Megan Rapinoe ENRAGES /r/shitamericanssay by coming out as RADICAL CENTRIST

77  2019-07-11 by dootwthesickness_II


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  1. Megan Rapinoe ENRAGES /r/shitameric... -,,

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r/shitamericanssays, nothing but yuropoors seething that their continent is getting more and more irrelevant by the day.

Lmao the only thing uniquely American about that is thinking that that is uniquely American

And a staggering amount of morbidly obese people.

we aren't even number one in obesity anymore :(

is this the twilight years of our empire?

Damn. At least you still have guns to off yourselves in times like this :(

not if the democrats have their way :___(

Oh god... They really take everything from you.

Well we don't have terrorists running us down in droves so we have to make up for it somehow.

Pretty sure you're more likely to get shot in the US

The Mexicans took obesity from the burgers just like they took the undocumented jobs.

I'm surprised Libya is 30%+ obese.

hella fat

You'd think the civil war would thin 'em out or something.

lol Polynesians need to cut back on the ham.

GCC-cels be eatin'.

Surprised to see Iraq and Libya. Especially since I thought Libya would be starving or something due to their war.

the tacos passed us recently :(

not even in top 10_(2016))

She is right tho, Eurocucks can't even take a shit without asking for government approved shitting certificate first.

True, but eurocucks dont get shot by their 4 year old whilst shitting.

😎 the price of freedom 😎

Give greencard daddy πŸ˜˜πŸ˜©πŸ’¦πŸ’¦

Americans choose the Achilles option live free die young

True, they get by truck instead

That's because the four-year old is too busy being raped by Muslims.


Pretty sure there's more rape in the US

oi mate u got a loicense for that shit?

my american queen 😍😍

I mean it's not 'uniquely american' but like? what is lately

IDK. Definitely not athleticism or maintaining a healthy weight.

US has 2 and half times more Olympic medals than the next closest country

Coincidentally it was 10x the human biomass

Jesus you're shit at trolling.

He said, at end of his seriouspost response to said troll.

'Cunt' isn't a gendered word outside of the US

I don't know why this lie πŸ€₯ keeps getting perpetuated by dumbass Redditers.

Because their love for misogynistic insults doesn't square well with their male feminism.

Because it's a fun dirty word that they can pretend isn't dirty and feel better telling off anyone who complains

It's like the whole "progressive French movie with progressively gratuitous shots of the erect nipples on that progressive actor's shapely progressive breasts" thing.

No amount of self-righteous makes it less male gazey.

Said like someone who truly has no idea what theyre talking about. Let me guess youre american?

Guessed wrong, soyboy. What are you doing commenting on week-old drama comments, anyway?

I'm a PhD student doing my thesis on the unconscious misogyny in language. I'm focusing purely on UK forums, news, publications, entertainment etc.

One of the most unsurprising findings of one aspect of my analysis was that the word "cunt" was used almost exclusively by men (99.76%) towards women (73.47%).

Don't try to pretend cunt isn't used as a gendered slur. The facts are not on your side.

If you want to be misogynistic, do so. But have the courage to face up to what you're doing, instead of the laughable offence of "b. B. But it isn't gendered in other countries 😒"

It fucking is. Try asking a woman next time.

The only freedom Amerikkka has is the freedom to swindle dumb fatties out of their coin and call it activism.

But also guns and the freedom to criticize Islam without being thrown in the Old Bailey

And the freedom not to be a faggy europoor.

Otherwise known as the First Freedom.

That's politicianspeak

Yuros mad (x24)

Imagine losing at a sport to a country that hates that sport

Based and red, white, and bluepilled

That's because yuroop is filled with based trad wives who wouldn't dare play soccer. American degenerancy wins again.

Correct, but you're using to address an American women so you know exactly what you're doing. I'm Scottish and drop cunt all the time but not towards women in the U.S. because of how it's perceived.

Wait do people not need the gamer word pass in Europe since slavery happened in the us πŸ€”

You know what else didn’t happen in Scotland? The presence of black people.

Ahem Idi Amin was the last king of Scotland and was a hell of a bbq master.

It explains well the sheer moral-aesthetic ugliness of leftist groups. True compassion and concern for the downtrodden manifest in quiet, persistent, unpretentious acts of charity and self-sacrifice. Succumbing to the temptation to strike a public pose of righteousness and condescending "allyship" is a moral failing, period, full stop. This has been understood for millennia:

Jesus Christ:

So when you give to the poor, do not sound a trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, so that they may be honored by men. Truly I say to you, they have their reward in full. But when you give to the poor, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving will be in secret; and your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you.

That said, it's very hard not to indulge in schadenfreude from watching radlib groups tear themselves apart in incestuous spirals of paranoia and denunciations. Truly they have their reward in full.

Rapinoe is unironically based


And that's a good thing

Well it’s a unique experience to not be nationalist in the US where in other countries it is more or less normal.

If America would stop leeching off of the third world, their parasitic fat asses would stop inducing famine and chaos in the third world, and this lack of American caused chaos would cease triggering migrations. America is the disease, migration is a symptom of the disease. As long as the disease exists, the parasite keeps infesting the world, migration will continue to occur. Only when the third world isn't leeched off of by the northern parasites, will they be free.

Delete your account and don’t come back, you Stalinist piece of shit.

Megan Rapinie burned herself