Benny "yall hispanics gonna panic at the sight of this manic germanic" Garrison releases statement on being cucked by the white house

72  2019-07-10 by youresobrave


Are you black or something? Why do you think fathers don't exist?


  1. Benny "yall hispanics gonna panic a... -,

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all of these leftists would bash each other long before they got to the fash lol

tfw your aryan race warrior god emperor has been cucked so hard by the judeo-bolsheviks(by having one marry and inseminate his daughter as well, and converting her) that they won't let you show up to the white house just because you're woke on the jewish question. also = "i have jewish friends so I can't be racist", classic

i go to a jewish school and im a zionist (because i hate the palestinians) but im still woke on the (((jewish question)))

This is how to be radically centrist.

Thats how to be a republican, it may be my retardation but i dont really understand how they are simultaneously full of people unironically using ((())) and also the biggest zionists.

antisemites have a touch choice to make in the US, both parties leadership cucks to Israel

it's significantly easier in Britain

There different ppl dumbo.

Also right wing populists have a ton of popular support compared to the amount of donors they have. Hardcore Zionists who don’t about immigration or whatever can get a lot of bang for their buck by propping up any brain dead rw populist they can find who will also support Israel.

Lots of evangelicals believe there needs to be a Jewish state for the rapture to happen.

IIRC they also believe during the end days or whatever that the Jewish state will get seriously fucked up, so there’s that.

There’s nothing Bolshevik about the Kushners, I assure you lmao

Jew is a religion so he can't be racist. do you think jews who aren't religious get into israel?

They're probably born there?

is this really the best the the donald has to offer? how do you think that jews get into israel via the right of return after coming from a family that has been in another country for 200 years without being religious?

Punctuate your shit, jesus christ. This is just a hypothetical you came up with, why are you pretending like it has merit?

It was the bit that you tacked on at the end that you made up.. "a family that has been in another country without being religious". I'm not sure you have any idea what you were saying before, but that link doesn't help you any.

How many spanish jews live in israel? lol this should be good..

yes clearly that's "made up", you not knowing something = it doesn't exist. jew is an ethnicity as well as a race. put down the fentanyl and educate yourself

Jew is a religion only, it's neither of those things you mentally defunct jew faggot. Put down the children foreskin.

they were all dancing a tantrum

Is this Boomer or Fentanylese?

It’s methlish, a rare subdialect of Fentanylese.

You can say they really Jewed him out of that white house visit

This sucks , i would expect his new Trump hentai to not be as muscular/juicy/sexy

Somehow this is Hillary Clinton's fault. This has her brap stench to it.

I can't blame the White House for rescinding their invite (why would anyone invite Garrison in the first place? He's a nut even by right-wing standards, like Alex Jones with colored pencils), but Garrison does have a point about the ADL. They're less an organization for protecting the interests of the Jewish minority and more a political attack dog for the left. Saying you can't criticize a Jewish person without being anti-Semitic is like saying you can't criticize Israel without being anti-Semitic. Those particular Venn Diagrams aren't always a single circle.


I will continue to support our President.


Way better than the regular "dude labels lmao" comments we always get