Another Tariq goldmine. Taco Americans proceed to hang a noose at a construction site. Brothas immediately abandon “snitches get stitches” as ICE is contacted post haste.

178  2019-07-11 by Day_of_the_COPE


The problem is that 1) you possess a sheep mentality and are unable to think or exercise logic of your own free will, and in fact are not even capable of thought outside the societal norms you've been indoctrinated with, 2) science has not yet caught up with the subtle levels of energy of which the occult and other metaphysical phenomenon occur, and 3) even if you were capable of free thought and science were able to measure these phenomenon, you are not intelligent enough to comprehend any of it.

I mean, I could try explaining it to you. But is it worth my time? You are already of the mindset that jerking off to tranny porn is completely harmless so long as the men have makeup on. It seems their agenda has done permanent damage to your mind and you are beyond reach.


  1. Another Tariq goldmine. Taco Americ... -,

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dude not sentient lmao

I hope the woke blue checkmarks and journalists get wind of this. Minorities attacking minorities breaks their brains.

They will suppress it at best, or blame it on the whiteys until somebody corrects them.

They will just find the one latino with a white enough sounding name that they can pin it on, problem solved!

They just do this:

You sound like and are doing the work of right wingers by playing up a black and brown war that doesn't exist.

Nah. Mayos are at fault because they elected Trump and that normalizes racism or something.

Apparently brown people have so little agency and are so simple-minded they can't even commit a hate crime of their own accord. Peak white man's burden.

All of this, but unironically.

How can people always tell my religion... Sigh...

Then continue to blame it on the whiteys for reason.

We just aren't giving them enough.

Isn't Trump a blue checkmark too?




They should change Trump's checkmark from blue to orange.


good idea!

It is well known that white supremacists such as you commonly have a divide and conquer strategy


Tariq Nasheed is actually a mayo wearing blackface, accusing other mayos of wearing blackface, while commiting crimes against mayos to blame the brotha.

Watermark solves the puzzle that pizza couldn't.

Based watermark


Smdh look at this internalized oppression the mayoarchy has forced upon them.

Is it just me or does that tweet sound exactly like Daddy?

You weren't kidding.

We have to stand alone. We need a period of selfishness where we strictly worry about us. The ruthless calculus is: resources are finite, jobs, neighborhoods. The more success that they have they push us in an underclass. If I have to choose between me and them, I choose me.

You weren't kidding.

We have to stand alone. We need a period of selfishness where we strictly worry about us. The ruthless calculus is: resources are finite, jobs, neighborhoods. The more success that they have they push us in an underclass. If I have to choose between me and them, I choose me.

This is exactly why those Hispanics at the border get "NO SUPPORT" whatsoever from me. Don't care about their kids, babies, women, or anything. They nothing but wanna be white supremacists, so they can #HYON. Don't ask me for shit! ‼️💯

It's as if the DNC doesn't understand that we can actually see what they're doing. They don't want to do the right thing by us so they'd rather buy the Hispanic vote cause they don't owe them a thing

This is why ICE need to round there asses up i don't care if are families w/kids deport them send them back i don't cape for no immigrant boarder jumper y all remember what they did to them Haitian immigrants in the 80s was sent back never touch US soils the coast guard stop them

Daddy speak doesn't include calculus.

I guess daddy does love his blacks after all

Black people being against Illegal immigration isn't anything special

also its been obvious they are soft as shit on immigration to get the hispanic vote.

imagine serious voting in console.log(current_year)

let weekday = new Array(7);
weekday[0] =  "Sunday";
weekday[1] = "Monday";
weekday[2] = "Tuesday";
weekday[3] = "Wednesday";
weekday[4] = "Thursday";
weekday[5] = "Friday";
weekday[6] = "Saturday";

let d = new Date();
let n = weekday[d.getDay()];

let cope = false;
if(n[n.length-1] == 'y') {
    cope = true;

let seethe = false;
switch(cope) {
    case true:
        seethe = cope;

        console.log('error: illegal cope level');

It's as if the DNC doesn't understand that we can actually see what they're doing. They don't want to do the right thing by us so they'd rather buy the Hispanic vote cause they don't owe them a thing

That’s a sock puppet no black people leave the dnc they have 90% of the basketball vote

Imagine being a wokie black femcel and seeing the Democrats brazenly ignore blacks in favour of Mexicans.

I'd be pretty T'd off, not going to lie


God I love tariq

Remember when Malcolm X said that all the non-whites in the world were like individual fingers and if they came together they could make a fist

conspiracy theory: Tariq is a bizarre right wing plant, like Diamond and Silk and Tyler Perry

Black supremacists are right wing


what about instead its all the non-liberals

Basketball American using other race again.

Malcolm X is one of my favourite Celtic rebels

Sorry but this is unhelpful

My new go-to response for news that doesn't fit my narrative.

Also try

It serves nobody to ve so reductionist


Shut up bigot

You never had the makings of a varsity athlete

What a great morning for drama! We have a race war between blacks and mayos in the other thread, and then blacks and tacos in this one. It's hilarious to see black people shitting on the dnc for immigration policy too, the rest of reddit would have an aneurysm seeing this.

Discovering tariq twitter feed has been a insane trip. He’s like the combination of a wokey and a white supremacist

Hotep is the word you’re looking for

The hotep movement is up there with q anon when it comes to being willfully full of shit


Hes a black version of milo, did you ever see his early work in the music industry, it’s riveting

I need to check it out

wash yo ass

Sounds like a satirical song from the Boondocks

that about sums that garbage up

he has multiple albums and they're all masterpieces, how dare you

Thugg'n love

Do the homey!

This man considers himself a black intellectual. Kill me.

At least he didn’t become a preacher.

They usually wait till their mid 50s for that

Damn, i played this once and my property value instantly went down.

That's redlining. Stop.

I wish I was dead

Tariq 2024

Tariq/Kanye. It's radical CENTRISM.

I love Tariq. I remember he went on some screed because a girl who criticized him once took a selfie with two white guys and her asian boyfriend, him and his club lost their minds and reminded me just how much they love the term "bed wenches".

What a great morning for drama! We have a race war between blacks basketballs and mayos in the other thread, and then blacks basketballs and tacos in this one.

The basketballs are screwed when the mayo-taco alliance goes through.

Yeah it’s join with whitey or it’s ober

It's not an alliance, it's a retconned definition of white.

Just like Irish and Italians were considered not white at one time.

\gautamalcels think they’re just an off shade Nord

Only Mexicans, Chileans, Cubans, and Uruguay will be let in sweaty, darkies like you and the Argentinian’s are BANNED

Not if the dumpling w/mayo alliance teams up first against the fried chicken and taco front

The tacos hate fried chickens with a burning passion. That alliance will never happen. However the triple threat mayo-taco-dumpling alliance is almost a guarantee. I believe the race war will be between the triple threat and the chosen people's champions, the kebab-fired chicken alliance.

Afro-Islamist Reich, imagine Somali but everywhere. It’s coming whitey.

Not if the true whites* unite!!

*may include yellows and light browns

Fuck me. I love the kebab. I'm torn. They really make a great foid chaser ☹️

the kebab-fried chicken alliance.

Deep fried kebab sounds like an unholy creation, one I want to try out

Well if the Afro-Islamist caliphate wins the race war, you'll have plenty of time to try it.

some tacos are whitexicans >:(

I don't use Twitter, but what I have realised from those two threads, Twitter is really racist. Like holy shit. People are so open about it.

its only racist when u r punning down sweety

Its only racist if youre white.

They do but twitter is too big to suspend all these people

Theres a white nationalist section of twitter that just rambles about jews and black people. If you suspend them they just come back with another alt.

Its pointless for twitter to try and stop them

Whitoids winning one, tacos winning another, while the basketball Americans are fucking both of their wives 😎.

Everyone btfo'd by APOC

It's all based on the size of the sheenis

Wash yo cheaply harvested produce

Wtf is ADOS

No idea

American Descendant of Slaves

I haven't looked into, but I'd bet there's gatekeeping against more recent black immigrants wrapped in this.

Imagine bragging about your ancestors getting hoodwinked by mayos..

I don't think it's bragging, it's probably connected to the recent push for reparations.

Edit: Yep

However, also built into its agenda is a distinction for who should be afforded access to reparations. ADOS believes America onlyowes reparations to slave descendants, not to Black people whose families freely immigrated to America. In turn, ADOS demands the government streamline affirmative action and policies like it, so that Black immigrants and other minorities are no longer allowed to take part.

So it's literally about getting even more free stuff at the expense of even more people. How lovely.

Anybody who grew up on welfare, etc. would have been able to tell you this would happen as soon as the discussion turned serious. That lack preconditions families, and then the individual, to fight over any split of something on the table.

This....this right here might be the platinum medal of the Oppression Olympics.

How the fuck can you be so "woke" that you gatekeep slavery.

And here come the Brazilian phrenology trials. I can’t wait for the mixers to have their heads sized on cspan.

This is fucking awesome. I am witnessing cancer getting cancer and falling apart. Yay!


is this a type of negro?

hoodwinked by mayos

You give the mayos too much credit.

They weren't out there on the Saharan plains with lassos or holiday brochures. They just had money to buy what the Kangs and Arabs were selling.

We're a different ethnicity than anyone from africa. Yes its gatekeeping.

Yeah, even as a kid I thought "African-American" was a dumb term. You're American. But I do wonder how big this push is. It wasn't but a couple decades ago that every woke momma was giving her kid an African name so they could remember "their roots".

Really though, all the terms have their flaws.

We want to differentiate ourselves to some extent just as european americans do.

The whole subject is pointless and probably should just be forgotten, but that isnt how humans roll.

??? No one , ever ever ever says they are a “ European American “

I think that's his point, actually. Most White Americans are aware of their ancestry to some degree, at least knowing if they're of Irish, English, German, or whatever descent. They're not simply "European Americans." But most black people in the US, at least those descended from slaves, don't even have that much knowledge about their ethnic identity. They're all just Basketball Americans, despite potentially coming from African cultures as diverse as those in Europe. They can't really get that back, and that sucks. I can kind of understand why they'd want to create an ethnic identity for themselves that's distinct from native Africans, to fill that void.

I'm pretty mayo though, so I might be talking out of my ass.

That is exactly my point.

We want to differentiate ourselves to some extent just as european americans do.


As an FYI the latesha Jackson is not related to chad Jackson it’s just chads family owned latishas family in the past. Actually you might be related now that I think about it

I'ma need Google Translate on this

Yeah you download that when to drink water app?

That's a nifty app 😂

But no

It's starting to pick up steam because actual Africans and Caribbeans will point out right quick that they are not "Black" and don't want to be associated with "African-Americans". The immigrants come over to the Western countries and bust their fucking asses and when "Blacks" talk about how shitty things are in the US, the Africans look at them with this "You know I just left a country where I ran a marathon to get water for the day and had to escape being a child solider, right?"

To be real though Africans act different from Blacks and are probably better off.

So nogs demanding gibs

Lots of black people getting redpilled on the migrant crisis in that thread

Mexican immigrants aren’t coming to the country to take my job. Black people are always going to be disproportionately hurt by this

“THE X WILL NOT REPLACE US.” And other sentences which require a dash of Mayo to be “far right narratives entering acceptable discourse”

White people be all "The Jews will not replace us" while black people be all "Jésus will not replace us"

2005: 13% Black, 14% Hispanic.

2050 predictions: 13% Black, 29% Hispanic.

Lol our basketball brothers and sisters done got replaced.

Is twitter down?


But... the Mexican dude walked up and took down the noose.

Is there some sound-based info I'm missing?

Apparently his buddies put it up was what I gathered the black guys just walked up and I believe the guy says he put it up and is laughing

So people saw a noose and decided to get offended?

I mean...ya. It’s kinda like if I started throwing cotton on the ground or something lol

Oh is it? I'm not from the US

Yes lol. It’s like a overt throwback to lynching blacks


The white supremacists joyously divide and conquer

Oh no no no, that's not white supremacists, white supremacists don't influence those people.

That's the leftist we are all one people except for the nonsense that minorities should have strong loyalties to their peoples because that's how you fight against whiteness finally beginning to backfire big time as whites are inching closer to becoming a minority in America.

The next civil war wouldn't be between Cletus and Jonathan, it will be between Jamal and Diego, and I will be laughing my wrinkled ass off at it and all its collateral damage. No innocents tho! You idiots are all complicit LMAO!

Please don’t assume that anyone who speaks Spanish is Mexican.

It's all the same thing!

holy shit 😂

\> An y’all all practice anti black racism!
unpacking error