Red Letter Media fans not pleased with latest guest "star".

16  2019-07-13 by Hamalama


On 9/5/18 I met my best friend. Nearly 5 months later she gave birth to a healthy baby boy. Just a reminder that being a father is not about “blood” but about being available with unconditional love and support


  1. Red Letter Media fans not pleased w... -,

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Patton Oswald gets a lot of shit but at least he takes it like a man unlike Wil Wheaton

I would love if they had Wheaton on for drama’s sake, but I almost always hate guest on these types of shows.

They almost never mesh well with the regulars. The one with Max Landis was unwatchable but so is everything involving Max “full on rapist” landis

Max almost ruined double down for me. That episode would have been amazing if he wasn't there

Yeah, I mean he may or may not have killed his wife, but he never rubbed me the wrong way. Glad to see he's back on the wagon.

I don’t care what you do to your wife, I’m no kink shamer

I always say don't do the kink, unless your willing to do the clink. But props for being sharp enough to get the "all clear." My man!

Well I always say “Don’t slap her up until you’re lawyered up.”

Oswald is an east cost normie that knows how to hate himself, Wheaton grew up as a LA shithead.

can someone post the link to that autistic investigation /tv/ did on RLM where they found out Rich's parents are crackheads and Mike cucked Jay?

Wait. Mike cucked Jay? How can you go from that to that.

Jay is unironically an extremely attractive man now, but not 10+ years ago. I could definitely see this happening when they were younger.

Good lord. Now I understand why RLM never interacts with the fucking fanbase. I can definitely see most of that shit being true, though, or at least not far from the truth. I always assumed the "Mike cucked Jay" memes were about Jessi though, not some other chick.

On April 21, 2016, McNamara died in her sleep in the family's Los Angeles, California, home. Her death was attributed to a combination of a previously undiagnosed heart condition and complications from ingested medications (Adderall, Xanax, and Fentanyl)

how fucking stupid are you to take stimulants, opiod AND a benzo at the same ti-

Mr. Oswalt, 47, said McNamara was ridden with anxiety as a result of working on her latest true-crime book when he suggested she “sleep until you wake up.


and didn’t he end up marrying his much younger and hotter side piece like 6 months later

Didn't they already ruind some Best of the Worsts by having rapist Max Landis on? Seems like par for the course.

That was one episode, and it was ruined by him being an obnoxious piece of shit, not because he's a rapist.

I'm not saying that patton killed his wife but I've never seen him state that he didn't kill his wife...