Foid drama in /r/livestreamfails

73  2019-07-11 by apescaper


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  1. Foid drama in /r/livestreamfails -,,

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So cringe dude. I have a buddy that has like 3-4 “blow job girls” that’ll come over to his place pretty much any time and day and suck him off for $20-$40. This dude threw away 500 BJs on some internet thot who in turn tried to humiliate him when the well dried up. Fucking trash gussy: never worth it.

3-4 “blow job girls” that’ll come over to his place pretty much any time and day and suck him off for $20-$40.

If only the English language had a word for this smh mayo languages

Lmao yeah I know they’re prostitutes, but he doesn’t fuck um, so more specifically than a whore, they’re blow job girls.

Ah, the Bill Clinton defense that oral sex isn't sex, a bold strategy employed by Catholic school girls the world over

Almost as famous as the “poophole loophole”

There's also the "we'll be married in the future" to make the true Holy Trinity.

Oral sex is just a really empassioned kiss.

Is this a legally binding precedent in American law? Because it should be.

How find cheap hoes 🤠🥵

Call me bby 💦 😩😏



my old boss showed me exactly how to order one too. Showed the me the website and errrrthang. Kinda messed with my perception of the guy after that. I like to party and all, but that felt a little grody.

link plz

And on that day I learned that Jim from accounting did some pretty weird shit in his own time . . .

Link please

This wouldn't happen in a country where Sharia was established.

Furthermore I believe all foids should be banned.

The foid is of course an evil demon but it only gains power through the submission of, may Allah forgive me for saying this word, heterosexual men. State enforced homosexual sharia is the only way forward, inshallah

State enforced homosexual sharia is the only way forward

Pete Bussygieg is America's best shot at state-enforced democratic homocracy. Fuck mediacare 4 all, I want my monthly supply of Pete approved butt plugs instead 😤


This dude 100% deserved it 😂😂😂

Honestly, what the fuck is wrong with moids? It seems like they dig half of the grave that they're gonna fall into.

I'm going to hazard a guess that the moid in question is in his teens and has literally never experienced positive interaction with a female human before in his life. I am also too lazy to review the circumstances in detail to determine if this is true.

Nah. Mid 20s most likely.

literally never experienced positive interaction with a female human before in his life.

Has anybody?

Everyone's hating on this foid as if try wouldn't do the same thing in her place. Get'em girl, milk that cow dry.

ok beta


non-Chads subconsciously seek death

Based and Blackpilled, Inshallah.

Very doomer pilled my dude

>I think I am the right kind of guy to be taking a leap for


This is what happens when you're so thirsty for foissy you lose total perception of yourself.


You're the right kind of guy who only physical contact with a female is your own mother if you think giving a e-bitch thousands of dollars in loans makes you "the one."