Andy Ngo talks with Joe Rogan. 240 upvotes, 1.1k comments

78  2019-07-11 by BAZAKBAL_


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  1. Andy Ngo talks with Joe Rogan. 240 ... -,,

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All the centerist normie Joe Rogan fans are going to meet a Chapo for the first time

You're not even wrong! Go read the comments now, lmao!

the brigading is really blatant, almost every account screeching about fascism has chapo in their post history and nothing from /r/joerogan older than a few hours.

Lmao most of them have downvotes tho.

Props to Rogan for going against the grain and continually having controversial guests on.

Sarcasm or???

Why would that be sarcasm? He constantly has controversial figures on the podcast and is often criticised by the far left for giving them a platform.

Yeah sorry I misread your post. I do find him lacking far left guests though but that might be because they refuse invitations to be on


> Why doesn't Joe Rogan have any left wing guests on?

> Surprised NIGGER face

Yeah I agreed they probably refuse to go on, and would rather just boycott.

He gets that one girl on who worked for RT and hates israel, but she's an awful rep for lefties. Jimmy Dore probably isn't far left, but at least he isn't an idiot.

Jimmy Dore probably isn't far left, but at least he isn't an idiot.


He's left, but I don't recall him supporting reparations or bringing back the USSR or anything.

yeah, but he was the one who i recall called for voting Trump because the DNC rigged the primaries against Bernie or something while saying the democrats will retake the senate in 2018 so there is no worry

he's an accelerationist so he's an idiot by definition

sounds pretty based

Yeah wtf Jimmy Dore is as mind numbingly stupid as Alex Jones.

Jimmy Dore, Kyle Kulinski, David Pakman and Abby Martin. And that's just recently.

Kulinski has described himself as a social democrat as well as left libertarian in Political Compass parlance

Yea, and?

These people dont seem to be far left.

Social democrats aren't far left enough for you? Does someone need to be a full on commie before you consider them "left"?

Social democrats far left? No not at all, I'm not far left either but the shit I see on reddit about fucking google and CNN being far left is such a strange thing to me.

Social democrats aren't far left enough for you?

social democrats would tell you themselves that they are not the far left.

are you being intentionally retarded? I can never tell on this sub anymore

lol maybe if you tailor your entire political spectrum to lefty internet groups instead of real life.

Lol nah I'm literally a union rep.



Kulinksi wrote the Justice Democrats platform....he’s far left lmao

Is he pro free market?

why don’t you find out for urself he’s got a whole YouTube channel with all his specific political details. Secular Talk.

So yeah he is, because if he wasn't you'd have already said.

Idk lol really go find out and report back

I report back with the findings that he is not far left

Also had ana kasparian

And chunk yoghurt

how recently into the buffalo's descent into utter madness was he on the podcast?

he had that adam ruins everything guy on and he looked retarded

He was a quintessential example of your typical leftists. He just repeats things that he has heard and can't actually explain why be believes them.

hell yeah brother fuck the libs

Yea so anyone on the left that touches his show becomes a target for wokesphere.

None of it matter until he actually gets someone to fight a chimp

Love it when he brings on white supremacists and alt-right guys.

I don't think he has had a person on from either of those groups. Who are you referring to?

Shapiro and Candance Owens have been on. I’m not sure if Milo or Bannon have been. I assume Richard Spencer, Molyneux, Charles Murray haven’t been on, and there’s no way Mencius Moldbug has been on, but that would be a pretty interesting episode.

You think Shapiro and Candace Owens are alt right/ white supremacists. Wtf?

I think Candance Owens is. Shapiro isn’t, but he’s pretty adjacent.

I think you need to do a bit more research about the terms alt right and white supremacy. If you think Candace Owens falls into either of those categories, you're way off base. That's like saying Ann Coulter is alt right or a white supremacist.

Apparently the term has mutated and what I’m referring to is just “alt- lite”.

Ok you were right, eat shit and die


What’s left of the MAGA movement (basically just boomers at this point) is extremely easy to grift. Be a gay minority and take a punch from antifa and they throw a quarter million at your GoFundMe.

Wow Leftists are literally just figuring out right now why Milo was popular.

Godbless these adorable retards

Leftists calling others grifters is peak irony.

Oppressed people who are willing to shit on everyone else like them and make rightoids feel good will always be swimming in donations of very valuable commemorative coins that are guaranteed to triple in value.

Yeah it's easy to hate on these edgy people that are all into people that say edgy shit, but Jesus Christ if there was this kind of awareness of social media 10/15 years ago I'd be fucked. I used to ironically collect Nazi memorabilia for goodness sake.

Lmao I've seen plenty of non-retarded zoomers. There's no excuse.

This guy is a serious buzz kill and talks like he continuously has dicks in his mouth.

hotep jesus was epic

I was looking forward to a full on Yakub Hebrew Israelite kind of thing. Instead I got an awkward incel tepidly positing some kind of lame pre-civilization theory about how blacks are the true native Americans and an underwhelming insta doxing video of Joe's license plates and studio. Severely disappointed.

He didn't even touch on the JQ. Shit was whack.

You're wrong. Him going full nofap was great

Who is this hotep Jesus guy? Link to the episode?

Thank you king

and an underwhelming insta doxing video of Joe's license plates and studio.

What do you mean? What happened on the episode?

hotep jesus posted a video on twitter, then deleted it

He was clearly hamming things up for the lawsuit (at least I hope he was and wasn't always that boring). Also it sounded like he was on Valium.

He took one of Joey Diaz’s gummies.

Lmao 😂

imagine actually watching a retard like Joe Rogan

Most notable thing he's done is punched a lot. He's largely a boring guy who writes milquetoast takes on Islam and insane left-wing politics.

Yikes anything less than 2 hours means joe got bored

“I got punched in the head by soyboys and I’m blaming that for my obvious brain problems, AMA”

Giving a gay minority brain damage to own the chuds

Imagine sucking dicks for +1 wokeness protection 😂

That’s the entire point. It’s almost like leftists actually don’t give a shit about protecting minorities or vulnerable people they just attack anyone they disagree with for things they openly encourage(doxxing) lol

Lol, imagine if you flipped the script and a gay leftoid was punched for something totally unrelated to his wienerlust. This dude being gay could not matter less in this situation, you just want some of them sweet sweet victim points.

He wasn’t punched bc he was gay.

He was punched for doxxing leftoid journalists. Something leftoids absolutely love to do. What I’m laughing at is antifa now considers gay Asians nazis

Punched by assholes for being an asshole, but he is gay and Asian so righties thirsty for some identity points all popped a huge boner and led with “he is gay and Asian tho, lefties btfo”.


That’s because basic bitch rightoids are absolute morons who think the left gives a shit lol

They also think that wanting equality for gays but also punching an gay asshole for reasons totally unrelated to his gayosity is the height of hypocrisy.



Gay Asians are the only legitimate Nazis.

This is the best take

to be fair if rightoid inbreds punched a pee o'sea homo for unrelated reasons it would 100% be treated as a bigoted attack

Oh for sure, and the gleeful dudes having a blast now would be absolutely seething. Global warming needs to speed the fuck up.

You’re such a whiny faggot. Can you at least be funny occasionally?

It’s not my job to entertain the leftoid menace.

So you’re literally just an unfunny agenda poster than? Sounds exactly like the type of poster that drama needs more of smh 🤦‍♀️

Agenda poster? I shit on both sides equally. This sub is just so shitted up with Whiny leftoids who constantly agenda post and call for rightoids to be banned you run out of targets. Though I just dunked on a magacel, they are much harder to find.

Lolcows are lolcows left or right but all I see is you dropping decent bait and than outwhining anybody that takes it. Be funny. Be better.

The jokes right themselves in this sub. I can’t help you don’t think it’s funny a bunch of white kinda beat up a gay chunk for being a nazi but that alone is hilarious

That’s funny af obviously. I hate to break it to you, but getting into an agenda driven no u autistic slapfight isn’t peak humor.

I mean the last agenda posting I did was explain to a lot retarded magacel that Jew is a ethnicity. Him saying it wasn’t was so dumb I had to serious post

The jokes right themselves in this sub.


Can you at least be funny occasionally?

they make legitimately no attempt to approach anything with humor, this new crop of dramatards are the worst in a while

not because of the agendaposting, but just because they're soooooo boring

Leftoids these days are very ambivalent in deciding if they should treat Asians like they do with blacks and Muslims, with a condescending motherly type of care, or treating them like Jews, with a backhanded approach as they secretly SEETH over them.

Especially these days

Shit bot

It’s so fucking cringey how they literally have such a low opinion of them that they treat them as children incapable of helping themselves or actively being able to participate functionally in society

Lol he’s been trying to pick fights at protests for over a year now he finally got hit. Has he released these “brain damage” medical report yet? Since he’s full of shit probably not.

You are the worst fucking agenda poster on this sub. He’s a journalist doing something you consider heroic if your guys do it. Imagine picking sides so hard you think not only did he deserve it but he’s lying lol

You are the worst fucking agenda poster on this sub.

Thank you. Sorry you’re brains to small to realize that’s a compliment.

You’re using journalist really loosely here. Provocateur would be a better word.

you consider heroic if your guys do it.

Consider what heroic exactly? Going around picking fights? Not really.

Imagine picking sides so hard you think not only did he deserve it

When you try to get hit and then get hit I don’t feel bad no matter who it is

but he’s lying lol

Lol people with brain damage don’t walk out of a hospital the same day unless we’re calling a minor concussion brain damage now. I’m sure he’ll release the medical info any day now...

You guys absolutely consider doxxing good. And I don’t give a fuck about the guy one way or the other, I just think the entire thing is hilarious that a bunch of white kids beat up asian homo bc he’s a nazi.

you are literally the least mad person on the internet right now. how have you done it? how have you stayed so calm and cool? I'll hang up n listen.

A healthy dose of SSRIs and alcohol.

based and saruh-pilled

brain damage


I doubt he has damage, but i have seen enough fights that I would believe he got some sort of contusion that’s not serious.

Joe Rogan is N AltRight Bigot that needs to be demontized and banned from pornhub...

that thread is dripping with cope

The cope is linking into this very thread.

It's one thing to be against the assault, which is reasonable, but it's another to claim he is an innocent journalist

.Thank you for your comment.

Your Certified Moron card is the mail. Until then, just link people up to your comment.

JRE fans are such a weird mixture of radically uneducated and interested in world politics, it's actually insane to read that sub. It's basically like two guys arguing over football but they don't any of the rules or history of the game, yet they're WILDLY passionate about it.

That's a lot of words when you could've just posted COPE

not suprising that a JRE fan thinks that two sentences is a lot of words tbh

I'm not a JRE fan at all, just someone laughing at you cope-posting everywhere ITT

say cope one more time for a free scoop of cope next time you visit cope-stone creamery


Well his name is 'Non-Goverment Organisation'.

No wonder - they are probably freaking out about Soros and the Rotchchilds and turning the DAMN FROGS GAY ...

When there's more comments than upboats, you know there's drama afoot 😎