kaffir asks how to leave islam in r/islam

232  2019-07-12 by heeehaaw


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Gay porn is a genre that cuts across all demographics and the stigma that you have to be gay to enjoy it needs to come to an end right now.


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Hello Norm

Brothers and sisters, this is what liberalism does to a person. He says in the comments even if Allah exists, he wouldn’t worship him because of lgbt.

Does it sound familiar?

Satan did the same thing, he believes in Allah but his ego is so inflated that he willingly chose to disobey. In other words he has chosen hell for himself, just to prove that he is right (that he is better than Adam)

This person here was brainwashed so much to love the lgbt deviants that he chose to disbelieve in Allah in order to fulfill his duty towards the lgbt.

Liberalism is the most dangerous thing for us muslims. Not even nuclear bombs can do this damage.


Honestly that sounds like the kind of take I'd expect from TradCaths.

what a yuge coincidence

This is what I've been saying to the lefties I know irl. They're all sheltered Vancouver liberals. I've actually worked for a traditional Muslim family at a restaurant, the two groups would not get along irl.

Yeah my family is Sunni and whenever i hear a liberal or a commie say that Islam is misunderstood and not reactionary at all, i just want to punch them in the face.

In fairness, ex-Muslims are the most eternally arseraged part of Islam, just as ex-Christians are to Christians.

True, but we get called uncle Toms for leaving that wonderful religion, so it's somewhat understandable

yea cant imagine why the muslim version of christianity is also christianity

It’s just Christianity with extra steps

Show me just what Muhammad brought that was new and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached. - Emperor Manuel II

That can't be a real name lol

The Palaiologos were the final ruling dynasty of Byzantium. All of the dynasties had epic names.

Literally the exact same thing, but that's a good thing!

t. Nietzsche

This but unironically

My atheist Saudi friend found Nietzsche very funny.

Nietzsche is a very good read. He has diagnosed the modern man, radical self determination in socirty following the Death of God.

lol picke rick fellow redditor xD

u mad

Liberalism is intrinsically inimical to religion. It makes human autonomy and freedom, not God, the highest arbiter of right and wrong. Each individuals truth becomes King, not truth itself. It's a cancer.

Lol nice

The highest arbiter of truth is Karl Marxs Das Kapitol the imo

actually it's whatever me and my friends say it is

That's the gayest, dumbest, most stupid thing I've ever read. Liberalism is inseparable from Protestantism. They are the same thing.

Many protestant denominations this is true for, but not all. Mainly mainline American evangelism and Protestantism.


Rightoid-Muslim alliance when?


I’ve heard that occasionally MDE would sorta be okay with Muslims, mostly because of their (((common enemy)))

The common enemy of mankind you mean.

It will happen eventually. There's been cases of rightoids converting to Islam. Even Mike Cernovich once said that only moderate Islam can save the west.

I would imagine most conservative Muslims would vote R, if it wasn't for the fact that most Republicans hate them

Well most Republicans think women are at least half a person, and pedophilia shouldnt be actively encouraged. So I can understand the reservations tbh.

Same is true of the highly catholic Hispanic population. The only thing standing in the way of a permanent Republican majority is the Republicans own bigotry.

most muslims did vote R prior to 9/11

1978-2001 RIP

Don't say kaffir if you're ever in South Africa, it is worse than saying nagger and will land you in jail.


Why the fuck would I ever want to be in South Africa

Uummm sweaty... are you saying you don't want to join in the fun of mayocide? mods! mods! we have a user here you can't behave

How fun can a mayocide be when you get locked up for saying Mayo????

Random question but I keep seeing sweaty on comments here, is there a meaning behind it?

It's a dogwhistle to the other nazi users like me

Lurk more. It's an intentional misspelling of "sweety", originating probably from twoX.

It's a slight change from "sweetie" but more accurate

South Africa is like 90s: the country, great for nostalgia

and Allah-pilled

Liberals r bad because they compete for Muslim kids.

Nothing based here tbh.

Liberalism is the most dangerous thing for us muslims. Not even nuclear bombs can do this damage.

Sounds like a Memri TV quote

Satan did the same thing, he believes in Allah but his ego is so inflated that he willingly chose to disobey. In other words he has chosen hell for himself, just to prove that he is right (that he is better than Adam)

It's not just the ego by the way: as it happens, Man only imagined landing on the moon. Satan inflated himself, turning himself into a moon between Earth and the real moon. Thus, he deluded Man that he landed on the moon, but in fact, he landed on Satan.

Satan is a master of inflation, don't get me started on the 9/11 inflation vore theory.

I ejaculated while reading this

Why am I agreeing with Watermark?

Damn not even a communist hates liberals this much


You : “people’s rights”

Also you : abortion, gay marriage

Well where is my right to live in a society without degeneracy ? I thought the liberal mantra is “as long as you don’t harm anyone...”

I personally suffer from the degeneracy that is increasing in today’s societies. My kids will suffer in a world where gay people can married. Where are my rights then ?

And sharia-pilled.

O, by Allah, I cannot imagine living in such a world where the icky icky gay people are allowed to hold hands in public! My children would surely be traumatized.

I would much rather prefer if the whole world were like my beautiful Assfuckistan, where we cut off people's heads in public and splash acid on our wives if they forget to lavish praise on Muhammad exactly 47 times a day. Such beautiful heritage... 😌🕌

O, by Allah, I cannot imagine living in such a world where the icky icky gay people are allowed to hold hands in public! My children would surely be traumatized.

I would much prefer if the whole world were like my beautiful Assfuckistan, where we cut off people's heads in public and splash acid on our wives if they forget to lavish praise on Muhammad exactly 47 times a day. Such beautiful heritage... 😌🕌

This needs to be a snappy quote now!

I mean imagine saying oh yeah the creator of the infinite multiverse is real and holds the power over all creation and the fate of my Immortal soul but I wouldn't listen cause I want to be praised right now.

That's peak branlet ishallah

Dude in first common change going to bat for invest

Middle easterners were the real mayos all along

You'd be surprised with how much in common Middle Easterners and Rightoid mayos have in common.

It’s funny though. Rightoids are more like middle easterners but leftoids want to import them lol

Horseshoe theory works for race as well


It is no coincidence that they are both considered as white and Caucasian.

More mayo, then, mayo

More mayo, then, mayo

Brawwwwwwwww wowow chickchicka wowow.

Not really. All they're saying is incest is only slightly more degenerate than gays.

Based and true-aryan-pilled

Maybe the real Jihad were the siblings we fucked along the way

you wouldn't have had a problem with Islam's view on homosexuality if you were born 50 years ago

We gucci

Reminder fags reproduce by molesting children.


Also, what was OP thinking? Probably a deliberate baitpost. Someone get him in this thread.


I don't want to sit here and defend incest, but in the societal framework that has been established lately, I'm afraid to say there is no logical argument against incest whatsoever.

Fucking lol

Same thing happened on r/conservative with pedophilia.

"Well now that homosexuality is legalized, what's stopping us from legalizing other degeneracies like having sex with a hot 12-year old, huh? I'm telling you, NOTHING! We should push to legalize sex with minors"

Whole sub went apeshit in favor of fucking kids acting like they were only doing it to make a point.

These people aren't afraid of bussylovers. They're jealous.

It's like people who call homosex a "lifestyle choice". No wonder they hate gays if they are spending every waking moment fighting the temptation to give into sweet homosex

They should stop fighting and give in to temptation. 😈😈😈😈

The authors investigated the role of homosexual arousal in exclusively heterosexual men who admitted negative affect toward homosexual individuals. Participants consisted of a group of homophobic men (n= 35) and a group of nonhomophobic men (n= 29); they were assigned to groups on the basis of their scores on the Index of Homophobia (WW Hudson & WA Ricketts, 1980). The men were exposed to sexually explicit erotic stimuli consisting of heterosexual, male homosexual, and lesbian videotapes, and changes in penile circumference were monitored. They also completed an Aggression Questionnaire (AH Buss & M. Perry, 1992). Both groups exhibited increases in penile circumference to the heterosexual and female homosexual videos. Only the homophobic men showed an increase in penile erection to male homosexual stimuli. The groups did not differ in aggression. Homophobia is apparently associated with homosexual arousal that the homophobic individual is either unaware of or denies.


this is amazing


By claiming that there are no logical arguments against incest, they are by extension claiming that Allah's commandments are illogical. Accusing Allah of such things is a one way ticket to Jahannam.

Infidel! Allah's laws are not bound by logic, they are bound by Allah!

Allah isn't logical. Christianity has a logical, rational God. Allah is not bound by anything.

I mean, that is kind of the point of the concept of God.

In Islam, yes. And also some parts of Christianity. Catholicism takes the view that God is inseparable from and is the fountainhead of logic and goodness and all that jazz, while Islam takes the view that logic = whatever God says it is, and goodness = whatever God says it is.

No, not at all actually. The God of the Christian faith is bound entirely by His nature, His will and His infinite rationality. He cannot make a square circle, for instance.

This is actually foundational for the faith and imo the best argument for Christianity. Our capacity to make rational sense of the universe stems from the infinite rationality of God, created as we are in His image.

Based and Ilhan-pilled.

He's right though.

Assuming that their is no reproduction happening (cause birth control and abortion are a thing), what are the logical arguments against incest?

Psychology I’d assume (weak argument tbf)

Im fine with chalking it up to "It's disgusting, you freaks"

Assuming that their is no reproduction happening (cause birth control and abortion are a thing)

Assuming that their is no reproduction happening



Wow, it's like you don't even read. Rather than address the argument presented to you, you instead present out a third world shithole that clearly meets neither of the requirements he mentioned.


implying Britbongistan isn't a third world shit hole too.

You're not wrong buddy, I'm sorry I shouted. I have been doing a lot of assertiveness work with my therapist and I'm still figuring out where my limits are.

May the peace, mercy, and blessings of Allah be upon you.

It skullfucks the family structure that most cultures depend on.

Read what he says though

No thanks

I don't want to sit here and defend __, but in the societal framework that has been established lately, I'm afraid to say there is no logical argument against __ whatsoever.

Who wants to play madlibs? Ill start!

I don't want to sit here and defend dog-fucking, but in the societal framework that has been established lately, I'm afraid to say there is no logical argument against dog-fucking whatsoever

The sentiment towards incest will likely change in the future

How do you say roll tide in arabic

fayd yadahraj

It's not very taboo in most of the west, either. It's just an American thing.

Hell yeah hope it happens before mom gets to old

Today it's homsexuality, tomorrow it's sex with animals, then it's sex with children, etc.

Isn't that just a 'slippery slope fallacy'?

I've argued with people on this site who say it's ok to rape your dog. I've argued with people on this site who say it's ok for a 40 yo to fuck a 16 yo. I don't know what kind of delusional world these people are in to just write this off as a fallacy.

Yikes! this title is very problematic OP!! you're basically saying the N word!!!


its okay for me, i am brown skinned kaffir. i can say both words

mrs. osama get down!

For example (and this is a commonly cited example), right now incest is viewed negatively in society. Incest is prohibited in Islam explicitly. Do you have a problem with Islam prohibiting incest? Probably not. People openly judge others who engage in incest, just look at online comments towards it. The sentiment towards incest is bad, in fact, it is punishable by law in some places. So do you have a problem with Islam because of this? Be honest. The sentiment towards incest will likely change in the future, and at that time, Islam will still say "incest is wrong and cannot become prevalent in society", will you leave Islam then?

Hahahaha what the fuck?

These are the arguments you make when your aunt is also your cousin wife.

Islam is against incest

My sides. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Consanguinity#Muslim countries https://oddculture.com/the-rat-people-of-pakistan/

Islam is against incest. Sand rightoids (especially pakicels) pick and choose the verses they like and ignore the rest. They're weak in faith so they accuse others of wrongdoing in a pathetic attempt to avoid confronting their own degeneracy. Facts and logic trigger them.

pick and choose the verses they like and ignore the rest.

Yup https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=NMp2wm0VMUs

So, basically sandchristians?

I want this comment in croquet and frammed

They think only fucking your mother is incest. Fucking other relatives is fine.

Chapos confirm not incestual, she fucking their dads.

You have to draw the line somewhere, we are all technically distant cousins, we all descended from Adam and Steve

I would draw the line in a way that it would not include people whose genetic relationship can be described by one word, though.

Regarding the treatment of lgbtq, how old are you? Maybe you're old enough to remember how the world viewed LGBTQ 15 years ago, 20 years ago, etc. It was completely different back then. I'm absolutely NOT saying treating them with disrespect is okay. What I'm saying is, at the time the world deemed it "wrong" behavior and no one questioned the Islamic stance on it (asides from maybe LGBTQ people themselves). Most likely you wouldn't have had a problem with Islam's view on homosexuality if you were born 50 years ago.. so is it possible that your decision is due to societal pressure and not your own critical thinking?

Hating fags is good because more people used to hate fags.

The last seven words in your sentence were superfluous.



That's real accelerationism. Islam ftw.

wow why do I hate Muslims again? Shariah law when

Based and Muhammadpilled.

Why are you so fixated on the LGBTQ issue? Are you a part of that community yourself or something?

It's honestly sad how this liberal ideology is infecting the minds of our youngsters. Anything will be permissible according to this liberal ideology.

Alhumdulliah for Islam. I'm glad our religion isn't something which changes day by day.


Based Islam

UUnironically the most based religion

Some Islamic scholars have argued homosexual relations should be allowed since risk of disease is almost nil these days with modern medicine

Why is it that the only even remotely based and bussypilled comment is by a filthy exmussy?

And lmao at the retards whose only argument against bussy is "muh HIV". Even if that was a valid argument, it only applies to sluts who take BB loads.

Especially these days

modern medicine

And who is paying for this medicine? At best your argument is that their lifestyle places an unnecessary burden on healthcare systems.

Smokers and people who eat anything but coleslaw should be outlawed. Also anyone who has remained idle for more than 30 minutes. But most of all it is you who should be outlawed.

Smoking is increasingly becoming banned in more places.

My shitty joke obviously wouldn't last under the scrutiny of an actual discussion but discouraging behaviour that's harmful to oneself is different from discouraging behaviour that is (supposedly) harmful/detrimental to others, so your example doesn't hold up either.

Ye mate condoms and std tests are hella expensive its actually ruining Canada healthcare system right now

How much does HIV medicine cost?

A shitton, shit is fucked, its not preventive tho

Who is paying for the treatment of the STD known as premarital pregnancy which exclusively affects heterosexuals? Heterosexuals are a burden on healthcare systems.

That thread is gold

Regarding the treatment of lgbtq, how old are you? Maybe you're old enough to remember how the world viewed LGBTQ 15 years ago, 20 years ago, etc. It was completely different back then. I'm absolutely NOT saying treating them with disrespect is okay. What I'm saying is, at the time the world deemed it "wrong" behavior and no one questioned the Islamic stance on it (asides from maybe LGBTQ people themselves). Most likely you wouldn't have had a problem with Islam's view on homosexuality if you were born 50 years ago.. so is it possible that your decision is due to societal pressure and not your own critical thinking?

Based rational Muslim...

I like how the same argument could be made toward the treatment of blacks, jews, and muslims in the US 50 years ago and changes literally nothing.

What I'm saying is, at the time the world deemed it "wrong" behavior and no one questioned the Islamic stance on it

LOL, I wonder will he/she use the same logic to sex slavery when considering Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism,etc had no concept of slavery.

Lmao imagine thinking faggots aren't going to be stuffed back in the closet soon. The world is moving right ward daily. Now all that's left is to out fuck the Mayos in Europe and americas. The day the white race goes extinct will be marked with a global holiday.

it's like every /r/drama buzzword in 1 post, AY BRO GOT ANY BUSSY LMAO

Allah has guided me to not believe in him anymore.

Inshallah, it is his destiny not to believe.

This is unironically true.

Allah's messenger (saw) the true and truly inspired said, (as regards your creation, 22.5) “everyone of you is collected in the womb of his mother for the first 40 days in the form of a seed, and then he becomes a clot for another 40 days, and then a lump of flesh for another 40 days. Then Allah sends an angel to write four things. He writes his deeds, time of death, means of his livelihood, and whether he will be happy or unhappy in the (Hereafter). Then the soul is breathed into his body. So a man may do deeds characteristic of the people of hell until there is but an arms length between him and hell, and that which has been written by the angel overtakes him and so he begins to behave like the people of paradise and thus he enters it. Similarly, a person may do deeds characteristic of people of paradise until there is but an arm's length between him and paradise, and that which has been written overtakes him and so he behaves like the people of hell and thus he enters it.” ( Sahih Al-bukhari and Sahih Muslim ).

Predermination is a thing in Islam.

Goats? Perfectly okay.

Sisters? Yep, no problem.

Cousins? Hell, lets arrange a marriage for you.


He does have a point about pedo’s. Give it 15 years, the acronym will probably change to LGBTQP and the world will be like “oh yeah makes sense”.