Poorfags seethe as rural family pays a decent wage to unskilled laborer

42  2019-07-10 by CruisinChetSteele


Have you posted bussy yet?


  1. Poorfags seethe as rural family pay... - archive.org, archive.today, removeddit.com

  2. https://www.reddit.com/r/ChoosingBe... - archive.org, archive.today, removeddit.com

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Redditors are fucking idiots.

Have redditors literally never worked a job in their life? Have they really never interacted with anyone who's had a job before? You can literally just google how much people at the local day care make, who have to watch over 20 kids and aren't allowed to use the fucking bathroom whenever they want: https://www.glassdoor.com/Hourly-Pay/The-Learning-Experience-Preschool-Teacher-Hourly-Pay-E335767_D_KO24,41.htm has an average of $13/hour, going down to 9. Same with Kindercare or whatever else is in your area. Here's the biggest name franchise of daycares I can think of https://www.indeed.com/cmp/Primrose-School/salaries. Same shit, but I guarantee that you don't have to put up with administration that literally tries to make your job worse when it's just you, mom, and dad.

That's why you don't go to college to get an "Early Childhood Education" degree, and that's also where your friend Molly is going to work after she fails out of a Psychology major in her second year of community college.

This is fucking dumb. Why is it when it comes to nanny’s and in home child care, Reddit thinks they need to make $100 an hour or it’s slave labor? Ive literally seen the paystubs of numerous day car employees who make minimum wage and have to watch like 8 more kids. They’re probably under the impression that since daycare is soooo expensive, the people watching the kids get paid handsomely. Negative. It’s the owner of the daycare.

Cause reddit hates kids and getting a vasectomy is a soyim’s greatest goal in life

Hey ass, don't rope everyone in with them. I got my vasectomy years ago and I fucking hate redditoids

Biggest cope. If you aren’t passing on your genes you have failed the game of life

Ive literally seen the paystubs of numerous day car employees

Lol why?

Because I’m a finance manger for subprime lending that requires proof of income to secure a loan. I see this day in and day out.

Ok that's better than the idea I had in my mind but not as fun

What idea did you have lol?

Personally I assumed you were a stalker.

Love me some daycare ladies. Can’t get enough looks at their shitty pay 😍😍

It’s the owner of the daycare

That and their insurance provider but your point remains valid.

Yeah, well it's important to pay day care workers well. The low wage ones will fuck your kid up the poop chute. The ones who make $100 per hour will make sweet love to your kid.

Banned from a dog shit subreddit of made up stories? Lol oh no...

You have a semi paid slave

TIL $12 an hour is paid slavery. I guess I've been enslaved at literally every minimum wage job I've worked.

Umm. Capitalism is slavery you wagecuck

mfw I'm a slave to my needs of food, water, and shelter

mfw I'm so oppressed

It's actually quite distressing that I have to work to feed myself.

"This but unironically" - Buddha

Babysitting is also a easy job that often has downtime people describing it as hard labor are insane.

anything is hard labour when you're a redditor who hasn't worked a day in your life.

Flashbacks to the AITA thread where people said it's harder to be stay-at-home mom than work 12 hours a day at a corp



Wow, some of the comments are really fucking entitled, though most of the upboated ones sound...reasonable?

TBF I've usually felt like a slave at every minimum wage job I've worked.

The reason they think such a low wage is legal is because few of them ever leave home to visit another state so they have no ducking clue what the minimum wage is like let alone the price of living in some areas.

A lot of these dumb ass redditors live in huge cities on the coasts, which they never leave, and pay like $1,500 a month in rent for a single mattress in an attic, which is probably why they’re so spastic about how anybody making less than like 3x the minimum wage wherever they’re from MUST be getting paid slave wages.

If the babysitter feels she’s underpaid she could ask for a raise.

Like do redditors not understand anything about working?

Reminder that foids are less likely to ask for raises.

what are these people smoking? "skilled labor" bitch when a 13 year old can do it it ain't skilled. Unless the 13 year old is driving an F1 car. Those things are fast!

Lmao unironically I consider working at fast-food more akin to "skilled labor" than childcare.


Lmao these retards have never interacted with children. I'm a camo counselor and I have to deal with 13-15 kids with one other partner and only make 50¢ more than minimum wage and I am more than ok with that.

We have 4 live-in maids and they're paid 140 dollars a month. Can't believe that's like 12 hours worth of babgsitting Murica lmao

Lol what country?
