Brothers, behold your future!

69  2019-07-12 by clairmint


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This is why we need mayocide.


  1. Brothers, behold your future! -,

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unironically this

Why is everyone so bluepilled? I just want to complain about women and not be looked at like I'm sort of a maniac, lmao


The majority of my friends are 26+ year old virgins

leave your shit religion

Counterpoint: they could've gone all in with their ISIS pals and got in some good ol' raping.

implying they wouldn't be one of the 'pearl-like boys' having their bussy reamed by Sheikh Al-Chad when he's sick of his slave girls.

Lol i lost my v at 21 and subsequently smashed 20 foids hundreds of times b4 marriage

Become atheist islam bros, slay puss

Lost mine at 14 but I'm Jewish so it's okay.

What was your rabbi's name?


Oy vey, how did you know?

Foidfuckers raus

And I was counting on the jihadists to stay strong...

These are the major minority. They probably don't professionmaxx or don't arrangedmarriagemaxx.

In in mashallah restored.

Bloatmaax Eastern Orthodoxmaxxing and kyriakos grizzly pilled for me plz

May Allah bless us all


This sub used to be very good about giving Allah his proper praise but something has left this sub. A Spector of degeneracy has taken over. May all come back to us all

Oh, this is good. Thank you for this.

I know a shit ton of Muzzies, very rarely do I see any that are single into their late 20’s. I expect good cope from this sub.

I need this guy be modded stat. Endless potential. May those who were responsible for the pinging ban have their bussy violated by Dajjal.

Hahahahaha holy shit dude.

In my opinion that’s volcelism.

One of the explanations of the Arab Spring is the so-called youth bulge. That's when young men make up a high percentage of the population (at least 30%).

Incels are a violent plague.

War is to kill off competition for foids sickening

Yet more proof that moids are the most destructive force and nature and that the MQ must be finally solved if humanity has any hope of surviving into the next century

It's a self correcting mechanism though, as they end up dying in these revolutions and wars.

But not really, because at what cost to society is this correction happening? Scholars will tell you that the cost is just too much.

incels dying

Who cares?

But it's not just incels dying? Incels cause civil wars, at the least. And that's a fact, proven by science.

The same scholars who complain about the Earth being overpopulated.

Interesting. I mean, I'm Muslim and I didn't expect Muslimcels to exist, at least not in great numbers.


I mean, I have friends who are getting engaged at 17. They get a semi-arranged marriage and that's it.


And it's not about looks at all. Its about profession. Engineer, doctor or Lawyer? You're in.

Well there are only 216, and what percent of normal incels make good money? If they made good money they good get some kind of women.

> If they made good money they good get some kind of women.


A good portion of them are STEMcels. They just don't have the balls to say anything to a woman.

The only real incels are ricecels lbr

Western muslimcels, pakicels, towelheadcels, browncels, currycels, etc. are mostly just autists seething about being a punchline to a joke. After they hit 24 they're married off with a foid from their home country and get busy producing offspring that aid in the discovery of new genetic illnesses.

Mayocels have self-hating Azn girls as a fallback and Tyronecels have cuckold fetishists. But ricecels? It never even began for ricecels.

Muslimcels in their indigenous habitats are definitely a thing tho. They mostly reeeee about their local Chads and Arabs polygamymaxxing.

Nah Tyrone-Cells can Get Suburban white women with Jungle fever and then can also Pump and Dump black women on the side.

Black Women are the equivalent of Ricecels except they just get stuck with a kid Tyrone isn't about to help raise.

Maybe you can explain how any form of communication was allowed to get as incomprehensible as this guy's chavvy accent + random arabic.

He's not that hard to understand tbh

Maybe my ears aren't used to unlubricated dicking by gutter arabic like yours are.

I'm sure if his accent was thicker it would be much worse. Right now its ok.

You're kidding right? Im shocked youtube allows this kind of shit on its platform. You've got some guy advocating terrorism and misogyny in the name of his polytheistic religion, spitting out words coined by bedouin bandits as though they were holy.

cope mayoid. Your bull is asking for a beer

aren't muslism the ones always fuming about being called black and insisting they are actually white people?

Lol imagine wanting to be white

Tell that to the whole arabic race, particularly the iranians who are sensitive about it due to their pagan roots and semitic heritage.

Some Iranians want to go back to worshipping fire and having an emperor, what's your point fentanoid?

I mean, I can understand wanting to return to a time before bedouin rat bandits conquered your once-great nation and then tried to appropriate its culture. Shit, maybe arabs are white.

You are cursed to die to an overdose

Hey, its not my country covered in poppy fields.

Yours is covered in mayoids

At least they have toilet paper.

moids bitching about women transcends race, culture, country and time.

One who smells shit everywhere should check his own shoe 🤔

🤔 😬

What is a du’aa

Muslim magic spell?

At last I have found my الاخوة في السلاح

For me personally, I fear Allah. So I have not committed fornication and never will, God willing.

Thank you 🙏 Lmao the new azn identity