The Insect-American host of a podcast about being gay with your dad breaks up with his fiancé and the corresponding subreddit explodes in anger. The jury is out on whether this is because she fucked her “gay” friends or converted to Catholicism after going to brunch with Wall Street tradcons.

59  2019-07-12 by JokerCarSalesman


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jesus fuck, you people. I've now unsubscribed, which is a shame, because a lot of greentexts are genuinely funny, but this alt-right underbelly is just unbearable.


  1. The Insect-American host of a podca... -,,

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Adam is too pure and gay for this world.

Preach, brother. Just another example of Slavic violence against African Americans.

Breaking up with your fiancé because you got roasted by an AOC staffer who is better looking than you on Twitter is an alright bit. I guess it’s for the best that Adam can find someone who won’t murder him in his sleep or rat him out when Trump starts Holocaust 2: Electric BoogaJew.

The crown shows that we would die for Adam. At least that’s how I saw it

Even though he's a bug he does not deserve getting stepped on.

Did anyone think this "relationship" would last? It was an abusive cuckoldric relationship at worst, a sugar daddy situation at best. I'd feel sorry for Adam but he was basically asking to get cheated on.

I'd feel sorry for Adam


r/redscarepod the sub for the podcast that cheating whore is on is all about this rn too

As someone who listens to RS and not CT, I'm so god damned confused about this situation. Is it a reference? Did they break up as a bit? Is hating on Dasha a meme? I don't know anything.

It sounds like they almost certainly very seriously broke up and the hosts of Cumtown seem to be very annoyed about how this has all played out. Maybe tomorrow we will find out that Adam fucked Scarlett Johansson and that’s why they are breaking up, but the intimation from the podcast hosts is that this is Dasha’s fault.

On r/Cumtown hating on just about everyone involved with the podcast is kind of a meme (hosts included), but I think there is some sincere anger towards Dasha about this right now.

Am I wrong or does this happen in every "personality" podcast? Like rumors fly and everyone always thinks the woman is being a dumb slut and then it comes out that nothing's as severe as everyone thought... not saying this isn't different. I would think Dasha would have tweeted something by now today...

She has responded to the allegations of cheating.

That reminds me: how do I find qt tradcon twink bf

Dasha is a living parody of retarded Brooklyn women. The fact that they were engaged in the first place should tell you a lot about Adam’s self-respect.

Why are all of these people always so ugly? Like, no matter what context, if I hear that someone is primarily known for doing a podcast and nothing else they are, without a doubt, fucking hideous.

The girl herself has entered the fray.

literally who

can i get someone who isn't a fucking retard to explain this dumb shit please

Probably not.

Can we get a quick rundown for those of us who don't listen to friend simulators.

Quick rundown on them:

rothschilds bow to the Cumboys

in contact with big titty aliens

rumoured to possess psychic abilities

control their dads with an iron dick

own castles and ((banks)) all over the world

direct descendants of the ancient royal cum line

will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Cumtown will be be the first city)

own basically every DNA editing research facility on Earth

first designer babies will be Cum Babies

three cohosts said to have 200+ IQ

ancient Indian scriptures tell of three angels who will descend upon the Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress (mainly boat sirens) with them

they own Nanobot T&A labs around the world

You likely have Cum inside you right now

the Cumboys are in regular communication with the Archangels Tom and Ian, forwarding the word of God to the Orthocuck Church

they learned fluent African Man in under a week

nation states entrust their gold reserves with the twins. There's no gold in Ft. Knox, only Ft. Cum

the hosts are 42069 years old, from the space-time reference point of the base human.

in reality, they are timeless beings existing in all points of time and space from the Dad bang to the end of the universe

the Cumboys will guide humanity into a new age of wisdom, peace and sexual love for your own father

lol im SOOOO randum *holds up spork*

We're all very amused.

nah fuck u this was clever

It's a variation on the quick rundown meme, it's not random you poser.

I love that sub, maybe I should listen to the podcast sometime

You really should if you are interested in that kind of relatively juvenile humor; the podcast is genuinely better than the sub itself (though they have a similar feel) and is generally pretty funny (don’t listen to the David Cross interview or the rape accusations interview early on; they are both horribly unfunny and cringe).

I'm gonna miss Dasha because her very existence created the most intense infighting between cumboys ever seen.