracting closet Libertarians.

Yeah but imagine all the femlets dating tall moids spreading their inferior genes

This one weird trick to save on airfare

This one weird trick to save on airfare

People feel bad for him in the justice served thread too. I rly don't get it. Even the average Reddit manlet such as myself is nowhere near that short. This is our one time to point and laugh.

It is sad that he got the short end of the stick (lol) and that his life is so miserable that he had a meltdown in a bagel shop. It's not fun to watch someone trying to relieve their pain. This is how I imagine all of the incels on /r/drama when they shit up the place with smugposts tho

It's called having empathy, sweaty 🙄


He is a fucking Mini-Manlet his life probably blows

I'm with the tall dude. Fuck manlets and foids

Dick sucking height is not the premiere height for dudes with tough guy syndrome.

in the ghetto, short dudes are the most likely to shoot you in an argument. the feeling of being short and appearing weak in the eyes of others makes them want to compensate by being the most willing to commit violent acts.

No he wasn't you asshole. He was shouting and being aggressive, there's a hard line between that and being choked out.


You're being facetious by saying he "asked for it". And YOU'RE the one making the incel problem worse by not recognizing all the factors playing into this

If you type "Long Island bagel shop" into Google, the first thing it autofills to is "Long Island bagel shop customer," and if you search that, you'll already get linked to Newsweek and New York Post articles about the incident. Dude's gonna lose his job over this, whoever he is.

Plot twist- what if he is his own boss?

I kinda picture him as being a high school soccer coach though. He’ll recover.

Holy fuck, no wonder he's so pissed. The JV girl's team must keep turning him down.

aaahahaha this is the best video on the internet.

scroll down the twitter thread for him losing it again when one of the women laughs at him


Notable quotable "when a guy three times my size tackles me, that's ok?"

Haha squirt.

It's an acceptable excuse when splitarses get lamped by dudes isn't it?

i feel bad for this guy


/r/braincels: JFL. Manlets can't even go out in public anymore without being mocked by foids and then jumped by Chad. It's fucking over.

without bring mocked by foids and then jumped by Chad.

As God intended. 🙏


Please excuse my ignorance with not being up on the latest internet slang/memes, I only joined reddit a couple of weeks ago, but what is a foid and what is a Chad?

This is interesting from a legal perspective. Your don't have to wait until you are actually assaulted to use force in self-defense, the rest usually is something like "reasonably fear imminent harm." Not to mention he had been pushing into people and stuff, so yeah, assault.

But imagine testifying under oath "Yeah I thought this guy might hurt me."

He could’ve easily been armed with some sort of deadly weapon.

The great equalizer.

In his case, wouldn’t the equalizer technically be arming itself with him?

But imagine testifying under oath "Yeah I thought this guy might hurt me."

On one hand you'd get laughed at for fearing a manlet.

On the other you might get a medal for proper manlet handling


Somebody's gotta.

Today I learned I can use force whenever I'm around young Black guys.

Not that I would, of course.

I don't want to get shot.

The owner of the Bagel Boss, Donald Rosner, tweeted Wednesday afternoon that #customers who come into one of the New York franchise shops can get a free "mini" bagel:

After todays incident everyone is ok! Use caution on dating sites and anyone who comes into our locations and mentions this video can get a FREE MINI BAGEL!!!!!!!!"

*must be over 6' tall to receive free mini bagel



You repeat yourself.

That big guy literally lunged at the opportunity to fight a child lol. I think he was projecting

After he knocked him cold, he should have cradled him in his arms and did the "Rock-a-bye-Manlet" nursey rhyme.

Manlets. When will they learn?

/r/short in shambles

Man, Joe Pesci is really serious about getting in character.

Someone should tell him that the reason he can't find a women is not just because he is short. It is also because he is bald and middle aged.

So judging by the multiple Nazareth College shirts, this happened somewhere in the Rochester area. Bald, a manlet, and from Upstate New York? It never even began for this guy.

(Jannies, take note: there are more than a million people in the Rochester metropolitan area. Statistically, my pinpointing of this is no more “doxxing” than it would be to say that something was filmed in Estonia)

Day of the tainted garbage plate when

garbage plate

If calling your city's signature local dish this doesn't exemplify Upstater self-loathing, I don't know what does.

This was over in bayshore.

Lawn Guyland lol

He's 100% redpilled on the foid menace but manlets aren't people and need to be reminded of that fact when they get uppity

What’s redpilled

Cease breathing immediately

I want theinger cut when the foid trolls him.

I knew these weren’t all teens.

All short men are like this.

Absolutely not. Lots of people have their own struggles they don’t all go scream abuse at people in public. This dude deserves every bit of that ass kicking he received and people mocking him online.

Imagine if someone had said that about the "ma'am" tranny on Twitter.

Everyone on every sub did?

Damn, what a #ShortKing


I laugh at the people calling this assault. It’s, at most, animal abuse. He shouldn’t have been in the store without his leash.

i just love the fact the guy who plows him into a new dimension is like 9 feet taller than him

I just wanted bagels.

Manletcide when?

Amazing stuff. Guys like this make the world a richer place.

When will they learn?


I actually feel sort of bad for the guy. I mean it would really suck to be only 5 feet tall. I am 6'1" and on Tinder not even I am tall enough for some women.

So I get downvoted for having a little empathy for a short ugly dude who has obviously had a difficult life because of it.

12 mil views

Sometimes Twitter is a good thing

I'll never understand this bizarre hatred of short men. 99% of all the "lol manlets" are likely self hating manlets.

It's such a weird thing to attack people over.

Are lanklets really that insecure?

Well, it can't be easy being that short.

I'm glad I'm 6'4

Make that stud a mod.

Manlet's YouTube channel, full of videos of him bullying people:


This guy is 4'11. For a man, that is the same basket as having a micro penis.

I can't imagine the crippling insecurity and shit he has had to deal with, all because of something he was born with no control over.

Equally funny/disturbing is the incels are treating him as a religous figure now. Is this how terrorism starts?

I don't get why people make fun of incels using incel/manosphere jargon. Let this stupid shit die already.

I’m not on the manlet’s side but that guy who took him to the ground broke the law.