"Live action shot of what it's like to be a female climate reporter arguing with male meteorologists online"

134  2019-07-10 by itsnotmyfault


i wasn't doxxed, but i don't enjoy reddit as much as i used to. it feels like an addiction or a distraction at the moment and it's surprisingly sad how often i am noticing myself think "oh you should take a picture of this and share it" or "that's a funny story you should post this", i don't seem to enjoy doing things for the sake of it any more and rather it's me trying to get reactions out of people, whether that's disgust or laughter. last month i challenged myself to take a week off reddit because i noticed i was on it too much, i lasted 2 days and then started coming back on now, so recently i just thought fuck it i need to be able to go more than 2 days without going on here, that's not healthy. i was going to write something more in depth but i really just need to stop coming on here for a while, i said a month to myself so i'll go for that. the more time i spend on reddit, the less time i spend doing other things and it's not worth it for me. i see people spending so much time on social media and said i never wanted to be like them but i have become like that. so ill probably make a blog/video/something in a few weeks just to talk about it properly because i think a lot of people will be in similar positions and won't be aware of it or willing to try and change.

there's a lot on my mind at the moment so i just need to step back and think about what i should do now.


  1. "Live action shot of what it's like... - archive.org, archive.today

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like fuck my journalism degree and 5 1/2 years on the climate beat

Yeah actually. If she were smarter she’d be a meteorologist.

I mean honestly fuck all journalism regardless

Imagine going to a university for 4 years to learn how to repeat what someone else told you.

repeat what someone else told you

Autism in a nutshell.



Tbf, you're supposed to learn how to repeat what someone else told you with proper grammar and comma placement. But not even that applies to broadcast people, who are basically the lowest of the low.

sometimes i want to fuck racheal maddow for some reason. Not really sure why.


It's because you're into dudes. Just embrace it. The bussy calls to you.

Same, she’s a fox 🦊

But just wanna say I stand by my own expertise, and the fact that male scientists are often super demeaning to female journalists.


In a sane world everybody would demean “journalists”

I prefer to call them Media Influencers

I prefer to call them subhuman.

I don't call them back at all.


You give them too much credit.

Journies are the Jannies of the writing world. Better people do better things with their lives and their entire job is to put their nose down and write about the achievements of better men. They know they're inconsequential so they need to make themselves the focus of whatever they write.


the fact that experts often super demeaning to journalists.

It might be because journalists butcher everything that they are told.

But just wanna say I stand by my own expertise, and the fact that male scientists are often super demeaning to female journalists.

As everyone should be, IMHO.

learn to cloud

I thought she was satirizing the other guy wow. Is everyone a blue checkmark now?

She should learn to code weather models

Can a metereologist predict what the average temperature of the entire planet is going to be next year? Literally there is no one less qualified for the job.

Meteorology is a joke discipline anyway, they do more poorly than random chance and usually only have a job because they're the comic relief of some shit news room staff. Climatology is a real discipline built on objective scientific facts, meteorology is a pseudoscience.

Can a metereologist predict what the average temperature of the entire planet is going to be next year?

Nobody can.

they do more poorly than random chance




Watermark my friend you have to do better for your bait write ups. smh disgraceful effort.

If they did worse than random chance they'd by definition do better than random chance.

I write and edit on rats, poop, corpses, crystals, food & health, but mostly the climate

opinion invalid and discarded.

so I had to look up the crystal thing to see if she was both a climate reporter and a healing crystal nutjob because that shit really activates my almonds as a geoscientist, that these people exist.

Turns out, she isn't a crystal nutter, but she wrote a big long fucking piece about the shady ethics of crystal/rock procurement for the healing crystal industry. Her takeaway from that, lets emphasize again that she's someone who is a climate change reporter and wants to be taken seriously, wasn't that we should educate people that fucking ROCKS don't do anything for your health beyond a placebo effect, but instead that the industry should do like what the coffee industry does and list points of origin and stress 'fair trade' etc.

lol massive changes on the business/government level for tiny niche industry, all spearheaded by foid journalist who wants to be seen as an expert?

Sounds about right

i mean tbf crystal retards are crystal retards, educating them on anything other than a personal basis with people u know just doesnt work lol

Article actually sounds mildly interesting tho.

I can't bring my vibrations up unless my quartz has the soul of an African child laborer trapped inside it

Where is the full convo? Why do foids only take partial screenshots of stuff that paints them in a better light?

I demand the FULL drama.

Haven't found it yet, but this is isn't his first foray with internet dumbasses. You might even recognize who he's arguing with! Stay tuned for the journo fight.

Lmao him and Kurt "ten tickles for my dickle" Eichenwald go into it.

Holy shit there's someone I haven't thought about for awhile

You might even recognize who he's arguing with!

Good ol' Kurt "Tentacle Porn with the Family" Eichenwald, LOL.

They argue some in this thread, but if his tweet was removed then Twitter isn't saying so. I'm going to give up.



Hating on Commie Mommie?!? HOW DARE HE

Eh, kind of seems like the moid started the slap fight. He agrees that global warming is happening but then gives the foid shit about an article headline that mentions it? Kinda catty...

His pet peeve is when people attribute weather events to climate change.


Probably because he's tired of half-wit laymen, like the foid in question, spouting off in ways that give ammunition to those who either don't believe climate change is happening (which is a retarded position), don't believe human activity is influencing it (which isn't quite as retarded but you have to give humanity at least a little credit for changing the environment), or those who completely agree but think the political solutions are dumb as hell (which they usually are). Take his comments on AOC, for example. Her "the Earth will end in 12 years" comment is going to come back around in 12 years, just like every other "the world is going to end in 'x' years" prediction has, and give people on the anti-AGW side of the conversation something to laugh at and point to when people ask them why they hold the positions they do.

Between those failed prophecies of doom and the fact that the environmental movement is full of watermelons (eco-green on the outside, Commie red on the inside) who are just using environmental issues as a means of attacking the evil capitalists, I often find myself skeptical of any of the plans put forward to address the issue. Most of "solutions" amount to little more than dumping money in NGOs and other international organizations for bureaucrats to squander, or giving money to dictators in backwards countries to keep their countries away from industrialization.

It's foids like this that make it possible for unreasonable people and complete idiots to argue about climate change. It's no wonder this dude thinks she needs to zip her smelly face hole.

TL;DR: Foids bad

That's a pretty shitty take-----hey wait a minute

So is she denying climate change or what?

No, the exact opposite. She writes for a climate change rag called The New Republic. With amazing articles under her belt, like Trump Tries to Gaslight Mother Earth.

Trump Tries to Gaslight Mother Earth

This is my next all-rapping broadway musical, please prepare to slobber out my ever-loving praises and put me in an AmEx commercial

new fetish

Old Man Yells at cloud ground

male scientists are often super demeaning to female journalists.

This has to be a joke, right?

It's like someone from CNN debates a banker on what is the deal with interest rates an claiming banker with all his "science" is being sexist?

It's depressing reading tweet replies of "support" for this mental illness.

Oh fuck another one

By looking at the links in this sub, it looks like this guy has a right to be angry. Even at a basic uni level, it was drilled into us never to take individual events as evidence for a long term trend.

Only recently have I started seeing people claiming literally every weather event has been caused by climate change. This is the same argument as "look at this winter storm, so much for global warming!".

By misrepresenting how climate works, these people are encouraging people to be skeptical of the actual effect of climate change.

It was 113 degrees in Paris a few days back

Totally normal, don't worry

Sydney had its coldest march in 15 years, so much for all that global warming 😏😏😏

In all seriousness, even though we are fighting for the right cause - stopping climate change, we need to be accurate with our reporting as not to build distrust. Attributing something as mundane like someone spilling their milk was caused by climate change will cause people to question the science behind it.

You're not wrong generally but kind of a bad example considering extreme heat and cold are the two individual weather events we can most confidently attribute to climate change according to the graph the meteorologist cited

That is a good point, I was just channeling this classic


imagine believing non ironically that humans can control the climate

"influence" is a long way away from "control" retard

This is bad praxis comrade.

Aren't meteorologists PhD holders?

yup. and that guy's phd thesis was about exactly the kind of storms that they were talking about.


Seems like you'd need to be a bit retarded to think that a journalism "degree" > a literal PhD

uhm sweaty, doctorate degrees are pale, stale and male, and basically settler-colonialism. do better!

she's also got 5 1/2 years of writing about rats, crystals, and climate

#rekther before he #checkedher

Her job's function is literally using that guy as a source of information for her content. The real reason that sexism exists is because of the behavior of foids like her.

I can't wait until AI makes all journalists obsolete.

I can't wait until AI sexbots makes all journalists women obsolete.

Don't blame journalism. This is clearly a case of someone having one too many X chromosomes.

like fuck my journalism degree and 5 1/2 years on the climate beat

yeah, exactly this. Climate beat is fucking made up BS.

White people were a mistake

She's a Jew.

Jews are white

Jews can be whatever they want, it seems

Well I mean considering it’s not just an ethnicity, yeah.

They mostly want to be bankers and hollywood producers though.

Hey, if that’s where the cash is. None my business

So this is NOT to defend the foid at all who is definitely the major lolcow here, but this dude is a hack that basically has built a career being the right wing token 'expert' for climate change denial.

Is there anything to support that other than his tweet being featured on Fox a few days ago?

Google the dude. The first result is his association with the Cato institute a right wing think tank. But I've seen him on Twitter a bunch as well.

Well damn, he wrote shit like this. No doubt he's still a smart dude, but it's harder to trust partisans.

Oh no doubt he's smart, maybe even more than most PhD's cause he knows where the $$$ is.

Cato had an article on open borders that was up voted in /r/neoliberal, how is it right wing?

Self identified libertarian and founded by the Koch foundation?

Tucker Carlson praised a Warren speech once. Doesn't make him liberal.

Libertarian isn't right wing

He just tweeted that he doesn't deny agw at all.

Your ability to fail to comprehend even the tiniest bit of nuance is astounding. Every time there is a major weather event he takes to social media to chide people for blaming it on global warming. Of course floods and hurricanes have occurred forever but the frequency and severity of both are increasing on a statistical level. He has built a career on obfuscating that fact.

He says exactly that:

"Extreme rainfall is still low/medium confidence and medium understanding -- pretty clear that in a warmer world, rainfall extremes will increase. But, attributing an individual t-storm or slow-moving area of rain to climate change is (currently) beyond our capability."

This sounds completely reasonable. What part of that do you disagree with?


I don't know tbh I was pretty drunk when I wrote that first comment and decided I didn't want to back down for some reason ¯_(ツ)_/¯

I do think he could do better in the way he denies it though. And I really disagree with him over some things - for example he complains about a climate change group saying that global warming is more important than an earthquake.

But this is the first time I've ever heard of this guy, and really the only thing that I 'care' about is that the reporter was blaming sexism on an expert disagreeing with her.

Oh I absolutely agree the reporter was so obnoxious.

An insane liberal take by a media figure? Man I wonder if this chick is a Je... oh, of course she is.

checkmark female journo

Truly the trifecta of disability.